Photoz Posted February 25, 2009 Report Posted February 25, 2009 This is somewhat more accurate! Anybody for drivin' your car on THIS?
Greencoachdog Posted February 25, 2009 Report Posted February 25, 2009 solopaddler said: Did you guys even look at the picture? Ummm...that ain't Port Hope! I've never been to Port Hope, but I did notice what looks like a freakin' Palm tree on the left side of the pic... I don't think too many Palm trees grow outdoors in Canada!
Greencoachdog Posted February 25, 2009 Report Posted February 25, 2009 Photoz said: This is somewhat more accurate! Anybody for drivin' your car on THIS? Go for it Steve!!!... your insurance will cover you!!!
johnnyb Posted February 25, 2009 Report Posted February 25, 2009 Well, yeah, there are palm trees in Canada...not just glow in the dark ones on hwy. 11 either (although those are my favourite )...I had dinner here a couple summers Port Dover
Photoz Posted February 25, 2009 Report Posted February 25, 2009 (edited) GCD said: Go for it Steve!!!... your insurance will cover you!!! T'anks a lot buddy!! I'm actually surprised there was nobody sittin/ out on that ice . . . there was 3"+ out there . . . I've often seen 'em sitting just about in the middle of that shot, on that much ice. I wonder if ice fishing regs cover this . . . 2 rods, or because it's a river . . one rod? Edited February 25, 2009 by Photoz
FLEX ROD Posted February 25, 2009 Report Posted February 25, 2009 DRIFTER_016 said: That sign is only for Canadians. I think you will find most of those people are of Eastern European origin. DRIFTER as per your post, if you kept the post to the facts as they are you would have been perfectly fine! As one of those " Eastern Europeans" who has been in this great country for over 40 years and considers himself a Canadian, with European roots, who has fished the Ganny for over 35 years can and will tell you that taking a big brush and painting not just a country but most of a continent in the same colour does not really win you any points but really shows that what you are speaking about you not much. How many years on the Ganny have we had the Canadians and the Americans come in and start lining fish, or how about the years we had the 3F club on the river that would come in with spinning rods and big spinners snagging in the pools, oh let us not forget the true fishermen that as still on the river every year with the fly rods spooled with 20 plus mono and bottom bounce with three big shots and snag what ever and we can also look at the group that used to come in from Michigan every year and try to push you out of a hole and then rip the hole apart and I will stop with this one what about the group that came down from Quebec? So unless all of this falls into the Eastern Europe I think that maybe you really should think about who you want to slander as you never know who will be standing next to you when you are fishing as some of those Eastern Europeans have actually contributed to Canada and to it economy and we speak a la englis maybe even a little bit better than some of the naive Canadians and have done well to provide for our families and are raising them to respect and abide by the law. FLEX - JOHN
lunkerbasshunter Posted February 25, 2009 Report Posted February 25, 2009 yep i noticed right away that is not port hope, there is a palm tree in the background
Mike Pike Posted February 25, 2009 Report Posted February 25, 2009 DRIFTER_016 said: That sign is only for Canadians. I think you will find most of those people are of Eastern European origin.... I'm sure some of those people in the photo are Canadians too but thier numbers are small in number when compared to the rest. The picture is not Port Hope and doesn't even look like its in Canada. But hey, who cares about checking facts. Much easier to just blame Immigrants for stuff.
Zebco Posted February 25, 2009 Report Posted February 25, 2009 If the Immigrants weren't the cause we couldn't point the finger could we. Look at the Major cities in Canada, they all are filled with immigrants. Now look at the crime rates, wow the most crime is where these people live. We can't blame them though because we will be called racist, but you guys can scream discrimination as much as you want to your advantage. Next time I get pulled over or asked for a my liscense, I'm gonna try the "Me speaky no english" and start singing like the dali lama.
Mike Pike Posted February 25, 2009 Report Posted February 25, 2009 (edited) Zebco said: ...Next time I get pulled over or asked for a my liscense, I'm gonna try the "Me speaky no english" and start singing like the dali lama. And let us know how that goes. Edited February 25, 2009 by Mike Pike
Raf Posted February 25, 2009 Report Posted February 25, 2009 i think there's peopel here who havent been out in 20 yrs much less to Port Hope
kingofthesteelhead Posted February 25, 2009 Report Posted February 25, 2009 I have fished Port Hope for over 30 years.It still continues to be one of the best spots in Southern ontario. You have to pick your days and just get in there with the rest of the crowd. It really isn't that bad. I come from Oshawa and wouldn't waste my time at Thomas street as there are 3-5 people at each hole when the fish are in. At least at Port Hope you have lots of area to fish. I am glad a lot of steelheaders don't go there all the more fish for me!
capt bruce Posted February 25, 2009 Report Posted February 25, 2009 (edited) Sorry BUt I did know it was not port hope in the picture some people can recognize scarcasim when they see it lol . I thought we were talking about the zoo at port hope ,not the picture that I thought was a great CARTOON Representation of the mess I see at port hope most weekends . I live in TO still , but i have bought a new house in Brockville and comute there every Fri and return Sun so i pass by port hope 7-8 times a month on my way there and back. I have tried a few times ,late and early , to wet a line there as I have lots of old memories of fishing there with my dad , and its just way way to crowded . I also think as someone else said its because its one of the few spots where there is easy access , for all , the experenced steal guys can walk the streams, find pools by them selves etc. ect. but where does the weekend guy , the wheel chair guy ,the newbe even the guy with bad back go ????? we need more access to our wters for these people so the crowds can thin out Edited February 25, 2009 by capt bruce
FLEX ROD Posted February 25, 2009 Report Posted February 25, 2009 Zebco – read ,my post my point is not to single out a whole continent and unless you are a true native your roots are of immigrant nature also, and if we investigate what came here and where it came from we will find that most of it was 1. From Europe and 2. Again “ most” of it was the undesirables and prisoners thieves and un desirables that basically had the choice of prison death or the New World. I am not on a pro immigrant rant here I am on an anti racist and ani bigotry rant; treat each case on its own merit. Both my son and I are active members of Trout Unlimited to the point that I am on the executive committee and we both go out and do what we can to support TU and the whole environment from planting trees in the rain to streamside rehab and yes to picking up garbage also. RAF – if that shot was directed at me, no problem I will handle any and all comments so in this case you are sadly mistaken I do get out as much as I can but unfortunately a Canadian almost killed me in a car accident so heath and kids have taken a big bite out of my free time but I still put on a lot of miles and Kilometres on my truck and I do get out to the Ganny, she is in the top 5 rivers that I have the pleasure to fish. Any other shots can be addressed to me as I will be happy to stand my ground or PM me. FLEX - John
davew3 Posted February 25, 2009 Report Posted February 25, 2009 Somebody must be bored. Look at the palm trees in the background. Yes Port Hope gets crowded but there are all types of ignorant fishermen. Do not blame just one. Regards
Toronto_Angler Posted February 25, 2009 Report Posted February 25, 2009 Mike Pike said: The picture is not Port Hope and doesn't even look like its in Canada. But hey, who cares about checking facts. Much easier to just blame Immigrants for stuff. I agree...Gotta love some of the stereotyping that goes on here by some of the members.
Stoty Posted February 25, 2009 Report Posted February 25, 2009 Lighten up was meant to be a joke. No matter if your white, brown, blue, purple or pink...Port Hope is a zoo, and its really annoying! I went down there yesterday to check the river out, and it was frozen over. But that didnt stop 3 guys from using the winch on his Hummer, to try and break up the ice!
FLEX ROD Posted February 25, 2009 Report Posted February 25, 2009 Stoty said: Lighten up was meant to be a joke. No matter if your white, brown, blue, purple or pink...Port Hope is a zoo, and its really annoying! I went down there yesterday to check the river out, and it was frozen over. But that didnt stop 3 guys from using the winch on his Hummer, to try and break up the ice! No Stoty this was not meant as a joke - and no response has been issued to state that, so that does justify these responses. Nobody is arguing that the Ganny is a ZOO, but insulting a whole Continent of " mostly " honest hard working people should not be tolerated and or allowed! If the post stated what you just did "No matter if your white, brown, blue, purple or pink...Port Hope is a zoo, and its really annoying!", that would have been fully understandable and agreable too, and recieved a completly different response, and their would have been no need to lighten up FLEX - John
quickme Posted February 25, 2009 Report Posted February 25, 2009 FLEX ROD said: No Stoty this was not meant as a joke - and no response has been issued to state that, so that does justify these responses. Nobody is arguing that the Ganny is a ZOO, but insulting a whole Continent of " mostly " honest hard working people should not be tolerated and or allowed! If the post stated what you just did "No matter if your white, brown, blue, purple or pink...Port Hope is a zoo, and its really annoying!", that would have been fully understandable and agreable too, and recieved a completly different response, and their would have been no need to lighten up FLEX - John Flex, I agree that the post was Insulting. I am of asian decent and have been through enough experiences of racial conflicts in my 31 years of fishing. I'd love to say its much better now but as we can see by the post it really hasn't changed. I've learned to ignore it and just let it pass. One day I'll go out with Stoty in his new Ranger to some small town and he'll see the reaction I get. The Ganny is a Zoo because of all the "PEOPLE" that fish there... Not the number of pink, brown, yellow, black, purple people that are there! Nick
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