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TORONTO PIKE- Lunch date today


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There are hundreds of shore fishing spots in the GTA Stoty. I posted photos of my spots once, now everytime I go theres this weird guy named Grant fishing there and for some reason is magical aura around him that blurs out 75% of everything around him...

Edited by mepps
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Dan is right........ weighing the fish isnt necessary a quick tape on it and a photo.

Hard to tell from that picture. Thats the bummer when you are fishing alone. If you want a real measurement you either have to keep the fish or keep it out of the water longer.

I once had a muskie on by nmyself that was so big that after I realized its size I don't know what I would have done!

1 week to go on Lake O.... there is a 30 pounder waiting for someone.

My avatar is a 48 inch fish but I didnt measure it around so when I had the reproduction done at Advanced I told him to fit the girth. Turns out it was close to 24 inches around.

I call it a 30 but it could have been anywhere from 27-33 lbs.


The reproduction




I just can't shut-up.


Bucktail. WoW!!


I have to admit that the anniversary of your inspiration is approaching.

You caught a very nice pike on March 31 2006 in T.O.

I've been following your career and remember that award winner in your arms.


I also agree with your reply.



There are hundreds of shore fishing spots in the GTA Stoty. I posted photos of my spots once, now everytime I go theres this weird guy named Grant fishing there and for some reason is magical aura around him that blurs out 75% of everything around him...


That guy's a moron. He stalked you in a psychodelic haze.

Probably has some Love cult on the islands and it readying himself for the wicken fertility rituals involving esox lovlious.

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Well SNAG you seem vindicated now. No question you've put in your time and caught many pike when their

loaded with food and roe. Keep up the posts and fishing there, we are truly blessed to have such good fishing

outside our offices in this urban setting.

By the way back in the mid - late 90's i entered fish into Canadian Sportfishing contests and ended up winning

'Pike Angler of the Year' for all of Canada, a few years in a row, despite hundreds of entrants nationwide, just from a couple of trips down to Toronto Harbour in March.

Many dozen and a half fish days with fish between 35 to 42 in. It rocks down there if you time it right.


Keep at it we have a special thing there for a brief time. Your posts always bring me a chuckle anyways.





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So, what happened here? Did you catch a fish Snag? Come on...you expect me to believe that? :lol:


I have fished with Snag a few times and I can tell you that he's a straight up guy. I take his word on each and every one of his catches....no questions asked.


Anyhow...keep em coming Snag...you are one of the reasons this board is so great!

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HAHAHA.. that formula really pumps up my ego on my PB 38/39 ! LOL


I figure this, Jenny Craig, one only weighed 5 lbs tops... but if they say it weighs 15.7... well I'm okay with that! :D




That is the skinniest Pike I have ever seen!!!!

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i love how people blurt out there background, it makes it alot hardier for people to find the spots where people got these pike, however people do have a point that alot of gta areas aren't fishable for public access. We fish our spots so it doesn't become filled with newbies trying to fish the area we have found as our secret hole for years.

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I don't blur because I generally fish remote areas but....

I have on alteast 3 occasions identified a spot by the banks and Soil in the picture lol!!!


No Joke.

All 3 times I was right, and they were Pictures posted on this board, of 3 different areas.

I won't elaborate out of respect for those people, but if they want to Blur...I understand why


I do hate to see the pics messed up but I do completly understand why one would do it.

oh and uh...

Nice fish there Snag :D

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We fish our spots so it doesn't become filled with newbies trying to fish the area we have found as our secret hole for years.


In contrast to that opinion though, isnt the goal to spread the word to other people that may be interested in fishing, but have no idea the various opportunities open to them around the Greater Toronto Area just how much fun they can have?


I'm constantly trying to introduce my buddies into fishing, an activity which is extremely fun and enriching on many levels, not refusing to let them know information..


I believe in people doing most of their own legwork to find the best spots in the GTA, but cmon, aren't we taking this spot hiding/blurring thing just a tad too far guys and gals?

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I say to each their own. If Snag wants to blur his fishing spots, that's his business. In the GTA, I would be inclined to do the same (if I can stop getting skunked ;) ). Similarly, if I owned a cottage paradise on a nearby lake that was small and had great fishing, I would only share that info with a few select friends, and definitely not post the lake name on here.


I have thoroughly enjoyed all your posts Snag, including the impressive fish pictures with the blurred spots. Because of your posts, I have tried my luck on a number of times in the GTA. With a few follows of varying sizes, I have yet to land a decent pike, which is a testament to your skills and hard time on the water. Keep it up man!

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