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To quote a song; "to everything... there is a season..." Summer harvests mean canning season. Feels kinda weird doing all this stuff without the Mrs. around. We usually work on this together through the season.


Anyhow, after 8 hours effort we went from this:


A lot of prep work:



to produce this:



I don't want to look at another cuke for a month :P , But I'll be staring at em again in another week or so.


Heck, that first 50 jars barely gets us through til next summer. Thanks for the compliments guys. Just hope they taste as good as when wifey was doing them. Usually I do the washing and prepping while she does the actual preserving and mixing.


It's a lot of work, but those gleaming jars look oh so nice when they are all full. If I get down again this winter for smelt I'd be honored to do a taste test to see if your pickle skills are as good as the bosses. The ones I had last winter where bang on!


Good stuff there bud.I'm getting over run with Tomatoes,Okra,Squash,Beets ,Raspberries and Blackberries.We should have a thread of garden pics here.



Looks good :thumbsup_anim: . I do not hate them, I love them :lol: . I'm ready for the weekend ( the yearly entertainment) :lol: Usually I do about 100 jars. Busy for few hrs.. Opened last one from previous year. I do not know your recipe, but I use also 1/2 ts of pickling spices, bay leaves and horse radish. I cannot buy this "jewel" in the store

  bigugli said:
They look good, but,,,, I gotta wait 6 weeks before they are ready to taste.


Wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy Tooooooooooooo Loooooooooooong <_< I enjoy mine in about two weeks :thumbsup_anim:


Before the weekend I'm going to check how wild mushrooms are doing in the forest.


Hopeing for this









and this



  keram said:
Wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy Tooooooooooooo Loooooooooooong <_< I enjoy mine in about two weeks :thumbsup_anim:


All depends on the recipe. We used to do fermented dills. 10 weeks.


Gave up on that process. Some decades back woke up in the middle of the night to gunshots :o . Go down to the basement to see pickle jars exploding everywhere. :P The house reeked for days.


There is an old oak leaf recipe my Mom has that I have to try again. A distinct flavour.

  bigugli said:
Gave up on that process. Some decades back woke up in the middle of the night to gunshots :o . Go down to the basement to see pickle jars exploding everywhere. :P The house reeked for days.

To prevent "gunshots" :D I stop fermentation process after about 7-10 days ( depends on temp) by putting jars in big container with water, then bring the water to the boiling point, remove jars and cool them down in upside-down position. This prevent the air going inside and make a very tight seal.

  keram said:
Wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy Tooooooooooooo Loooooooooooong <_< I enjoy mine in about two weeks :thumbsup_anim:


Before the weekend I'm going to check how wild mushrooms are doing in the forest.


Hopeing for this









and this





Some of those look magical ;)

  TC1OZ said:
Some of those look magical ;)

Magical ???? what kind ?????

I do not pick m-rooms that make ( after eating them)1.5 lb bass looks like 6.5 lb bass :o ( wrong kind of magic) :w00t: , but there is some magic in it, if you compare the taste and smell ( particularly dried) to store bought m-rooms (what I personally call "toilet paper shaped like m-rooms", you will notice the difference. After 40 years of enjoying them I know the difference

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