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Hello everyone, I don't post much but I do enjoy a lot of the reports this board has. Anyway I just got a new job with a company that sells a high tech water filtration system. Now when they showed me the tests they do (theres 4) its was unreal...heres some pics of my tap water.Have any of you seen this before??? Now these were shocked with electricity, no chemical or anything other than electrical current. The one on the left is my home tap water and the one on the right is a brand of bottled water.



Side view




After being stirred


Soup anyone??



It that's an electrical treatment, what you have done is to remove dissolved metal salts like iron, calcium, magnesium, and potassium. And cadmium, lead and mercury too, but that's another story.


How does the purified water taste? PM me with the name of your company, I'd like to learn more.

  douG said:
It that's an electrical treatment, what you have done is to remove dissolved metal salts like iron, calcium, magnesium, and potassium. And cadmium, lead and mercury too, but that's another story.


Mercury is good for ya!!! :thumbsup_anim: ... ever seen what happens to a thermometer on a hot day?... does the same thing to Mr. Wiggley!!! :w00t:


douG Posted Today, 09:27 PM

How does the purified water taste?


Not sure, but I think purified water tastes like pee-pee douG... isn't that what our kidneys are?... purifiers? :dunno:


Pure water is distilled and only comes from a lab. All water, even the sweetest spring water you've ever tasted, has trace metal, or salts, in it. That is natural. Removing all of that is not necessarily good, You need some of those trace elements in your body.

  bigugli said:
Pure water is distilled and only comes from a lab. All water, even the sweetest spring water you've ever tasted, has trace metal, or salts, in it. That is natural. Removing all of that is not necessarily good, You need some of those trace elements in your body.


Kinda like the distilled water. Apparently it is not good to drink on a regular basis because it has had all of the trace metals and salts removed from it and is considered to be dead water.


I worked for a lab for a few years and honestly, you really don't want to know what comes out of the tap, and really, really don't want to know what gets stuck in a filter. You'd change it every day if you did.




"We call that "seasoning" down here in the South."- classic


Hello DouG, I tried to pm you but it won't let me. My name is Matt and my company is Pristine Solutions. The "shock test" as we call it solidifies the total dissolved solids in the water.That could be anything from a metal to a chemical or pesticide anything other than pure water. That is just one of the four tests we do. I've been testing peoples tap or bottled water for a week now and the amount of TDS varies from area to area. If you would like a independent water test let me know.


"Are you SURE you didn't just put Hamilton Harbour water in a glass?"- Rich this is tap water and don't forget about the bottled water


"That's normal, isn't it? ...Guys?...." - All the TDS in the water is within guidelines it is not going to kill you tomorrow, and remember each area is different.


QUOTE(douG @ Nov 7 2008, 09:27 PM)

It that's an electrical treatment, what you have done is to remove dissolved metal salts like iron, calcium, magnesium, and potassium. And cadmium, lead and mercury too, but that's another story.

Mercury is good for ya!!! ... ever seen what happens to a thermometer on a hot day?... does the same thing to Mr. Wiggley!!! LOL where do you get this??


"That`s why I don`t shock my water, I prefer to just plain ole drink it!"


80% of people I've seen(friends and family included)tell me they don't want to know whats in the water-just like my father told me after seeing the tests-ignorance is bliss

Posted (edited)
  Joey said:
I worked for a lab for a few years and honestly, you really don't want to know what comes out of the tap, and really, really don't want to know what gets stuck in a filter. You'd change it every day if you did.





I used to work at a Upjohn Pharmaceuticals (now part of Phizer). The technician who maintained the water filtration system said that they would never drink filtered water. Tap water was much better.


According to them, you simply cannot built a proper filtration system small enough to sell has a home kit. A unit that small would only make the water worse. Since this is what they did for a living; I beleive them when they say that tap water is better than filtered water.

Edited by JohnBacon

"I used to work at a Upjohn Pharmaceuticals (now part of Phizer). The technician who maintained the water filtration system said that they would never drink filtered water. Tap water was much better.


They said that According to them, you simply cannot built a proper filtration system small enough to sell has a home kit. A unit that small would only make the water worse. Since this is what they did for a living; I beleive them when they say that tap water is better than filtered water."


How can you honestly believe that? When was this told to you??sounds like more then a couple years ago. In my opinion pure water is 10 parts per million or less. If tap water reads at 250 and pure filtered remineralized water reads at 004,how could that make the water worse?

  buttah said:
How can you honestly believe that? When was this told to you??sounds like more then a couple years ago. In my opinion pure water is 10 parts per million or less. If tap water reads at 250 and pure filtered remineralized water reads at 004,how could that make the water worse?


I can honestly believe it because the group of people who told me had university degrees in science and made their living in part by maintaining a system the converted city water into something that was safe for injection. None of the members of the group stood to receive any material gain by misleading me. That is why I can honestly believe that.


Yes it was more than a couple of years ago. Maybe the technology has improved to the point that a home system will be beneficial; then again, maybe it hasn't.


As for how could 4 ppm be better than 250 ppm; I have more questions than answers. The main question would be ppm of what? Thare are probably thousands of different minerals, salts, organic compounds, as well as bacteria, viruses, etc. that could be present in the water before and after the filtration process. Does your company measure every single one? Maybe they selectively measure the ones that are removed by their system and ignore ones the others. There may be harmful contanimants introduced by the filtration process that are simply not measured.


I also recall reading the results of tests on water published in the newspaper. The results were that tap water was the best followed by bottled water with filtered water being the worst. Again, more than a couple of years ago ... but I will continue drinking my water from the tap.


Don't drink water - but don't drink the fruit juices. You could eat fruit, oh no pesticides. Organic fruit - oh no, pests. Don't eat butter it's bad for you - but don't eat margarine, it has carcinogens. Don't you dare eat meat, you'll have a heart attack. But you can't survive healthy without it.


Point is, who gives a crap. Drink or eat whatever you're comfortable with. Unless you're telling me it's literally POISONOUS I really don't care. If I listened to every warning on what to eat or drink, I'd just starve to death.


Water.. sheesh.

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