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Posted (edited)

AHHH yes...... Finaly construction vacations. 8)


i planned this trip This winter and Its finaly here!


6 days on one of my favorite bass lake .


Nothing to worry about... no stress.


The only worry was ...Am i going to get that BEAST im looking for???? :roll:


monday / saturday. BASS BASS BASS AND MORE BASS!






we get the the lake. down pour..... pack the boat and head south the the island.


get there and mother nature gives us a break. she stop the rain and we set up camp.






we get a couple of houres worth of LMB fishing and land two keepers.


the bass taste like walleye in this lake .






have a feast and then we head back fishing.


that night we landed some beauties but nothing to prove!




Mother nature was Brewing a storm but it passed right beside us.


Hit the Triangle head in the A.M 's








The weather has been so '' MUSHY'' lately that a High amount of mushrooms been growing on the island.


i take a fishing break. and i go explore this ''Paradice'' That we are on.







Slugs buffet???




Fishing was hard that day. As night falls we are still getting the 2-3 lbs bass. but Still nothing to prove.






Day 3


I go to put my sock only to see this little bugger sneaked in my sock and was going to sting me!!! :shock:




Black widow style!


That day we fished a Shole That had produced HUNDREDS of bass years befor and was still producing HUGE amount of fish.


This day my cousin got the MASSIVE hit.


A pig. 4.8 lbs that is!










The bass on that shole were inhaling the spinnerbaits.


***WARNING*** This picture is not for a tree huger.




set the hook right in the brain of the fish! :shock:


My friend mike caught a bass that regurgitated a perch that had to be 7-8 Oz.




i tried to stuff it back in but there was no way.






This is my cousins thumb.... hes a gouverment worker... so the small teeth on the bass digs right thru his computer fingers. :lol:




As we were Heading back to camp. It hits me like a Brick.


something was telling me.'' go back to that Log... a Hog is awaitting''.


I slap my self back to reality and storm the 9.9 Johnson straight to the Dead Head.


Bass_hunter Throws in a 5 '' sinking minnow black W/ red flakes.


0.2 seconds later FISH_ON!






A Pure Healthy Large Mouth Bass . 4.1 lbs


Day 4


Twas a windy day.




winds smashing my wake splashing right into my face woke me up fast that mornning.


Mike pulls in a Sweet 3 lbs bass form the triangle head.






NOTE TO SELF :When batterie dies Do not go reverse in Lilly Pads.






I was able to pull out this AWESOME 2.11 Tight on shore with a yellow spro.








Back to land for dinner and a small nap.


As im waking up. i Hear wings flapping around me.


open my eyes and a butter fly was using my body as a play ground.


This Beauty flew around me for a good 15 -20 minutes.




Then it was back to fishing.


This time the wind was dead and we decided to fish with senkos /gulp.




Learnt this Great trick with some 3/8 O.D. clear tubing.


cut small pieces of them and slide them onto your senko.


put the hook threw the tubing and the senko.


this way you will keep the same senko for more than 10 fish.


befor that trick i was loosing my gulp every fish. :x




The same Voice again.....


'' Kevin Hit the log ... The hog Awaits....''


SLAP my self back to reality and i CRANK the gas handle to the max.




This time calm....... getting dark...... throw the gulp in.....


i see my line twitch.... hes on.. i know it....


Set the hook...... WEIGHT! :shock:










And the best part is the video Bass-Hunter filmed.


He Caught the action.


Viewer discretion is advised . This video has french swearing. :lol:



Hope you enjoi and that this didnt freeze your computer. :lol:




bye bye

Edited by fishing 24/7
Posted (edited)

Un vrai cuchon dans le vid, biens-faites, les gars!


The photos are all great, but this.....

is a thing of beauty :D


Edited by backbay

Great report and pics Kevin :thumbsup_anim:

That is just awesome B) That lake is one of the greatest for bass.... hands down!!!


You guys got into some beauties..... Congratulations to all of you :clapping:

Remember day 1.... we were just about to leave.... here is the 2 lunkers Paul and I got in one of the back bays on Gulp wacky style!!!




and the smallie!!!




Again great job and thanks for sharing your adventure with us!!!



Excellent report, pics and fish Kevin!!! :Gonefishing::canadian::thumbsup_anim:



Just a few things though:



1. If your Momma catches you drawing on you arm with those magic markers, she's gonna whip you!


2. Try to grow some hair on that punkin head!


3. All Bass are poisonous, don't eat them!!!


4. I kept Stephanie company while you were fishing and camping with your boyfriends... I hope you don't mind ;)

  GCD said:
Excellent report, pics and fish Kevin!!! :Gonefishing::canadian::thumbsup_anim:



Just a few things though:



1. If your Momma catches you drawing on you arm with those magic markers, she's gonna whip you!


2. Try to grow some hair on that punkin head!


3. All Bass are poisonous, don't eat them!!!


4. I kept Stephanie company while you were fishing and camping with your boyfriends... I hope you don't mind ;)



i knew you were going to love this one.


when i came back home my girlfriend had a grin on her face.


now i know why . she had the best 6 day she ever had in her life! :lol::lol:


thanx gcd she got a good laugh reading your reply.


only you can take care of her like that! :P:P

  Burning Babies said:
I'll have to try that trick with a Senko. Looks like a fantastic trip; great bass.



just be carefull when your passing the hook in the platique tubing its hard at first then it goes thru like butter.


my cousin bass-hunter almost passed the barb thru his finger.


blood was dripping all over the place.


but this way you will save lots of money .


and for some reason the hook % incresed.....

  TroutnMuskieHunter said:
Super report Kev... :thumbsup_anim: .......it's nice to get out and rough it for a week isn't it??....now get back to work!! :clapping:


thank you steve .


Hey that avatar.


is that a musky you got this year??


i didnt see the report......


must have missed it or something.


Shes a beauty BTW!



  Canucker said:
so sick. Good to see some frenchmen on the board lol How far is that lake from Montreal?


there are more french people on the board than you think canucker.


there just shy or something!


or they speak it ... just cant write it.


this lake is right in your back yard.


thanx for the great feedback!

Guest ThisPlaceSucks

ce sont des belles achigan mon ami!


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