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Fishing show


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I am a marketing student writing a paper on outdoor television, in particular fishing shows and why people watch them. Could you please let me know what shows are most popular and what you as a viewer would like to see on a show, and why you watch them? ie. big fish, exotic destinations, lots of information, certain species, techniques, cooking segment, etc. Any info would be greatly appreciated. Hoping to get an A. Thanks.

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I like watching exotic destinations. I dont like watching bass show after bass show then a walleye show then another bass show .... I only have basic cable so i guess right now a bass show would have to work ..

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Shows like any type of entertainment product, change or evolve over time. This has in itself seen entertainment related products have regional, national or perhaps international appeal. Shows often try to appeal to a certain market or demographic, but by and large still remain largely regional in Canada, mainly due to our geography. Red Fisher achieved trully national status as has Bob Izumi, and to some degree Fishin Canada, Canadian Sportsfishing and Real Fishing. Most are regional with the occasional foray into some outside locale. Our market is very small as a country, when compared to our neighbour to the south.


Most of the answers you will get in a search or a question here, will reflect its audience; ask the same question and get a different answer in a different part of the country or continent. Just some quick thoughts.



Edited by outdoorguy61
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I prefer local shows that I can directly relate to. Ones that are entertaining but aren't just a big commercial, although I can take a little of that. I like it when they are actually teaching you along the way. What lure choice, casting technique or how to fish a body of water under certain conditions, seasons etc. I like to think I'm sucking it all in like a sponge and will be able to use some of it on the water someday.

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We don';t watch a tonne of shows as we do not have WFN or whatever it is called (not included in Cogeco package we have) also most Saturday's and Sundays we are pounding the water.


When we are home - we like Mark Krupps(sp) hooked up.


It is more about adventure, different places and interesting landscapes. The fish he catches are pretty cool too. Looks like an expensive show to produce.


When I was in my early teens I watched alot of shows for technical info, but now we are able to search on the internet, ask the great people here and go out and have fun learning and exploring.

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I like shows that have a bit of everything. 1) nice location - but not too exotic because I can't relate to that, 2) informative - but not a big commercial or yak session about how much the host knows, 3) a personable host - someone who can relate to the weekend angler and some of the frustrations and issues he/she encounters from time to time, 4) good conversation/banter between the host and his guest/co-fisherman - my most memorable fishing experiences usually involve spending time with people I enjoy being with.


And of course 5) some fishing action - gotta catch something every now and then.


Good luck with your paper.

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Location is good, but overall I don't care who the host is or who's product there using. I tune in to see big fish, simple as that, the more the actual fish take up the half hour show on the camera the better.


Just search this site there was a couple large discussions last week.

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I like the shows that teach techniques and tell you which type of lure is best situated for certain conditions. I'm not big into those shows down in Mexico or Florida because it isnt something I can fish or relate to. I would love to go there but those shows aren't going to help me. Something I hate is a show called Fishing University. That guy is a walking billboard promoting his products. I don't want to be told to use a specific brand of product rather a certain color bait for certain conditions and things along those lines.


Thats my 2 cents!

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The Red Fisher show for the poems!!! (jk)


In the winter, I like watching just about anything that shows water with fish in it. I like the scenery, like to check out the boats, (the NWT 18' aluminum open boats with 50 hp tillers are my favourites!) and generally just like to watch, but I don't get into details. My son has a dish, when I'm at his place I like to watch the local Newfoundland shows for some reason!

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