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ZeitGeist The movie............ NF

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My... someone else besides Johnny Bass and myself that gets it. I am really starting think we can make a difference... at least at waking people up!


It's all about the truth, and I think we will see more of it as mainstream media begins/continues to fall behind realtime reporting thanks to digital media and the Internet.


The problem is that so many people just plop down and watch the freakin' T.V. and take everything as the truth from it! :wallbash:

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Yes, the difficult part is when you make statements that people IMMEDIATELY dismiss. What I explain to them is the reason the statements seem so far out, are that they base their judgements on the information they are getting which in most cases is extremely limited and not from enough sources. In many cases, the media that people base their opinions and beliefs on is heavily skewed for a certain agenda.


What people need to do is get their news from as many sources as possible, and as many media as possible. Only then can an informed opinion be formulated, taking all sides of the equation into question. Too often today and historically the flow of information/news is so controlled that people cannot formulate a rounded opinion because there is so much that is left out. The internet is definately changing that, and I believe that the traditional TV media is underreporting the actual impact of it.


People are at least starting to wake up, and figure out how the world REALLY works, without having to be in a top position of power. This is powerful and is changing the balance of power worldwide, at least to a limited extent.

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And what the heck does our population have to do with anything. Less population more resources should equal LOW PRICES!


More miles of road per capita. Fewer distribution points for greater delivery distances and commensurate higher costs. Smaller retail operations meaning higher profit margins needed to sustain the operation. Smaller municipalities each having to sustain the same essential infrastructure as those huge American cities (one set of managers whether they are responsible to 50,000 taxpayers or 500,000). Smaller populations sustain fewer amenities (like airports) meaning higher travel costs for many of us just to get to the airport. Higher food costs when the retailer serves a smaller population. (is bread cheaper in a country corner gas station or a Zehr's Superstore in Toronto?)


The raw costs of exploiting our natural resources is a drop in the bucket compared to their processing, packaging and delivery, not to mention the markups at each different level of handling and the taxes added. You and I won't likely live long enough to see cheap fossil fuel or lumber products again.


Living in a sparsely populated country like we do is a very expensive privilege. I'm more than happy that we have all the wonderful natural areas so close but in some way or other they all add to the burden of cost for us. We're supporting an area roughly equal to the continental US with one tenth of the population.


Like Kermit says - "It ain't easy being green."



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Guest lundboy
Yes, the difficult part is when you make statements that people IMMEDIATELY dismiss.


People are at least starting to wake up, and figure out how the world REALLY works, without having to be in a top position of power. This is powerful and is changing the balance of power worldwide, at least to a limited extent.


Absolutely. The sooner people realize that the left right paradigm, taxes, gas prices, celeb gossip, global warming (don't argue about the global warming issue, I can point you to a document from the 70s by the Club of Rome that says they will use it as an excuse to reduce population and hit us with taxes) etc. are all part of the agenda and are strategically designed and pushed to distract attention away and for the advancement of the plan. The sooner people see this for what it is, the sooner we may be able stop the coming transhumanism, and depopulation. Is it just some of us here in this forum, or have most people also noticed the trend in the media to suddenly push the idea of sterilization and one child policies to protect "Gaia" (Earth God)? I suspect it has gone mostly un-noticed. But , with the current level of indoctrination of our school children into the green movement (earth good, all humans bad) we as serfs to the elite, will have our days numbered.

Edited by lundboy
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Awe, no come on guys, don't you know that they are all doing this stuff to help make our lives better! We obviously don't have the capacity to take care of ourselves, so hey, let's let them take care of us!

(ducking the flames as I go merrily through my life with blinders on! :whistling: )


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Guest Johnny Bass
More miles of road per capita. Fewer distribution points for greater delivery distances and commensurate higher costs. Smaller retail operations meaning higher profit margins needed to sustain the operation. Smaller municipalities each having to sustain the same essential infrastructure as those huge American cities (one set of managers whether they are responsible to 50,000 taxpayers or 500,000). Smaller populations sustain fewer amenities (like airports) meaning higher travel costs for many of us just to get to the airport. Higher food costs when the retailer serves a smaller population. (is bread cheaper in a country corner gas station or a Zehr's Superstore in Toronto?)


The raw costs of exploiting our natural resources is a drop in the bucket compared to their processing, packaging and delivery, not to mention the markups at each different level of handling and the taxes added. You and I won't likely live long enough to see cheap fossil fuel or lumber products again.


Living in a sparsely populated country like we do is a very expensive privilege. I'm more than happy that we have all the wonderful natural areas so close but in some way or other they all add to the burden of cost for us. We're supporting an area roughly equal to the continental US with one tenth of the population.


Like Kermit says - "It ain't easy being green."




No offense John but this is a bunch of Bull Smaller retail stores means higher profit margins? Only in a Capitalist type system that was designed to keep the rich, and the poor poorer with some people getting the crumbs(the middlemen retailers).


As far as Toronto's airport? It is in the top 3 most expensive airports in the world. Figure that one out! Even where there are countries with more population.Why? Because they know Torontonians will dish out the money!!!!


Do you think the gas station buys in quantity like the supermarket???


So wait a minute. When our population increase 10 fold and the demand for raw material goes up, and their are shortages, then the prices will come down? :rolleyes:


When the cost of our natural gas has tripled in the last few decades and then find out 90% of our gas is going to the states and they are paying cheaper than us? I'd like you to factor in all that transportation and overhead mumbo jumbo. Even our beer and our GAS is cheaper in the states than here.


Our gas is being priced at global standards. Not at how much it is really worth! They basically are charging as much as the people are willing to pay for it! We keep paying what they charge and they will keep raising!


I also have a friend that had a Home developer company outside of Canada and he commented on how cheap the houses are built here yet, how expensive they sell them. Tried to open up a construction company and found there was way too much red tape involved. Its all price gauging.

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A $200/barrel oil price target was set last year, there are many impacts of increasingly unaffordable oil prices. One of the impacts is that people will be unable to afford travelling long distances, and thus are more easily controllable. Having greater control of the GLOBAL population (each individual) seems to be a common goal of those in positions of power around the world. This is one way to achieve that control. Similar to the staged and controlled use of 'terrorism' by these very same individuals and governments.

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This 'Zeitgeist' is a pretty decent eye-opener in many ways. The 'Loose change' and 'Iraq for sale' have compelling stories and evidences as well. But this stuff has always existed and remains somewhat constant. I remember reading books by

Noam Chomsky(Deterring Democracy), Jean Baudrillard(Transparency of Evil) etc... back in the late 80's- early 90's that

clearly showed this stuff going on 20-60 yrs.ago or more. People have tried big change like the Bolshevik Revolution which wasn't that effective. But most folk in Canada know this stuff anyways.

The ancient game of chess is based on sacrificing pawns (most of us), then Knights(army folk), then bishops (organized religion) to protect Kings and Queens and their castle. That situation hasn't changed much in thousands of years.

I found the ' astrotheology' slant/expose for most religions and George Carlin's take interesting.

What are you gonna do? :dunno:




My... someone else besides Johnny Bass and myself that gets it. I am really starting think we can make a difference... at least at waking people up!

At least there is light at end of the tunnel.

"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, commited citizens can change the world; indeed, it's the only thing that ever has." - Margaret Mead

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No offense John but this is a bunch of Bull Smaller retail stores means higher profit margins? Only in a Capitalist type system that was designed to keep the rich, and the poor poorer with some people getting the crumbs(the middlemen retailers).


Not exactly what I said, or at least not what I meant to say. The little guy has to have higher profit margins to offset the smaller volume sales. And like it or not, we don't live in a socialist state, try as some might to make it one.


As far as Toronto's airport? It is in the top 3 most expensive airports in the world. Figure that one out! Even where there are countries with more population.Why? Because they know Torontonians will dish out the money!!!!


I don't get your argument there.


Do you think the gas station buys in quantity like the supermarket???


I understand the profit margins on gas are slim, but I'll bet it's easier for the high volume pumper within easy delivery range of the refineries. It's my argument in microcosm.


So wait a minute. When our population increase 10 fold and the demand for raw material goes up, and their are shortages, then the prices will come down? :rolleyes:


When the processing volume goes up the costs of processing will come down. There may well be an increase in the raw material costs with an overall drop in the finished product price as volumes grow.


When the cost of our natural gas has tripled in the last few decades and then find out 90% of our gas is going to the states and they are paying cheaper than us? I'd like you to factor in all that transportation and overhead mumbo jumbo. Even our beer and our GAS is cheaper in the states than here.


Compare American tax rates to ours. Look at the beer you buy. How come it's so much cheaper in the US?


Our gas is being priced at global standards. Not at how much it is really worth! They basically are charging as much as the people are willing to pay for it! We keep paying what they charge and they will keep raising!


If they dropped the price below world market prices our resources would be depleted in no time. Keeping prices up to market levels helps protect our resources. Use the other guy's stuff first. Not that I think it makes that much difference in the big picture. As soon as the world's fossil fuel resources are depleted ours will be gone in the blink of an eye, and there's likely nothing we as a nation can do about it.


I also have a friend that had a Home developer company outside of Canada and he commented on how cheap the houses are built here yet, how expensive they sell them. Tried to open up a construction company and found there was way too much red tape involved. Its all price gauging.


It's charging what the traffic will bear. There are developers out there who are succeeding, doing very nicely. Those who can't cut it either fall by the wayside or recognize the potential for failure before they commit. As soon as the general public stops buying new houses watch the prices come down. I see it happening all the time. I sell houses, including a lot of new ones. The price fluctuations aren't always obvious to the guy in the street but when you're watching it day by day you sure can see it. A few thousand dollars is easy to miss in a $400,000 purchase price. There's a lot of wheels within wheels stuff going on. As soon as the builders see a chance to raise their prices, the trades and materials suppliers start to raise theirs until the net profit for the builder is back to square one, or worse. Then if sales start to slump due to an economic downturn, the trades have to get more competitive in the race for the smaller volume of work available. About the only thing that tends not to drop is the material prices and the taxes (although even they change from time to time, or are offset by incentives to help the building industry). It's a vicious circle. Building's a very tough business these days, not for the faint of heart or muddled of brain. The successful companies either find a niche market or learn to read the market trends in time to be proactive. Reputation is everything if you want to command the top dollars. Otherwise it's dog eat dog, cutting corners in quality, price cutting and finally selling below cost to clear inventory and free up credit.



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Guest Johnny Bass
Not exactly what I said, or at least not what I meant to say. The little guy has to have higher profit margins to offset the smaller volume sales. And like it or not, we don't live in a socialist state, try as some might to make it one.


Only because the smaller guy is being CHARGED more. Simple as that.


I don't get your argument there.


You said"Smaller populations sustain fewer amenities (like airports) meaning higher travel costs for many of us just to get to the airport."


So why are London and Toronto the most expensive airports in the world? They are big populations. Why? because there is a lot of money in these places and they can milk more cash.


I understand the profit margins on gas are slim, but I'll bet it's easier for the high volume pumper within easy delivery range of the refineries. It's my argument in microcosm.


Apples and oranges.....We were talking about bread.


bread is not cheaper in Grocery stores(as opposed to gas stations)because it serves a smaller population. It is cheaper because they buy in bulk and get it cheaper so they can sell in bulk. If corner stores and gas stations were selling at the same cost as super markets? Sales would increase, they would grow. And they would serve a larger population.


As our population grows, has food become more expensive or less? Definitely more expensive I've been seeing a few increases a year. So their goes your theory.


There are other forces at work affecting prices.


When the processing volume goes up the costs of processing will come down. There may well be an increase in the raw material costs with an overall drop in the finished product price as volumes grow.


Really? I have seen prices only go up. Not down......At least at the consumer level.


Compare American tax rates to ours. Look at the beer you buy. How come it's so much cheaper in the US?


Really?And what about your transportation argument. How much does it cost to transport our stuff to America and they are still paying cheaper than us.


So Americans get our natural gas tax free and we don't? Is that what you are trying to say?Who made this arrangement and is it legal? Is that more of the "fruits" of free trade?


If they dropped the price below world market prices our resources would be depleted in no time. Keeping prices up to market levels helps protect our resources.


Bull Do you know how many years we survived with cheap oil and the supplies are not only stable but new supplies are being discovered?Do you know how much oil Canada has? Maybe if we stopped exporting our oil, there wouldn't be a problem. Its all about robbing Canada's resources so a few can get filthy rich.


Nothing you say can justify the fact that gasoline prices have doubled in the last 5-6 years.


Use the other guy's stuff first.


No thats America's motto.


Not that I think it makes that much difference in the big picture. As soon as the world's fossil fuel resources are depleted ours will be gone in the blink of an eye, and there's likely nothing we as a nation can do about it.


Are you saying the USA will say we have WMD and invade us? :lol:


You shouldn't be worried about fossil fuels. You should be worried about our water supplies! Canada has most of the world's water supplies(next to the Arctic, Antarctica).


It's charging what the traffic will bear. There are developers out there who are succeeding, doing very nicely. Those who can't cut it either fall by the wayside or recognize the potential for failure before they commit. As soon as the general public stops buying new houses watch the prices come down. I see it happening all the time. I sell houses, including a lot of new ones. The price fluctuations aren't always obvious to the guy in the street but when you're watching it day by day you sure can see it. A few thousand dollars is easy to miss in a $400,000 purchase price. There's a lot of wheels within wheels stuff going on. As soon as the builders see a chance to raise their prices, the trades and materials suppliers start to raise theirs until the net profit for the builder is back to square one, or worse. Then if sales start to slump due to an economic downturn, the trades have to get more competitive in the race for the smaller volume of work available. About the only thing that tends not to drop is the material prices and the taxes (although even they change from time to time, or are offset by incentives to help the building industry). It's a vicious circle. Building's a very tough business these days, not for the faint of heart or muddled of brain. The successful companies either find a niche market or learn to read the market trends in time to be proactive. Reputation is everything if you want to command the top dollars. Otherwise it's dog eat dog, cutting corners in quality, price cutting and finally selling below cost to clear inventory and free up credit.





But the prices are too high to begin with!!!People used to buy starter apartments for real cheap. They dont build apartments now. Only to rent and over priced condos! And over priced homes.


Even if the price fall. They don't fall enough! Maybe they should start building some smaller houses that are affordable. Ones where your not in debt for the rest of your life. And then when your family grows you can upgrade. But even a little shack will run you over $250,000 these days!

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  • 3 months later...

I just finished watching this "series" and found some of it quite interesting.. especially the references made to Egyptology etc... However the latest film was by far the largest eye opener... "Addendum"


Some scary stuff.







<embed id="VideoPlayback" src="http://video.google.com/googleplayer.swf?docid=7065205277695921912&hl=en&fs=true" style="width:400px;height:326px" allowFullScreen="true" allowScriptAccess="always" type="application/x-shockwave-flash"> </embed>

Edited by Gerritt
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can you rent these at blockbuster? And yes im being serious lol


You can watch the full versions on google video, or even www.zeitgeistmovie.com. Its downloaded around the net, and if u got a tech friend, or a dvd burner you can DL it using a Torrent.


youtube has also got some cool vids... this one is actually a full version >>>


End Of Suburbia Documentary


Check it out

Edited by Pachone
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can you rent these at blockbuster? And yes im being serious lol

You can play the video for free (full movie) in Gerritt's post.(post 37)


Watched it a couple of weeks ago and actually found it empowering, not depressing.

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Truth? Here are a couple that I found interesting.






The UN has been hungry for a global tax since inception and they figured this global warming scam with

carbon tax might work. I had lots of trouble trying to wrap my head around how taxes would cut emissions,

especially while exempting developing countries like China and India. (Kyoto)


This is a little off the original topic but goes to the same control thing.

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You can play the video for free (full movie) in Gerritt's post.(post 37)


Watched it a couple of weeks ago and actually found it empowering, not depressing.


Thanks, ill watch those, i wanted to really settle in and get some popcorn going and a couple friends over and dig right in as opposed to sittin at my computer watchin a little youtube screen. But this will work too.

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Almost as good as Al Gores Movie, lets play this to our kids in School. Yea we need more Hollywood Garbage for the Paranoid and Anarchists.


Really I just flipped through this stuff after getting through the compelling beginning and I thought. Whats their Point. Breakdown every social, political, financial structure that we ever worked to achieve. I see only a little bit of anti American Propaganda in it too. Should be a hit eh.

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Thanks, ill watch those, i wanted to really settle in and get some popcorn going and a couple friends over and dig right in as opposed to sittin at my computer watchin a little youtube screen. But this will work too.

Blaque, you can watch that video on full screen by right clicking.

I watched at someones house, they burned it off of bit torrent and put it on DivX.

So we watched it on a 52 inch TV or something like that.



Almost as good as Al Gores Movie, lets play this to our kids in School. Yea we need more Hollywood Garbage for the Paranoid and Anarchists.


Really I just flipped through this stuff after getting through the compelling beginning and I thought. Whats their Point. Breakdown every social, political, financial structure that we ever worked to achieve. I see only a little bit of anti American Propaganda in it too. Should be a hit eh.

Holdfast, it is a free movie not Hollywood.


After reading your solution(in other topic) of lynching oil execs and laughing in their faces while they die;

i'll take some of the discussed solutions in this film where they are trying to find a way

to get past us being sheep, addicted to perverse violence for the big money's profit.

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Guest lundboy
You can watch the full versions on google video, or even www.zeitgeistmovie.com. Its downloaded around the net, and if u got a tech friend, or a dvd burner you can DL it using a Torrent.


youtube has also got some cool vids... this one is actually a full version >>>


End Of Suburbia Documentary


Check it out


Careful with this one. It is a well known predictive programming propaganda tool by Zwicker, to drive people into compact cities (habitats) part of the NWO agenda.

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