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Fishing report

Guest Johnny Bass

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Guest Johnny Bass

Went fishing Saturday to a pike lake I know. She woke up late and by the time we got up there? It was about 4 - 4:30. :blink: Launched the boat and headed for our destination. Fished our first spot? Nothing but I was still setting up and the wind drifted us out of the spot quickly. I said lets go to the next spot.


Get to the next spot? Nothing. I say lets go to the next spot. So were pounding the water. She's using a husky jerk and I'm using a Spot which I have a lot of luck with but for some reason? Not on this lake so I switch to a big spinner bait.


I'm telling her that 90% of the fish are in 10% of the lake. We just have to find them. She told me she knows that fishing is a hit and miss but I explained to her, I usually do quite well and we will guaranteed hook something.


I'm casting and I see a flash swipe at my bait. I say FOLLOW! She's probably thinking I am full of it, but on the next cast? BANG! I got a really long and skinny pike on and I was using that garbage fat muskie rod from BPS with no flex in it. Like fighting a fish with a log and rope. It got off. Still, finally some action, we had some hope.


I see the way she is fishing and for some reason the lure has no action on it. I tell her to make the fish look injured. Twich it, pause it whatever. She starts doing it? She has a fish on!She brings it in? 2-3 lb bright gold pickeral! I took 3 pictures of her with that fish. She didn't want to hold the fish so I extended my arm near her face, but none of the pictures came out. She was smiling for at least 1/2 hour after that.


We started to redo the drift? WHACK! Fish on. fish off. Fish on!! fish off. I go to her, watch this. I switch rods and go to a grub and drop it in. She's like why are you changing lures? That other one seems to be working? I say watch! 3 seconds later? FISH ON! I bring in a decent pike.


We do the drift again and can't recall if I smashed another hammer handle.


Anyways I switch to a jig and grub and am dragging bottom for pickeral. I get a hit, I miss it, I explain to her that sometimes a fish will hit it again if it wasn't stung. I'm like watch this. I wait 2 seconds and then set the hook? Guess what? Pike on. She's pretty impressed at this point.


Then she nails a pike. Its a puke but it still counts.


So we're fishing and she hasn't got a bite. She wants to switch to a red devil. I say fine. I go to take off her husky jerk? It has NO lip??? I'm like, no wonder the lure had no action. Yet she still managed to catch 2 fish with a broken husky jerk! :blink:


Anyways she is fishing the spoon but kept catching bottom, so I told her to switch back to a Husky Jerk. A good one.


Meanwhile? I'm on fire with the jig head and grub. Nailed all kinds of Pike, had 2 bite offs and caught a puny pickeral.


I didn't charge the trolling motor battery and it died mid-day. So I had a hard time maneuvering around obstacles. Made the fishing difficult to fish the section we were fishing. At one point we were stuck on a rock. I had to get off the boat and on the rock and lift the boat off the rock.


The sun was starting to set and the bugs were coming out full force. So we decided to leave. On the way back we hit a rock and we mangled our prop. Need a new one. Not to mention I went back to her place and got a parking ticket!!! So it was a very expensive fishing trip!Well over $200....


Oh well. Still had fun and she wants to do it again.


Here are a few pics we took. We stopped taking pictures after awhile because they were mostly snot rockets.








Here is the puke pickeral




And here are a few sheephead from Nippissing I found on the camera.



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Guest Johnny Bass



T.J. That is my buddy in the ski mask. Believe me. Its better he keeps that mask on.LOL j/k


Lucky the water wasn't too cold Clamp-it. I had to take off my socks and jogging pants and get er done. I think this is either the 2nd or 3rd time I had to do it.


But putting the boat away(dragging it up the driveway) with only a girl to help was the real workout.


The water temp was 57 degrees and all the pike were sitting right on bottom, so draggin the jig with the occassional hop did the trick.

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But putting the boat away(dragging it up the driveway) with only a girl to help was the real workout.



Great post Johnny! Sounds like you had an amazing day out on the water... and she even caught fish with a broken lure...


I always enjoy your posts...


but what is that comment above... ONLY A GIRL... hmmm





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..The water temp was 57 degrees and all the pike were sitting right on bottom, so draggin the jig with the occassional hop did the trick.


Right on bottom.

That's prolly where it is warmest, until the water warms, then they will rise.

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