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BBR & Johnny Bass do LPB


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After hyping up Long Point Bay's amazing pike fishing to Johnny Bass, he decided he'd come down and finally try it out. At my place before 7am, and we were on our way. Of course, the whole way I talked it up, about how great the pike fishing was. Man we catch a lot of pike out there.


The boat launch went fine from Port Rowan (after pretty much filling out a survey just to launch the boat... what the heck) we finally got out to the flats. I still had to rig my rod and Johnny began casting. Pumped full of ambition for the amazing pike fishing we were about to experience, as soon as Johnny's spinnerbait hit the water I asked sarcastically "you got one yet?"


Well that's pretty much the point where I realized I had cursed our fishing trip.


We spent the next two hours pounding the flats with everything we had, with only one missed pike to show for our efforts. 2 freakin' hours of casting as far as we could, and cranking back as fast as we could. The wind was pretty bad out there, but everything was still fishable. Johnny then finally nailed.... THE WGSF




I explained to Johnny that it's pretty rare to get rockies while pike fishing on the bay. He proceeded to catch about 500 of them.


So we decided to go in and target largemouth, just to get a little confidence boost. Thank goodness the largies were where I expected, or I was ready to just jump overboard with my tail between my legs.


We caught a bunch. Not sure how many, probably 20 but nothing over a couple of pounds. As is the norm on the bay. So the bass fishing was average today at least.


The pattern was targetting rock rip-rap banks and steel breakwalls. Johnny used a fluke for the most part and I kept switching between a tandem spinnerbait and a 7 inch plastic worm. All caught fish.








So after we had caught enough of the largies we decided to head out to the north channel to see if the smallies were still around. By the time we got out to EC10 Johnny's motor was acting up. Neither of us could pinpoint the problem, but it kept going from it's maximum speed to an idle speed and just staying at idle speed. So our max speed was about 7mph at this point. The wind and waves were pretty brutal at the north channel and things were getting worse. We made one drift though and I picked up 3 smallies on tubes and Johnny caught 4 I think, also on tubes. He was dragging and I was drifting. We found a productive weedline in 10 fow where they were holding.






However, with the wind increasing and the looks of a storm being on the way, combined with Johnny's engine acting up, we decided to play it safe and head back to shore to try and figure things out. We got to St Williams and Johnny called a mechanic who said he was pretty sure it was a spark plug problem. Johnny opened up the motor and found a spark plug was unplugged. He plugged it back in and off we went.. everything seemed fine, for about 5 minutes. Then the motor completely stalled out and wouldn't start again. Of course, here's when the storm came! So while we attempted to use the electric motor to get back to shore we just got pounded with heavy rain and even some hail!



"When it rains, it pours"


Poor Johnny was having a terrible day. BUT he got the engine started again and it seemed to be working well for the time being. The storm passed quickly and we decided to give the pike one more shot.


Nope. Another hour on the flats and yet again, nothing to show for our efforts except Johnny's keen WGSF catching skills.


So in a last effort we pounded a productive largemouth stretch near Port Rowan and caught a few more. Once again, just little guys. Johnny spotted something HUGE but couldn't determine if it was a bass or a dogfish. Either way, it didn't bite.


That was that, we'd both had enough and decided to retire.


Johnny, despite all the mishaps, the horrible weather and the slow fishing I still had a good time and we didn't go home skunked at least.


I hope in spite of everything you had a good time as well. By the way, I checked that rock bass' stomach contents that I brought home. I found 38 pike. :lol:


In fishing you win some, you lose some. At least we gave it our best.

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Guest Johnny Bass

Ya, I had a great time. We finally figured out a good pattern and spot for smallies, with me nailing like 4 in a few minutes and next thing you know, we are facing 3 foot rollers, and we see dark clouds heading our way! Rich wanted to do another drift but I played it safe and headed to shore right away. I have a feeling if the weather was better and the boat was working, we would have cleaned house in that area!



I told rich not to hype up the Pike fishing on the way there and I was right!! He jinxed us.lol I teased him about the great pike fishing we were having all day.lol


I think the rock bass ate all the pike because that is all that was there!


Finally fished Erie and all I have to say is it is a bit scary with my 16 footer...Will leave it for when I upgrade my boat! Thanks for showing me around the bay Rich!

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Great report Rich. Too bad the pike wasn't cooperating but at least you guys caught some fish ... much better than sitting at work lol.


I hope that there's nothing major with the motor Johnny. You guys will nail'em next time!

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I know what you mean about the curse. Whenever I fish with someone in our usual shore spots, we get skunked....just ask Tbayboy....LOL.


Despite the pike not cooperating, the motor issues and the rain, it still adds up to a great day of fishing!

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JB - What an honour it must have been to be fishing with the WGSF master himself. Great to see he was able to put you on those fish like the pro that he is. Oh ya - you were after pike. Oh well, still looks like a great day to me! Great report Rich.

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