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Carp Gear Buyers Beware . . . .


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Just a bit of a 'heads-up' to any of you carpers who have decided to go for broke & buy top-of-the-line (expensive) carp gear. The vast majority is now manufactured in China, imported to Britian & the U.S., where Canadian dealers pick it up. Now . . . here's the sticking point . . . . IF something goes wrong with the item, be it Fox, Delkim, Flagzar, D. A. M., to mention a few, you won't find a repair or parts depot in Canada, OR even in the U. S., for any of 'em! I had the misfortune of hitting one of my $150.00 Fox MMX alarms, and was able to get a couple small plastic pins from Fox, but the potentiometer (a little .25" X .25" X 25" piece of plastic) was also cracked, and needed to be replaced. I sent a letter to Fox, they WERE very quick at answering, but . . . I got a 'Dear Steve' letter back . . . .



Dear Steve,


Unfortunateley we are unble to supply any component parts for alarm PCBs separately. However we still have a very limited supply of MMX pcb boards complete, available at a cost of 61 Canadian Dollars each + 12 Canadian Dollars carriage total 73 Canadian dollars.This is for credit card payment only direct to Fox on 00442085596500 asking for myself on a Monday,Tuesday or Wednesday. Other forms of payment would incur an extra Bank charge.



So . . . as soon as this $150.00 alarm quits, I just toss it? The other choice is to pay the $73.00 and then the taxes & duty which could bring it up close to $100.00 . . . . and NO GUARANTEE it would last any length of time! Carp Fishin' is a lotta fun, and there's a lotta fun (EXPENSIVE) things to go with it . . . . but, unless you can afford to toss the expensive stuff away, or pay the value of the item to get it repaired, better to try and locate something made on this side of the pond . . . . which is near impossible! Hope I haven't wasted anybody's time, and GOOD LUCK!! Below is the l'il blue square thingy that is soldered to the board, not actually part of the board, gotta be worth somewhere in the neighbourhood of $1.00!!



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Yes, there SHOULD be SOMETHING, SOMEPLACE, but there ain't! We've tried, for several months, MANY places . . . . it's kinda like buying a piece of a Chevvy that's .001 too big or too small, and puttin' it in a Ford or a Chrysler, we've come close, but no cigar! It LOOKS pretty simple, but it ain't quite that easy, or believe me, I'd have had it long ago. It kinda tells ya sumpthin' when FOX don't have it, eh? But . . . . t'anks for the suggestion.

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It looks like a Bourns 3362.




The value or range should be marked on one of the vertical faces. Electrosonic stocks them locally, 1100 Gordon Baker Rd., North York.


I think they are about $1.75.

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Photoz, I had the same thing happen to my MMX, I went to Sayal elec. picked the part up and replaced it my self. I have two mx's that I use, one of the led's died, when to sayal and replaced it.




Yes there are alarms that can be fixed and replacaed in the U.S., but they are no as good as the higher end.


Don't talk down on delkim, nash, DAM/okuma(merged) they have great customer service, and it is done right.


For the price of a MMX now, you can just replace it, I think I have seen them on ebay.co.uk for 25 pounds.


Yes euro style carp items are expensive and mostly for show, but when you have carp fever......... But yes your right very expensive, Ive got close to $15,000-$20,000 in carp equipment and tackle, not counting the stuff I don't use.


IMO pleople buy $500 bass rods, and snap them the first time out. Musky guy's, I've seen baits for $300, thats like gambling, cut off, bye bye $300. Don't let me start with floaters and fly fishing.


Part's on the board are cheap, it's the work, testing, assembly, engineering, weather proofing, etc.....


I am not disagreeing with you in any way, but evey fisherman has to bite the bullet at one time or another.





Edited by DanielM
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It looks like a Bourns 3362.




The value or range should be marked on one of the vertical faces. Electrosonic stocks them locally, 1100 Gordon Baker Rd., North York.


I think they are about $1.75.



Thats the one I put in mine



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Yes, there SHOULD be SOMETHING, SOMEPLACE, but there ain't! We've tried, for several months, MANY places . . . . it's kinda like buying a piece of a Chevvy that's .001 too big or too small, and puttin' it in a Ford or a Chrysler, we've come close, but no cigar! It LOOKS pretty simple, but it ain't quite that easy, or believe me, I'd have had it long ago. It kinda tells ya sumpthin' when FOX don't have it, eh? But . . . . t'anks for the suggestion.




Edited by DanielM
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HOLY SAMOLEANS!!! I LIVE 5 minutes from Electrosonic . . . and WORK 2 blocks from there!! I'll drop over and pick that piece up tomorrow . . . . geeze . . . . I can't believe how you guys came through on THIS!! T'anks a million!

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HOLY SAMOLEANS!!! I LIVE 5 minutes from Electrosonic . . . and WORK 2 blocks from there!! I'll drop over and pick that piece up tomorrow . . . . geeze . . . . I can't believe how you guys came through on THIS!! T'anks a million!


I can't believe you thought we were all just pretty faces.


I mean - look at 'em all. Sheesh!


Now if some of the girls had offered advice - well, that would be different, but us guys make the carp look cute, and nobody could really be as dumb as most of us look. I say most of us to allow for the swollen egos that just don't see themselves in the carp faced category. :whistling:


With all this research and fact finding you've been doing we should expect a new line of Canadian made Carp alarms being introduced any time now.



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With all this research and fact finding you've been doing we should expect a new line of Canadian made Carp alarms being introduced any time now.JF



I run my line between my toes so that when a carp pulls on the line it tickles my foot and wakes me up. I put a lot of research into it too.

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