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Gonna try and make this quick and to the point...


Just recently, I've been introduced to this "new" type of fishing... Longer Rods... Odd looking reels?! And then on top of it all, fishing for the infamous "Steelhead". Never caught one before... :D This is getting me all excited already....


So, L2P and Myself hooked up in the afternoon @ around 4pm. We decide to hit a few tribs in and around his area. We pull up to the bank... 10 people fishing! (aw crap! not much room for many people) not even 10min into fishing... L2P (Mark) hooks up.... WHOA! Could it be?! I may actually get to see what a STEELHEAD looks in PERSON?! :o ... But after a short fight... It was a sucker! :wallbash: ..... Then, not even 10min later... I hook into one! :o .... MAYBE THIS IS IT?! ..........UGH! NO!! ANOTHER SUCKER!! .... We both fished no longer than 30min... and already hooked into a sucker each!! Time to try another area....On we go...


So After that... we decided to hit another trib... the one we were at was getting way too packed with people!! And off we went.... This place was just as bad.... if not worse... but the best part... LOTS OF SPACE between anglers! :) We walked to our fishing spot.... probably fished for about 2.5hrs there... L2P hooks into a sexy JUMBO PERCH! :D Whoooooooo!! There's a school nearby... So, we take pictures...I toss in my line abouts where he caught the perch; but no luck... Here's the pic of the perch...








On we fish... another 1hr goes by... at one point we both hooked into what we believe to be an actual STEELHEAD... But NOTHING!!! We were getting hits, but no hookups... Here's a pic of the beautiful sky Mark caught...




After awhile that was taken... I hooked into one....UGH!! ANOTHER damn ugly SUCKER!!




Whooooooooooo... I gotta say though, it was a rush watchin' that bobber dropping into the water - kinda reminded me of fishing for small fish as a kid! Brought back a lot of memories...

Soooooo... after we call it quits for the day... we head to the local tackle shop.... Lucky's Tackle Shop....immediately thought I should get the "right" gear...Oh man! More stuff for me to buy! LOL!!

So we go in... grab all the gear I'll need...


1) Shimano Convergence 12"6' (Holy smokes, The longest rod I used to own was a 7-footer!! THIS IS A MONSTER ROD!) got this paired with a MATRIX by RAVEN...



Oh, of course I can't forget about the terminal tackle... I dropped almost $400 on new gear and tackle! :|



To top this all off... Tomorrow my wife is gone for 2 days... and I don't have access to a car! I WANNA GO FISHING!! I wanna try out my new toy!! :D

Anyone planning on heading out tomorrow? L2P and Myself will give you $20 gas money! :) I posted it in the other board area...ish (frig! my brain is fried right now; SO TIRED)




Hopefully, I'll get a Steelhead this season! :D CAN'T WAIT!!!!!

Edited by Addikted2Fishin'

When I see the letters STD in posts revolving around 2 guys utilizing their 'rods' for a bit of 'sucker action', I get a little bit worried.LOL


Great post and welcome to the wonderful world of rainy days, constantly looking at weather forecasts, freezing your nuts off while wading into frigid water and putting a big bend in a big rod when everything goes right.

  MJL said:
When I see the letters STD in posts revolving around 2 guys utilizing their 'rods' for a bit of 'sucker action', I get a little bit worried.LOL


ROFLMAO!! :D Yeah, I was lookin' forward in going today.... but I doubt it, cause of the stupid rain! :(

  MJL said:
When I see the letters STD in posts revolving around 2 guys utilizing their 'rods' for a bit of 'sucker action', I get a little bit worried.LOL


Great post and welcome to the wonderful world of rainy days, constantly looking at weather forecasts, freezing your nuts off while wading into frigid water and putting a big bend in a big rod when everything goes right.

...and of course you can't forget rubbing shoulders with 10 other guys packed into a hole 15 feet long.


STD, love it! I am fully addicted and afflicted. I have starting to think of selling my kids to buy more gear, I have calculated if I quit work now and fished every day when would I run out of money, when would my "fishing Widow" kick me out????? Haha.


Good luck Addikted, you seem to be on the right track already, perserverance is key!




Stealheading... my sweet addiction and affliction


Yeah.... we didn't hook into many at all. Had a couple bites... but no full on takers... Prolly cause of water clarity.... Oh well... was good hookin' up with you FishinFanatic69


That sure is one fat sucker, probably around 3-4 lbs. I drove by Duffins today and it was like chocolat milk. Usually after the amount of rain we had it will take a couple of days to clear up.

  Addikted2Fishin said:
Yeah.... we didn't hook into many at all. Had a couple bites... but no full on takers... Prolly cause of water clarity.... Oh well... was good hookin' up with you FishinFanatic69




Thanks I had a great time other than hearing voices and hallucinating it was amazingly therapuetic down by the water....I would like to meet up again just to hang out and stuff, I was a bit nutty due to lack of sleep but trully I am a fishin fanatic and as like yourself an so addicted. I hope we can meet up again ( repetitive thought processes "stupid Adult hyper Activity)) Again thanks for including me in your adventures and am always up for another ...this time we leave bright and early and come with munchies and liquids! PEaCe

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