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i am very puzzled, the derby is on now and i have only seen a few reports so far. I would love to see some more. I have been on darlington like 5 times (no fish every time) i am not sure what i am doing wrong. Mabey my speeds(spoons and sd and white howie fly) and i have been running about 50 to 60 ft in from 70-130 ft of water. Please help me on my rig as i am determined to catch one.

(i only have one rigger with one rod, but i would like to know how to run 2 rods with a stacker) thanks and please bring on the reports.

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i am very puzzled, the derby is on now and i have only seen a few reports so far.


Lol well you kinda nailed it. Some guys want the truck for themselves y'know :D


I have heard that Darlington is slower this year than it usually is with the funky weather and messed up temps, so it's not just you. Then again this weeks leader so far is from there and I also heard that another 30 was weighed in at Darlington over the weekend........and he didn't have a ticket, d'oh :wallbash:


I've been out a ways west of you but fish have been either in closer chasing bait or out in 150FOW in warmer water.

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2.5 on gps is usually close, baits change by the day, I prefer nk's and michigan stingers in spoon, in monkey puke is usually good and hawg wild is another safe bet. spoons, run a 25-50 ft lead and play from there, but then we haven't talked about spoin doctors, flies and meat rigs, go to spoonpullers and check out the section on questions about salmon fishing

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what speed should i be going fast or slow. also what are the hot baits that are working right now

Going the right speed is very important but more importantly your lure has to be going the right speed. In Lake Ontario there are a lot of underwater currents so using the speed of your boat may not be accurate. That is why most trollers on Lake O have a speed and temperature probe on their rigger lines. These probes tell you the water temperature at your lure and the speed of the lure. The difference between surface and subsurface speed could be 1 mph. As well, temperature varies with depth and location.


I tend to maintain a lure speed of between 2 - 2.5 mph. As well, I try to target lure water temperature in the mid to low 40s. Later in the season salmon will migrate out of this temperature range so I'll go with a higher range.


Check out spoonpullers.com for everything salmon.

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Last night I got 3 fish and lost 1 20-22lbs

3 on a chrome blue J-plug and 1 on a green crome spin doctor and a green crome atomic lost 1 on the jplug and lost one on the spin doctor shreded it

Here is the best part everyone was in deeper water surface was 55 in close and when i say in close im talking 70 feet of water had the spinner at 47 feet and the J-plug at 15 47 was probably to cold so i brought that up to 25


Okay I was going to make my own thread but sense you asked Im no expert but have taken my boats weight in salmon a couple of times over the years .

first rule KISS keep it simple stupid

personally all this dipsy, wire, lead core, torpedos and all the other stuff you dont need it stay old school with 1 exception......meat


in the last 2 outings I have burned 8 fish and lost 3 ahh you ask where are the pictures heres the deal as you are aware the hunt is a kill derby Im not really into it but a big fish for a boat is a good deal. so if a fish doesnt look like a contender i dont even bring them in the boat. now to gear


Im not going to get into rods or reels thats your choice

must haves for me personnaly

crome, crome green, crome blue and prisim spin doctors and dogers(flasher)

flies crome gren blue maybe a touch of crome redin them my choice atomic

laser cut herring strips and green bait heads

J-plugs crome blue green and just crome

2.0 to 2.6 mph however you want to measure it, if you cant adjust your speed till the rigger line SINGS

you want to find 52 degrees of water its a bit difficult at first but you will get it

generally i run at 47 feet if it is really cold on top i will choke that up a bit

go from 70 - 120 feet of water until you wack the first fish then work that depth for awhile usually 1/2 hour if nothing else continue probing

I dont go hunting for bait balls yes it does work at times but if your chasing your not fishing and 9 times out of 10 you wont see a fish on the graph when the rod goes of.

I like to keep my rods bent about a foot of the water I think it whacks them good when they hit

remember the more crap you have in the boat the more boat dancing your gonna do


If you are out solo engage you kill switch most bodies of males found in the lake have there pants down around there ankles


Dont follow the pack

keep your radio on 16 and listen


OKAY thats my babble if you cant catch them with this info there is no hope play golf




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Great advice,


Couple things I would add.. chasing fish is finding what works everyday is different, what worked yesterday might have changed over night..


I do a 30 min rule. If one line does not work in 30 min I change it up. Once I get one hit you have an idea what too use, try duplicating.. 30 min no hit change again


it makes a busy day, but I heard people go too the "hot" bait troll all day with nothing.


Use you finder look what depth you see fish hanging at.. You will not not normaly catch the fish you see but you get an idea of the depth.


Have fun, stay safe, and be polite on the water..

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One thing I just can't understand is how the speed of your ball can be slower then your boat.

I could see it speeding up or slowing down +-1mph, but how can it go slower then your boat on an average? It's attached to your boat!

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One thing I just can't understand is how the speed of your ball can be slower then your boat.

I could see it speeding up or slowing down +-1mph, but how can it go slower then your boat on an average? It's attached to your boat!


It's speed through water, not speed compared to the center of the earth.


Think of an airplane, with headwinds, tailwinds, crosswinds speed over ground isn't the same as speed through the water.


Same thing in current, if you have a 2mph following current and you're trolling at 3mph your lure may be travelling at 3mph compared to a satellite in outer space but it will only have the same amount of action as if it's travelling at 1mph.


Does that make sense? Blowboat guys call it true wind vs. apparent wind, you want the apparent speed of the lure in the sweet spot, that can mean trolling up to 4mph.


If you don't have a speed probe never troll in a straight line, keep making large S-turns. If the inside rod keeps getting hit, slow down. Outside rod, speed up.

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One thing I just can't understand is how the speed of your ball can be slower then your boat.

I could see it speeding up or slowing down +-1mph, but how can it go slower then your boat on an average? It's attached to your boat!


Troll up and down the St Marys and ask that.

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I use the angle of my "balls" too get the correct speed. Ok after the jokes .. no really I like my cables at a 20-30 degree angle that tells me they are about right. If the cable is straight down speed up over 30 degree slow down.


If the current is going one way you may need too speed up too get the correct spoon movement.


Speed on a GPS or even boat does not mean the balls are going the same speed. You can be sitting in the current on the niagra river going 10 knots does that mean you can troll at 2.5 knots?

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