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I've just signed up with OFC. I am an avid carp angler. Some may already know me from the Carp Anglers Group as Hairwig. I'm here to newtwork with other carp enthusiasts.


Cheers, Mark


Hey there test! We have some great carp anglers on this board....Photoz, Wolfville, Victor, MJL and DSN just to name a few. My wife and I dabble in it in May/June. Welcome to the board...looking forward to your reports.

:thumbsup_anim:Ah h h h . . . . 'nudder guy who recognizes a good fightin' fish . . . . I've been known to wrassle with a few of those big beasties over around Valley Inn (before the stoooooopid swans over-ran the place) Inland Waters & off the rocks at Eastport later in the summer. Only about 3 months or less till they'll be stirrin' over in the Credit. Welcome aboard . . . . you're in good company . . . . lotsa avid carpers here, b'y! I like to use a 13' Technium, 3.0 TC or a 12' Tribal 2.5 TC, both with 6000 Thunus reels, set up on a Horizon pod with MMX buzzers. This allows me to catch up on my sleep, and not lose my rod . . . unless I forget to disengage the baitrunner switch . . . . it happens! W'ats yer fave weaponry fer doin' battle?
I'm here to newtwork with other carp enthusiasts.


welcome to the board...although this may be the last time we communicate as I know nothing of this carp-bug. Snagged one once by accident while slow-rolling a spinnerbait for springtime pike but that about it


Testcurve (aka Hairwig aka Mark)...Welcome to the good ship OFC...


You will find a few CAG (Canada) members here...


Did anybody tell you we like pictures ?




Welcome aboard, Mark. In addition to the carp fisherfolks there are also lots of multi-species types who do a fair amount of carp fishing.

Hope the networking works well for you.


Welcome to the board Mark! I'm from Hamilton too and enjoy fishing those giants we have in the harbour.


Oh, and check out the posts by Rich when you get a chance. You'll see how ya don't have to put away your carp gear in the winter!




Welcome! Glad to see another member no matter what your species of choice. I'm another carp enthusiast through winter and spring.

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