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Sean Avery.....


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come on man.....i know you know i am right! it's all strategy my friend....the guy gets payed to be an :asshat:....so might as well be one right? he does not ruin the game of hockey.....he is part of the game of hockey.....guys like him have been around for years...ITS PART OF THE GAME...to go around running ur mouth and get the other teams so worried about hurting you that they don't focus so much on the outcome...that is why Sean Avery is a valuable player and that is why if i was a GM i would sign him in a heartbeat....

Stoty whats ur opinion????



The guy does have "some" skill, when he feels he wants to actually play hockey, but FAR to often he completely crosses the line between hockey and being an :asshat: . Smack talking players on ice about their personal lives and their wives and some of the completely bone headed statements he has made off ice gets him no respect from me. If the leafs would have signed him I would start watching more HABS games, and I hate the canadians.

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Grapes went off on him tonight at the intermission. Had a bunch of snips of him pussying out of fighting with anybody who was older than peewee age and bigger than a dwarf. It was hardly complimentary, and when even Grapes thinks a guy's a twerp, that's bad.



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I'm a small enuf man to admit that I like the imagery. thumbsup_anim.gif

Ya at the time it was a site to behold, and now these many years later that image is like a fine wine...it gets better with age.



He's a total twerp...but a smart twerp

He knows who not to fight, and who he can hold his own with.

When he's out matched he'll just "ignore" the person he's ticked off, and let the officials or his team mates bail him out.

Its crap...

I'd liken his play to that of a small dog, all bark and no bite unless of course its puppy he's messing with.

But when the bulldawg rounds the corner he barks lounder behind the saftey of a window, and while the leash is firmly in place.

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Avery is an idiot, and i would feel the same if he came to Buffalo. Same as i felt for Barnaby when he was in buffalo. Both idiots. Heck if i knew i could pull that paycheck for learning how to skate and pester guys that were really trying to play the game and use their talents in a professional arena, i would have laced up my skates a little earlier in life lol. Ive got a 9 year old nephew in travel right now, Id hate for him to see or think that he could make it into the NHL with just settleing for mediocre skills, .....but If i could go wave my arms in front of the goalie, or talk Sh&% about the centermans wife, or basically become a disrespectful spectacle punk of a human being, that could be my ticket to ACHIEVE MY DREAM of being an NHL player!! Some of these guys dont deserve the honor in my opinion.


"Hes got a job and does it well"??? Its a shame that the NHL has a job opening of this nature.

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dude....its part of the game....no matter how much ppl whine and complain about Avery he's not gonna stop doing what he is doing and he is going to continue to make money.....Avery would make an impact for any team he played on.....sure he acts like an idiot on and off the ice.....but how much are you getting payed compared to him?

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dude....its part of the game....no matter how much ppl whine and complain about Avery he's not gonna stop doing what he is doing and he is going to continue to make money.....Avery would make an impact for any team he played on.....sure he acts like an idiot on and off the ice.....but how much are you getting payed compared to him?


If any of us approached our jobs with his attitude, we'd be making nada. Says something about the sport, huh?



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how much are you getting payed compared to him?


Does it matter?

Not to me...

Money is great but I often pity guys like him...it must be horible to be so miserable all the time one would think?

I suppose that kind of money is temping but its not in me to sell that product.

But thats just me.


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he is going to continue to make money.....sure he acts like an idiot on and off the ice.....but how much are you getting payed compared to him?


Dude, re-read what you've just typed. Such a sad comment. If you cant admit that or see that, thats even more monumentally depressing!!

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actually what i typed is not what you quoted....so i really don't understand what your point is...but i thought it was pretty clear what mine was...AVERY IS A MILLIONAIRE BECAUSE HE IS A D*CKHEAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! if you were makin millions to run your mouth and p*ss people off are you gonna stop cuz a bunch of ppl are whining and complainin saying you ruin the sport? NO!!!!!!!! YOUR GONNA BE AN EVEN BIGGER D*CKHEAD!!! think about it.... I know exactly what Avery would say to comment like yours...What team do you play for?




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i consolidated your points to stress how the world these days judges success with how much money you pull a year, and in this case, what professional team you are affiliated with. Thats my point. I dont judge how much of a man i am, or any man is......based on the amount of money he piles up, or how many square feet his house is, or how many bentleys he can stack up, or if he plays for an NHL team or not. I judge based on character, integrity, you know?, ...the actual admirable traits a human being can posess.


As for my hypothetical response to Avery ever asking me what NHL team i play for..........I would say, I dont play for an NHL franchise. Unlike you......I chose to recognize my real talents and apply them to something i could really excel at and end up making a positive difference in the field i chose. I chose not to compromise my self image, or my integrity, or the things my parents taught me growing up in order to be a decent human being.


In the end, avery will be forgotten without piling up a single admirable,respectable statistic in the league as a single player contribution.....but so what, .......He'd have millions piled up in the bank right? Thats all that counts right?

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well yeah technically it is all that counts....the man got rich being an a**hole....i do understand what your saying tho.....but if you were being payed to be a weiner would you stop cuz someone said ur a disgrace?



The money gets spent, but the reputation may live on. He'll never be remembered by anyone for the money he made, only (by those few who actually care) as an embarrassing sidebar to hockey.



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tell me.....if sidney crosby were to run his mouth to sum1 and they were to lay him out the other guy would be the bad guy cuz everyone LOVES crosby....but when Avery runs his mouth like usual and a guy takes a run at him and Ave sidesteps him or blows him off and gets the guy so worked up he ends up in the box....but yet Avery is still the dink....???? Avery is a smart hockey player and knows exactly what he is doing on and off the ice.....he is there to drive guys like Sidney Crosby so nuts that he takes a retaliation penalty......to me that is good strategizing hockey.....you score on the power play....cry me a river about Avery i don't care who you are.....effective player no matter what team he is on...



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tell me.....if sidney crosby were to run his mouth to sum1 and they were to lay him out the other guy would be the bad guy cuz everyone LOVES crosby....but when Avery runs his mouth like usual and a guy takes a run at him and Ave sidesteps him or blows him off and gets the guy so worked up he ends up in the box....but yet Avery is still the dink....???? Avery is a smart hockey player and knows exactly what he is doing on and off the ice.....he is there to drive guys like Sidney Crosby so nuts that he takes a retaliation penalty......to me that is good strategizing hockey.....you score on the power play....cry me a river about Avery i don't care who you are.....effective player no matter what team he is on...




That's the great thing about hockey - everybody has different expectations. If you find Avery entertaining, then by all means enjoy. I'd rather watch hockey.



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but if you were being payed to be a weiner would you stop cuz someone said ur a disgrace?



Yes hawk.....YES, LOL .....that is the point i am trying to drive home exactly. 100% bang on! LOL

I would never find myself in a position where i was being payed to be a weener to begin with, but if i was without realization, and someone pointed it out to me, YES.......i would stop if i were known to people, and more importantly my friends and family, as a Discrace.

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you can do that job and still have respect, . but he takes it to the next level. if you look at aguy like you want to go you go, i've even seen chris neal do it this year also. i think he is an embarrasment to his players and his team. that is why he can't stick on a team.

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you can do that job and still have respect, . but he takes it to the next level. if you look at aguy like you want to go you go, i've even seen chris neal do it this year also. i think he is an embarrasment to his players and his team. that is why he can't stick on a team.


No I actually see him inspiring his team. Actually I would be on the bench roaring. Ill tell ya whats embarrassing, Kovalev taking a dive and embellishing. How about Claude Lemieux doing the same with Mtl. Thats embarrassing or even letting the opposition owning your crease ( Mtl Last year)

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