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Trent River........


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My apologies for stepping in on everyone elses threads about this topic.....(the flood)

Comming home from the office I cross the downtown bridge in Belleville, (the Moira) and it is insanely dangerous with the water flow...

I heard on the radio about 7am this morning my river, (the Trent) wont be cresting for another 2 weeks and that by this weekend could rise as much as 22".......

On my way back home at noon today I heard an alert that the army has set up a headquarters at my hometown arena where you can pick up sandbags 'Free of Charge".......

Awesome gesture by the local sand /gravel suplier..complete w/bags.(Cooney S&Gravel in Frankford)

Anyway..the water had crept up another 4-5 feet up the property in the 4-5 hours Id been away.

Off to the arena............just over 15,000lb in sand/bags, Charmaine an I, set up across our backyard by my workshop/office....

hopefully inprevention...I set these up right at the NEW river edge.

The river used to be 120' from our back patio door and now is about 45-50' away.....

You wouldnt believe what we see floating down the river in the way of OutBuildings and lawn furniture....

We've 2 submersibles running full time...problem is..where do you pump it to... :dunno:

I believe we're all going to be alright but it is the suspense and some mild townsayer panic setting in a lot of folk.

Anyhoo.........Im done with bagging till tommorrow..Got cut off...Theres folk who havent returned home from work yet who may need what they have left for sandbags.

To the Army and OPP.........A Huge WTG.......... :thumbsup_anim:

Any idea what it is like leaving your telephone numbers with the OPP in case they need you.......

Got a charge out of that...(it was requested of all who had trucks)

I'll post all the pics tommorrow when back at the office.


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Man, I feel for all impacted by this high water. Your area is the next to be effected the most. My source told me the river is going to rise another 30cm within a week.......and won't crest for 2 weeks.


The moira has crested, and is now holding, or dropping slowly.....thank god we're not getting any rain!!


I took a drive around rice lake this afternoon.......its unreal the amount of water!! Most docks are under water......one island with a causeway that's flooded over.......lots of gas pumps surrounded by water.......its a real mess......and its not over yet. Rice is rising 7cm per day......and forcasted to continue for 7-10 days. The Tri-Lakes are at near record levles, and still rising.......


Crazy amounts of water this year.......and still snow in the headwaters to melt.........but we really do need it!


Hope all works out for you's b&b.......if you need any more help, let us know here. I could make a trip out that way over the weekend. No truck, but I'm not scared of hard work!



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Wow....hope all goes well for you!! The power of the water is incredible....and it's something I've never had to worry about, but after seeing how it can impact friends here on OFC, it really makes you think!! We'll be thinking of you guys!

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Your quite the guy Pete, with all the problems your having with flooding around your new home, you still take the time to go to Belleville and help out the folks there !!!!


I'm heading north to Peterboro this weekend and won't be back till Sunday, but if things get worse at your place after Sunday and you need ANY help at all, I can be out there in a couple hours.

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Sinker......thanks for your updates pal.

Tell you what...If you'd really liked to get involved, at the Frankford hockey arena, they do require volunteers for bagging sand if its not too far a drive for you. Currently theyve the OPP and the armed forces there as well as a few locals. I couldnt tell you the amount of bags they did yesterday...phenomenal :thumbsup_anim:

Theres never enough volunteers....but I think that will change when most of our locals are home from the weeks work. Its the seniors residences we are trying to cover for obivious reasons.


Lew....thanks alot bud for your way generous offer....truly appreciated that.

This mornings water levels remained the same from last night.....! WhEw !

Im taking the day of today to transport bags for others who cant.....

Its not that gracious of me really....they were there for me to pick up pre-bagged sand and I appreciate that so just giving a little back.

Its the ones who are putting in the 10-12hr days bagging who are the ones to be thankful for.

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I spent the day today placing bags in campbellford. 3 of us moved bags, and the 4th guy drove the truck full of bags around to distrubute them. We were working around friendly acres. We got 4 cottages secured today......its a great feeling to know I've helped out the little bit that I did.


They had loads of school kids doing the bagging at the gravel pit.....must have been 4-500 of them. They would fill the trucks as fast as we could pull up.


I might head back on sunday, as long as I can get someone to take my kids for the day......the wife is out of town this weekend.


They need all the help they can get out there. The water is only going to rise now for the next week. Rain in the forcast isn't going to help the situation


I feel for you b&b......its a good thing your doing. I'm sure if you need the help at your place, the people will come. Just let us know if you need it.......I'll come out for sure.



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I live on river road in corbyville and just went through this mess!!!


just unreal........... today im suffering from dehidration, overworked, no sleep and not eating right..


Wish everyone the best of luck...........ill try to get out to help once i recover.


Any questions .........feel free to ask as i beat the mighty moira river!!!!


Sand bags have to be done right!!!!

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