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Trying to buy food at Timmies in the early morning= a laugh or frustration?


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It all started about 3 yrs ago in late April some friends wanted to go steelheading... I told them to dress warm then go put on about 8 more layers, and to ALWAYS ALWAYS pack a lunch or get early up enough to eat a HUGE breakfast. We had decided to leave at 3AM because it takes about an hour to drive to the spot.


At 4:30 AM the driver of our party had still not arrived to pick me up.... They finally showed up at 4:35 my fishing bud and her father all apologetic, she is like I got a little too drunk and didn't hear the alarm. (her dad pipes up don't worry she is OK to drive I have one of those alcohol testers she passed? Umm OK) What are you gonna do I say. We better get going or the spot is going to be taken. So off to the last guys place who was going and he was not impressed either but we were finally off. So the young woman who was driving said she just had to stop at Timmies and get some coffee and a bagel. I started laughing, she asked why I told her you might get some stale cookies but you aren't going to be able to buy food before 5:45 or 6 at the earliest. She didn't believe me so we stopped at one of the four Timmies in town and were told NOPE no food is ready. She said to the cashier I will just go to the one of the other stores. Don't bother they won't have anything (all owned by the corporation at that time so no point in lying.) Anyhow now she is tired, hungover and HUNGRY. She goes wait a second you said pack a lunch did you? I go yep I did and I if I had not of eaten it while I was waiting an hour and half for you to show up I would share it with you....


She says I know I will just stop at the Timmies in the next town on the way up to the lake I go that's a good idea they might have some stale cookies because you CAN'T get food at a Timmies before 6 AM around here on a Sunday ESPECIALLY. She laughs and says watch me.


Long story even longer of course they didn't have anything at the next and last town with a Timmies before the lake..... Point proven eat a breakfast AT HOME or pack something.


Flash forward to the fall. My next door neighbor decides he wants to go steelheading. I tell him listen I KNOW you are going to stay up all night thinking that is easier than sleeping and waking up. Just have something to eat before we leave because I don't have enough time to run out to the store to get enough food to make you a lunch..... I only have enough stuff here to make something for my dad (who is diabetic and HAS to eat, so I always make him something because he is old school and just won't bother...) So when I pick up my neighbour I ask him did you eat? Ummm well no I got busy on the computer.... I said you better grab something because you can't get anything around town at this time of the morning. Now this is the funny part he brings TWO travel mugs and a 6 cup thermos of coffe, and he goes well you are stopping at Timmies I go yes we always do and decided to let him find out for himself.....


So we get to the last Timmies on the route to the lake and we stop for a coffee for dad and I. Now remember my friend has been drinking from his never ending barrels of homemade java he brought along so he runs into the can. Now at this point we are only actually 14 mile from home but anyhow... Dad and I order and are waiting because I think we are going to see a real show when my buddy comes out and tries to order food....


OH and we do get a good one. He comes out his nose twitching like a rabbit after a carrot and says to the clerk I smell MUFFINS. She goes yes you do would you like a COFFEE? Now most people would pick up on that but not my pal. He goes no coffee but I will take 2 muffins with butter heated.



She goes and no I am not making this UP!!!!

I AM SORRY those muffins in the pans there that you can see are TOO HOT so I can't sell them to you.....


My friends goes that was cute now could I have 2 muffins HEATED with butter please.


NO SIR you may not I CAN NOT sell them to you they are too HOT!!!


OK OK you have had your little joke now please get my muffins these guys here are in hurry.


I think I better GET the girl from the kitchen... she is better at explaining to people that we can't sell hot muffins to them than I am.


OH my gosh now I am laughing inside so hard it hurts but trying to keep a straight face. My dad isn't even trying because he drives Airport shuttle vans and knows the facts on this situation. YOU come in hungry and leave mad and hungry.


So the dust in a TIMMIES uniform that comes of the kitchen must be a 105 if she is a day. Says how can I help you young man to my bud.....


He goes I just want a couple of HEATED muffins with butter to go.


Kitchen grandma goes I am sorry sir they are too hot....


He jumps right in with but then you don't have to heat them...


OH you are a funny one but no MEANS NO!!!


My buddy goes for broke with, I will sign a waiver here give me a pen and I can use this napkin..... I used to draw up contracts for a living....


NO sir that won't work and if you don't leave we will have to call the police.


OK OK I am leaving but I have one question. When can you sell the muffins.


When they are completely cooled.


So then you heat them how to melt the butter


In the microwave of course


Well couldn't someone hurt themselves that way if the muffin was too hot?


OH NO sir the microwave has a muffin setting that could NEVER happen.


So I had yet another steelheading trip with a starving victim who had been under the illusion that Tim Hortons is a 24 hr restaurant.....


Final part of the story the following spring the same three of us were going to a different spot and so my buddy tried to get a muffin in another town 90 miles away and was threatened with I better get the girl from the kitchen she is better at....


My buddy gave up then because he knew how it would end this time.


Anybody else have any strange early morning Timmie stories?

Edited by Canuck2fan
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I dont think I could beat that one,but there was a time when they said I had to wait for coffee?

I visit the local one down the street here and they know me,I know them,they always go out of thier way to get me what I want if it not right ready.

Best bet,make yer lunch the night before.


Funny story.


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That was a long story, and worth the read :D I once got told the cookies were too hot, but they let me have them when I begged and pleaded....I think they were halfway cooled down anyway....

Good post -- I got a laugh out of it!

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all i know is i hate when people order sandwhiches through the drive thru! ITS FOR COFFEE PEOPLE!!!!! gahahah


one morning at about 7 am, a guy ordered 10 breakfast sandwhiches for him and his work buddies. the lady barely choked in disbelief.


and go figure, with one person behind the counter i was the next person in line just wanting a toasted bagel.



i had to wait like 40 mins. i was ticked. i'm so sure they coulnd'y just pop my donkey bagel in the stupid toaster


ohwell, she goes.

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Timmies always make me laugh. I once ordered a chicken salad with butter and swiss cheese and Nothing else, I said "no lettuce, no tomato, just the chicken salad and the cheese."


So as she's making it, she says, "do you want lettuce?" and I say "no, just the butter, chicken salad and cheese, and nothing else." So I watch and she starts putting tomatoes on it. I say "what part of nothing else don't you understand?" She says "well that's how we usually make them."


I just rolled my eyes and so did the three other people standing behind me in line :rolleyes:


Good story bud,never heard of the muffins being too hot :clapping:


As Paul always says, the people working there are our future, so I think we're in big trouble. :lol:



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I guess I'm lucky here in Chicoutimi. I am a fan of Tim Horton's and all the Tim Horton's in town have coffee and food 24 hours. I guess the reason is the fact that last call in the bars is 3 a.m. and closing time is 4 a.m. so there are lots of customers who wander in at around that time. Breakfasts are very popular here in my region. So popular that many restaurants are only open for breakfast and midday meal. The busiest time for breakfast is from 6 a.m. till 8:30 a.m. so these places must be ready before 6 a.m. Most (those that are not open 24 hours) open at around 4 or 5 a.m. I have yet to see an empty Tim Horton's up here in my region.


I often go fishing at 3 or 4 a.m. It starts to get light around 3:30 a.m. during the summer. I never had any problems getting fresh coffee and food.

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Sugarpacket worked in a Tim Hortons and had the flip side of the coin.


Why the heck would the same people come in day after day asking for food between 11PM and 6AM. The rules never changed. They don't serve food between those hours. Yet, constantly, every night, people would come in all night and ask for food.


And had the lady sold your buddy the "hot muffins" she could have been fired.


Timmies is a horrible employer to work for, head office does squat about anything. All rules, policies and health & safety procedures are decided by the owners of each store. Head office simply sits around and collects the gratuities.

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Sugarpacket worked in a Tim Hortons and had the flip side of the coin.


Why the heck would the same people come in day after day asking for food between 11PM and 6AM. The rules never changed. They don't serve food between those hours. Yet, constantly, every night, people would come in all night and ask for food.


And had the lady sold your buddy the "hot muffins" she could have been fired.


Timmies is a horrible employer to work for, head office does squat about anything. All rules, policies and health & safety procedures are decided by the owners of each store. Head office simply sits around and collects the gratuities.


I hear you Rich it wasn't like I had not warned my friends especially the last buddy I wrote about. That is what makes it so funny to me. Some people just can't take well intentioned advice. Seeing it happen was just so surreal though. The muffins were right there in plain sight plus smell and yet due to a couple of lawsuits in the U.S. over hot coffee unavaiable. When he offered to sign I waiver I about fell over from trying not to burst out laughing..... the guy was starving had the money the food was so close but no cigar....


As for the people who kept coming in and asking Sugarpacket might it had anything to do with the 30 to 40 commercials a day that people hear talking about all this great stuff that is available? They never say there is a time limit LOL. We have four Timmies in a town with a pop of less than 33,000 one of them acutally closes overnight and you still see people if you are in the area. Park walk up and try the dang door? NO LIGHTS are on in Timmies or their heads either I guess.

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all i know is i hate when people order sandwhiches through the drive thru! ITS FOR COFFEE PEOPLE!!!!!


Cant say I have seen the sign that says Coffee only..... :dunno:

Personally, I like going through the drive thru when ordering sandwiches, because you are priority, so its much faster than going inside!

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Funny you say that Timmies doesn't serve food between 11:00pm and 6:00am as this last weekend was my first experience, not being able to buy donuts that early at a Timmies.

The first place I went, which is very near my home, there were two people in front of me at 4:45 am ordering (and quite obviously being served) sandwiches!

The dude in front of me had obviously been "at 'er" all night as he had a slight wobble and slur to his speech. I listened for a moment as he took possesion of his sandwich, pay for it, only to then ask why he wasn't getting the sandwich at the combo price. The lady behind the counter turn a very pale colour, her eyes rolled back in her head and she started rocking back and forth mumbling "combo price, combo price"!

I then decided to hit the Timmies down the street.

In this location, there were three people in front of me, all ordering sandwiches! Based on their wobble and slurring, I would assume they were at the same after hours club, the dude in the 1st Timmies was at!

They also, upon further review had NO DONUTS!

A little more irritated by this point, I figured, I'll hit the shop near FishnSleds house and bingo, they have donuts. I relayed my earlier experience to the lady there and she said that she was not surprised and "they are always the first store to put the donuts out!"

So, I now had vittles for the morning, but the funny thing was, I dropped my extra large thermos on the counter and asked it be filled "double double". The conversation went something like this-

me- yah, could i have that filled, double double please?

clerk - uhmmm, how do I do that?

me - well it's a thermos and you take the top off, fill it with coffee, add sugar and cream and I'll be on my way!

clerk - how do I do that?

me - I'll show you - I take the top off, remove the inner cap and point to the side of the thermos - ,me - put this much coffee in it, add the sugar.

clerk - how do I get the sugar in there?

me - well, you could put the sugar in a cup and then pour it in the thermos!

clerk - oh, that may work... with a slight smile!

me - now just add the cream

clerk - how do I do that?

me - well you could put the cream in the same cup you just used for the sugar!

clerk - good Idea!

(now had there been anyone else in that TImmies while this was going on, especially if they were behind me, I would have lost me mind! Given that my various trips to TImmies had already put me behind - no I wasn't late, but I was not my usual 15 minutes early either!!!!)

Now for the fun part... she asked me how much she should be charging me for the thermos! Without blinking, I said, oh, I thought you get a free thermos of coffee with every dozen donuts! (tongue firmly planted in cheek)

Well, in the end, she had the baker, the cleaner and another employee, all standing around the registar, trying to figure out what to charge me!

Lesson learned.... try Coffee Time next!LOL


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Funny you say that Timmies doesn't serve food between 11:00pm and 6:00am as this last weekend was my first experience, not being able to buy donuts that early at a Timmies.

The first place I went, which is very near my home, there were two people in front of me at 4:45 am ordering (and quite obviously being served) sandwiches!

The dude in front of me had obviously been "at 'er" all night as he had a slight wobble and slur to his speech. I listened for a moment as he took possesion of his sandwich, pay for it, only to then ask why he wasn't getting the sandwich at the combo price. The lady behind the counter turn a very pale colour, her eyes rolled back in her head and she started rocking back and forth mumbling "combo price, combo price"!

I then decided to hit the Timmies down the street.

In this location, there were three people in front of me, all ordering sandwiches! Based on their wobble and slurring, I would assume they were at the same after hours club, the dude in the 1st Timmies was at!

They also, upon further review had NO DONUTS!

A little more irritated by this point, I figured, I'll hit the shop near FishnSleds house and bingo, they have donuts. I relayed my earlier experience to the lady there and she said that she was not surprised and "they are always the first store to put the donuts out!"

So, I now had vittles for the morning, but the funny thing was, I dropped my extra large thermos on the counter and asked it be filled "double double". The conversation went something like this-

me- yah, could i have that filled, double double please?

clerk - uhmmm, how do I do that?

me - well it's a thermos and you take the top off, fill it with coffee, add sugar and cream and I'll be on my way!

clerk - how do I do that?

me - I'll show you - I take the top off, remove the inner cap and point to the side of the thermos - ,me - put this much coffee in it, add the sugar.

clerk - how do I get the sugar in there?

me - well, you could put the sugar in a cup and then pour it in the thermos!

clerk - oh, that may work... with a slight smile!

me - now just add the cream

clerk - how do I do that?

me - well you could put the cream in the same cup you just used for the sugar!

clerk - good Idea!

(now had there been anyone else in that TImmies while this was going on, especially if they were behind me, I would have lost me mind! Given that my various trips to TImmies had already put me behind - no I wasn't late, but I was not my usual 15 minutes early either!!!!)

Now for the fun part... she asked me how much she should be charging me for the thermos! Without blinking, I said, oh, I thought you get a free thermos of coffee with every dozen donuts! (tongue firmly planted in cheek)

Well, in the end, she had the baker, the cleaner and another employee, all standing around the registar, trying to figure out what to charge me!

Lesson learned.... try Coffee Time next!LOL



Thanks for the laugh :D .


Personally I can't stand it either when people order food at a busy Tim's drive thru in the morning.

Drives me nuts :P .

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Personally I can't stand it either when people order food at a busy Tim's drive thru in the morning.

Drives me nuts :P .


Actually, I think that if you are going to be ordering anything other than a coffee and donut/muffin, or easy to make sandwich, you should get off your lazy arse and go in the store. The drive thru is supposed to be quick and I can't tell you how many times I'm stuck idling for 10 minutes waiting for the minivan in front of me to get their 10 sandwiches :wallbash:<_<



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