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I think the adults should step in


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OTTAWA -- The Carleton University Students' Association has voted to drop a cystic fibrosis charity as the beneficiary of its annual Shinearama fundraiser, supporting a motion that argued the disease is not "inclusive" enough.

Cystic fibrosis "has been recently revealed to only affect white people, and primarily men" said the motion read Monday night to student councillors, who voted almost unanimously in favour of it



This diversity thing is going to far. Lets see, Breast cancer is not inclusive enough because it only effects women. Someone should tell those Morons that if it wasn't for charities CF patients wouldn't live past 6 yrs, now they're expectancy is 20 and there is always hope, that's what my sister is banking on. Good thing us white boys have seminal fluid otherwise we would be wiped off the universe in the name of Diversity.

Edited by holdfast
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You're making a mountain out of a mole hill. This is what actually happened.



November 26th, 2008

Carleton University Students’ Association moves to reverse decision on Shine-A-Rama

(Ottawa) – Carleton University Students’ Association President Brittany Smyth has indicated that CUSA council will revisit the motion to change the orientation program charity from Shine-A-Rama.


“It has become clear that there is not an appetite at Carleton to change from Shine-A-Rama,” said Ms. Smyth. “The responsible thing to do is to reverse the decision.”


While the motion merely stated the students’ association would investigate switching to another charity, students have made it clear that they do not want the change.


“I both respect and admire the students’ commitment to the cause of raising funds for cystic fibrosis,” stated Ms. Smyth. “I believe this issue has been blown out of proportion but the motion was never meant to imply that raising funds for Cystic Fibrosis research was not a worthwhile cause. I do apologize for the negative attention Carleton has received”.





It's business as usual folks.

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Some of these students running this thing could be (actually definately are) 22 or 23.


Just wondering, how old do we students have to be before we dont need the "adults" to step in anymore?

Edited by kemper
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You're making a mountain out of a mole hill. This is what actually happened.



November 26th, 2008

Carleton University Students’ Association moves to reverse decision on Shine-A-Rama

(Ottawa) – Carleton University Students’ Association President Brittany Smyth has indicated that CUSA council will revisit the motion to change the orientation program charity from Shine-A-Rama.


“It has become clear that there is not an appetite at Carleton to change from Shine-A-Rama,” said Ms. Smyth. “The responsible thing to do is to reverse the decision.”


While the motion merely stated the students’ association would investigate switching to another charity, students have made it clear that they do not want the change.


“I both respect and admire the students’ commitment to the cause of raising funds for cystic fibrosis,” stated Ms. Smyth. “I believe this issue has been blown out of proportion but the motion was never meant to imply that raising funds for Cystic Fibrosis research was not a worthwhile cause. I do apologize for the negative attention Carleton has received”.

It's business as usual folks.


It doesn't matter that the motion was reveresed....all it means is that more reasonable minds stepped in... They were fully prepared to go ahead with it. What's troubling about this matter is that they tried. Were they given this mandate when they were elected?

Edited by robell
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Some of thse students running this thing could be (actually most definatlely are) 22 or 23.


Just wondering, how old do we students have to be before we dont need the "adults" to step in anymore?

:clapping::canadian::clapping: Well said lad,I mean, young adult.


Thanks Roy for the update. :canadian:

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You're making a mountain out of a mole hill. This is what actually happened.





November 26th, 2008

Carleton University Students’ Association moves to reverse decision on Shine-A-Rama

(Ottawa) – Carleton University Students’ Association President Brittany Smyth has indicated that CUSA council will revisit the motion to change the orientation program charity from Shine-A-Rama.


“It has become clear that there is not an appetite at Carleton to change from Shine-A-Rama,” said Ms. Smyth. “The responsible thing to do is to reverse the decision.”


While the motion merely stated the students’ association would investigate switching to another charity, students have made it clear that they do not want the change.


“I both respect and admire the students’ commitment to the cause of raising funds for cystic fibrosis,” stated Ms. Smyth. “I believe this issue has been blown out of proportion but the motion was never meant to imply that raising funds for Cystic Fibrosis research was not a worthwhile cause. I do apologize for the negative attention Carleton has received”.

It's business as usual folks.


Roy, that total turnaround only happened because of the Publicity. The original vote was 22 for against 2. Close to those numbers. One of the 2 happened to be the publisher of the school newspaper. Its crap like this that could loose our freedoms/culture as we know it now. As you know I enjoy current events as well as the outdoors.

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Roy, that total turnaround only happened because of the Publicity. The original vote was 22 for against 2. Close to those numbers. One of the 2 happened to be the publisher of the school newspaper. Its crap like this that could loose our freedoms/culture as we know it now. As you know I enjoy current events as well as the outdoors.



Dont get me wrong here, CF is definately a worthy cause, although not the only one out there but...


Honest question here,


I'm confused about how a vote over a charity at a University is putting our freedoms/culture at risk? I'm just not seeing the connection.

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1) The students are adults. Some of them are more mature than a lot of people over 40.

2) Is someone saying CF is more worthy than all other charities? I hope not.

3) People like to donate to a cause that they feel personally effects themselves or those close to them.

3) If the students choose to funnel some of their charity time/dollars it is their choice.....if they make a dumb choice all that can happen to them is criticism/political (school politics) fallout.



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Dont get me wrong here, CF is definately a worthy cause, although not the only one out there but...


Honest question here,


I'm confused about how a vote over a charity at a University is putting our freedoms/culture at risk? I'm just not seeing the connection.


Its simple, this was purely a diversity tactic. ( For me, everything that I grew up with is being challenged) Gee even being White Guy is being challenged) As the adults stepping in! Oops I slipped. How about more mature minds. (Is that politically correct enough for ya?) Hope I didnt hurt your feelings) you see Kemper, everything one says, one has too watch that he does not to hurt the sensitive. However this is getting carried away.


Check this other waste of money, in the name of Diversity, Human rights or what ever. http://www.nationalpost.com/rss/story.html?id=991705


I think the the Christian guy that's crying freedom of Religion is going to lose this one though. But this is interesting to see how the courts figure this one out. As for my Opinion IF YOU WORK FOR THE GOVERNMENT, YOU DO YOUR JOB NO MATTER WHAT, COLOUR, RELIGION, OR WHATEVER EXCUSE. Unfortunately it wasn't in his contract

Edited by holdfast
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Kemper, when they stop taking their Stupid Pills. I am talking about the Student Council for voting on the motion in the first place let alone voting for it. Have fun on your Calculus, Like I will on my IED Lesson Plan that I'm working on.

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