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Simcoe Whitefish March 6th, 2009

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Well we made it out to Simcoe today on probably our last excursion for Whitefish and Lakers. The lake is really starting to look like a lake. There was tons of water flowing everywhere in every direction. We had about a 45 minute ride out to the fishing grounds off the tip of Georgina Island.


We went out there Bombardier Style




Fishing was really tough. Between the 4 of us we only managed 3 fish.


Me with my only fish of the day. A beautiful 4 pound + fish. Our buddy Steve brought a fry pan and some oil and we had an amazing lunch. Thanks Steve!!!! You are the best!!!!!




Greg with his personal best a Massive 6 pound Whitefish




This was a Great Looking Fish! Even Close Up!



There was so much water out there that we decided to end the day early and Ken ended taking us back in his truck as the water was building up everywhere.


Thanks Ken for a great season!

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Great report and pics vanillagorilla :thumbsup_anim:


You guys really got out in style B)

That 6lbser is a beautiful specimen.... even at closeup :clapping:


Looks like a great time out there.... great job you guys :thumbsup_anim:

Thanks for sharing


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"Fishing was tough"!? Hah, we were at Hank's 3 weeks ago and didn't even get a bite so your 3 whitefish is not too bad at all... I would have been happy with 1 fish.


Every time I go to Simcoe we pretty much always get skunked... it seems like it's always a "slow day" when we go... "you should have been here last week" is what I often hear.. But i think catching multiple fihs is the exception and not the norm..


just my 2 cents!

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Yeah, it also helps when Ken takes you to the "good huts". I'm thinking exposure on the net gets you out there??


Let me explain.......I've been going out with, and recommending Hanks huts for years. I was out with him already once this season, the first day he had huts out. I got 2 lakers, and lost 2 other fish....


I booked a couple huts with him for last weekend for 8 guys. I made it clear, when I booked a week in advance, that I wanted the huts on the "5 mile grounds". No problem is what I was told. A buddy of mine was out with him the day before, and fished the huts you were in off georgina, and did well. My bud told me the huts were just put out there that day, or the day before. I was excited that my group was going to be in fresh huts, on fish. He also told me that Ken came by and chummed the huts while he was out fishing.......I thought that was great!


Well, saturday morning comes around, all 8 of us are there early and ready to go. NO waiting for the regular guys......we were there with bells on ready to go.


Well, apparently, our money wasn't good enough to get out to the "good huts", but his regular customers was. We got the shaft bigtime. To say I was ticked is an understatement. Instead, we got taken out to the 2 mile grounds ........as a matter of fact, it was the same damn hut I fished on the first trip out, on the exact same hole, a month earlier!! We put a camera down and the bottom was littered in garbage, and a couple empty cans. I knew right away we were going to get skunked........and we did. It wasn't a matter of not being able to catch fish, they just weren't there. We tried outside the huts as well, same results.


At the end of the day, Ken had the nerve to tell me the guys in the far huts all caught fish. That was a kick in the nuts, and the last time I EVER use or recommend Hanks to anyone ever again. Screw him!!! I didn't call ahead and book a hut, just to be let down on the day of. If he had of told me ahead of time that he was committed to his regular customers, I'd have booked somewhere else, no problem. It burns my :asshat: just thinking about it!!


Sorry for hijacking your thread VG......I do feel better now! :thumbsup_anim:



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