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I asked my wife want she wanted for Mother's Day and she replied back with "some fresh trout for dinner" would be nice.... :Gonefishing:


So I thought to myself, now that's a tough job to do, but I better see if I can please the wife :whistling::thumbsup_anim: ... Other than the black flies, the morning was awesome.....tried worms, spinners and spoons for a while but with no success so after an hour I decided to bring out the fly rod and BANG!!!....all were caught on flies ...... here's some pics to share..









And here's my honey's dinner ready to be cooked!! :thumbsup_anim:



  TroutnMuskieHunter said:
I asked my wife want she wanted for Mother's Day and she replied back with "some fresh trout for dinner" would be nice.... :Gonefishing:


So, in essence, she kicked you out....LOL. Great report and awesome fish! When they get lock jaw, it's great to see a change in tactics that paid off. Great work out there!

  Greencoachdog said:
Great report and pics Steve!!! :thumbsup_anim:


Ya gotta love a woman that sends you out fishin' on Mothers Day!!! :clapping:


I 2nd that.


Great catch! :thumbsup_anim: (pun intended lol)


Those are some nice fish there, giving you a nice plate of fine fillets.


Kinda look like huge brookies, but those are splake aren't they?




  ehg said:
Those are some nice fish there, giving you a nice plate of fine fillets.


Kinda look like huge brookies, but those are splake aren't they?



They're all Brookies ehg....you can usually tell if it's a Brook trout by its tail....also referred to as square tail..


Here's a pic of some Splake....you see more of a fork in the tail but not as much as a Laker and not as square as a Brookie..



  Crazyhook said:
you call me when you want to fish eh!


Jamie...pretty hectic :Gonefishing: schedule right now :thumbsup_anim: headin to Temagami this Friday for 5 days and then going up to Ompah to hunt some Rainbows May 30th - June 1st...


I've rented a small cabin in Ompah and am fishing solo for the 3 days, so if you can get out, shoot me a pm...if not, I'll be out opening day here on the Ottawa R. for Muskie hunting ;)




now those look tassssssttttttty i ate mine already...could use some more...i caught these on browns lake short potage off of temagami...i have an aluminum boat i left there 8 winters ago....its still there i saw it this winter...i caught the specs there and the other fish in this picture were caught in kokoko...but the specks were delicious...nice lake loaded for specs ill be in temagami may 31st for one week till the 7th if anyone is around and wants to catch some specs i can get you to the potage....fish_fry.jpg

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