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Had A Rough Weekend.....So I Go Slumming For Hamilton Carp.


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What a weekend..........okay, I'm selling one of my bikes and I'm supposed to meet up with a buyer on Saturday.


And on Friday somebody runs into it in the underground parking and breaks the fairing stay in three places along with cracking the fairing (fairing stay is a convoluted piece of thin pipe that holds fairings onto motorcycles). No note, and the tape machine for the garage has been broken for a year.


Great. Oh did I mention it's a 1990 Kawasaki that was only made for 2 1/2 years, so finding OEM parts is an excercise in futility? 400km of driving around to places that SWEAR over the phone they have the right part.......only they don't.


Oh and I had to babysit my g/f's damn puppy the whole time. A few things about my g/f's puppy, it's a puggle which means it's half beagle. Anything half beagle always ends up really being 7/8's beagle, anyone thats ever owned a beagle will feel that pain. She's very loud (the puppy....although what's that saying about dogs acting similar to their owners?), and this damn puggle likes to chew things. Like maps. Likes maps to obscure motorcycle scrapyards. Oh and it's a 21st century puggle......she likes to chew carbon fibre also, especially when it's part of very expensive assemblies I don't own (well didn't own at the time). Oh, and the damn puggle likes to jump from open car windows, on the 401, when you're stopped trying to read a map that a puggle has chewed on.


Note to all, don't take puggle puppies on road trips. Was a fun way to spend a gorgeous Saturday, the rum flowed pretty freely that night.


Sunday.....screw it I'm going fishing. Oh, right.......after I walk the dogs first, yes dear.


I'm tired of getting beat up by Hamilton Bay pike (they don't exist I tell ya!), my brother doesn't feel like going out in his canoe to chase pickeral on the Grand, so hey let's go slumming for carp.


Setup on the swim around the crack of noon (remember that free flowing rum from earlier...and I had to finish the F1 race y'know), and right away started running a clinic. My home bodged feeders twisted from bits of coat hanger are actually proving themselves to be pretty snag resistant in the rocky stretches.




Locked & loaded with my secret deadly cherry Kool-Aid pigeon corn bait & chicken feed method mix.......




Ended up going 8 for 10 with only two fish under 10lbs., found the hawg hole and drilled 5 fish over 30" one after the other. Largest taped out at 34 1/4", so Team #3 gets some upgrade inches (sowry GCD :D ). And my g/f had ribs on the bbq when I got home....so all in all was a decent end to a crappy weekend.




Edited by CLofchik
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Carp report from Clofchik!


Seems like you got the carp catching dialed in! They stack up in there but it's pretty snaggy ... last time I lost 3 feeders in one outing -_-".


Maybe we can hook up again when I head down to the Hammy sometime in the future.

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Nice report.

Good to see that place is still producing, thought about going there late Saturday night, wasn't sure if the fish were still around.


It's starting to slow down a bit, but there's always fish around there. Finding size is usually the problem, there's too many 25" fish that pick up the baits.


Carp report from Clofchik!


Seems like you got the carp catching dialed in! They stack up in there but it's pretty snaggy ... last time I lost 3 feeders in one outing -_-".

Maybe we can hook up again when I head down to the Hammy sometime in the future.


I'm down with that. Yeah the current gets ripping pretty good through there, if you use a rig that rolls you're done. Heh that's why I'm using feeders twisted from coat hangers, even with a 1oz. weight in them it's only a $0.60 rig.


I've heard rumours of the really big girls starting to move into their summer haunts around Eastport, might give that a shot some morning this week.

The carp barrier can be fun if you don't take your carping too seriously, took me around 15 minutes to haul the big girl in and drew quite the crowd. Between English tourists HandyCamming my "Oh It's A Tank!" act to the "oh big one, you keep?" from East Indian families there it's quite a party spot on weekends :D

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Nice fish. So a lousey weekend saved by the lowly carp. Cool idea with the home made feeder. I'll show you my Dora Hair Brush feeder that always lands with the bristles up if we meet up on the bank. They were three for a buck at the dollar store. I haven't heard about Eastport but CCIW is producing some biggies.

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