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Nature/ Wildlife Photography

Davis Battah

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Ok OFC’rs


So I have decided to finally take on something that I have wanted to do for a long time and that is to start getting more serious about wildlife and nature photography. Everything from birds, birds in flight, landscape and larger bodied animals. I am fortunate to be able to spend a lot of time out doors and I have always felt more comfortable there than in my own home. I’ve always been involved with photography and videography but I’m talking about stepping it up to the point that I may someday show my photos in a gallery. (Ya I know big goals)


Is anyone else here undertaking this passion? I'd love to find a mentor.


Thanks ;)

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Nothing wrong with ambitions & goals in life. Kudo's to you for wanting to give it a shot.


I am photo crazy allways snapping pictures just about every where i go........And of anything and everything. Hardly a pro here just a hobbie for me......Which is how i like it would not want it to become work for me.


Black & white photography is my favorite. I am actually in the procces of looking at a new SLR Digi cam just not sure which one yet.....lol....


Good luck with ur goals davis and dont forget to post some of your work okay? Would love to see it.

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Outdoor photography is one of my hobbies Davis. The biggest problem that I have is finding the time to pursue it. So I try to take a camera with me whenever I'm out of the city. Today, for example, I happened to be quite far north. I'm pretty sure that I was further north than Moosebunk in fact. I ran into a flock of Spruce Grouse that seemed quite comfortable in the -40C temps and hopped out of the truck and began shooting. I always try to take as many shots as I can when I run into such a situation. I'll start shooting from a distance and then take a few steps closer and fire off a few more shots. I'll continue this pattern until my subject flees. With any luck, I sometimes get very close. Usually the closest shot is my best one. I managed to get about 12 to 15 feet away from this guy and used my full zoom before he flew. I really like this shot. They are beautiful birds. I purposely lined up the other guy in the background as well, although I'm not sure that it makes the photo any better. I can easily clone him out if I want to. I'd be happy to share photography experiences with you.



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DanC would be a great mentor.

One of my winter projects was to get better at taking pics and learn how to use all the bells and wistles that go along the digi camera. I'm kinda of struggling with the editing stuff.

I have found that my camera is usually close by these days.


Good Luck






PS I'm sure DanC will help with advice, heck he even help me out with dew worms :thumbsup_anim:

Edited by Whopper
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Here's one more shot that came out ok. Too bad his back is towards me, but you can really see how this guys feathers are puffed out in an attempt to stay warm in such extreme conditions. His actual body size is probably about 1/4 of what the picture shows.



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Oh boy, more nature shots. :thumbsup_anim:


Dan would be a great mentor! Don't forget about Ron!


I love the repetition in the first shot Dan, don't take the second hen out.



Dan and Ron, and a lot of other people here keep me supplied with a lifetime of wildlife photos to use for painting.


As for entering competitions, galleries and such. E-mail me anytime. I have high hopes for myself. Artists have to be confident and just jump right in. Dan is right about keeping the camera with you. As soon as I have to run for a camera, the wildlife is gone. I'm lucky to live in a place that is filled with wildlife and all I have to do is look out my window to see moose, fox, bears, otters, owls, and a lot more. Good luck with the photography.



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Thanks for all of the support! They only thing that has delayed me from starting sooner was the significant financial investment. Took some time considering that aspect of it.


Dan and Roy expect some PM's from me once I get all set up. Sometimes technical, but most times just common interest related.


Pam, I have always enjoyed the photos of your paintings that you have posted here in the past. Maybe one day I will capture a photo of something that may interest you, but it sounds like you've got a backyard full of inspiration already!


Nice photos everyone! :thumbsup_anim:



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Love those grouse shots Dan. I usually do the same, click away till my hearts content.

Here's another grouse pic I got this summer, as well as some horses that I really like.

The last is the hugest mushroom I've ever seen.

My next pics I want to get are of waterfalls, getting that silky looking water effect.





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Hey Davis,


Welcome to the world of photography!! Being a freelance writer and photographer myself, I received my start shooting mainly fishing photos. Since then, I've branched out into nature and wildlife, and must say, I really enjoy it.

Never had any training in photography, and that is one aspect I want to pursue in the not so distant future. The more knowledge you can secure, the better the finished product will be..I'm still more of a "shooting in automatic type of guy" when out in the field - especially when shooting film in regards to fishing - but am trying to branch out into manual more and more nowadays.


Here are a few of my favourite shots..

















To check out some awesom photography, click on this link. It is an Ontario photo that specializes in owls and raptors. The flight shots are positively stunning!!





Good Shooting,



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