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Professional Angler Dave Mercer to Host “Celebrity Bassmasters” Show




Toronto, Ontario (December 19, 2006) - Professional angler and Toronto native Dave Mercer has been tabbed to host an upcoming reality-based “Celebrity Bassmasters” television show that will feature professional anglers paired with celebrities in a fishing competition unlike anything on television.




The show, led by the always comical and entertaining Mercer, will couple a dream team of six professional anglers with six celebrities as the pairs venture out onto the lake for an old fashion fish off. The duo with the heaviest catch, revealed in front of a studio audience, will win a cash prize for the charity of their choice. The show will be produced by Hollywood-based Syd Vinnedge Productions and Greg Heller, whose reality show credentials include “Tommy Lee Goes to College” and “Celebrity Fit Club” among others.




“I am thrilled with the opportunity to host this show,” said Mercer. “The idea of getting some of Hollywood’s top names out on the lake for a day of fishing with the sport’s top anglers will certainly make for entertaining television.”




Dave Mercer Outdoors Inc. is the originator and the world's largest producer of one minute fishing interstitials, “Dave Mercer's Facts of Fishing.” Mercer’s company also produces radio programming and a series of highly acclaimed DVDs and his unique and original blend of humor, entertainment and education has made him one of Canada's most recognized and revered anglers. For further information please visit www.factsoffishing.com.




Congrats Dave!




If i hear of another reality show i think i`ll be sick fishing or not,90% of the stuff coming out of Hollywood these days is garbage only suitable for drunken teenagers and people with too much time on their hands.


Okay if Ozzie is one of the Celeb`s i will watch.

as long as it's not as bad as the one fishing canada tried to put on..

the begining of the end for them

Mercer could never go as low as that crap Terry. That was an insult to the whole fishing fraternity.

I always get a laugh out of Dave, his laugh alone is infectious. His video is on one of the endcaps at BPS and I never get sick of hearing/watching it.

Looking forward to seeing it.




Dave: So Ozzy, how was your day on the water?

Ozzy: Well sul brgah <beep> and then cuzzlemuf da <beep> and <beep>...ha ha ha.

Dave: There ya go..right from the horses mouth...he had a great time...I think ?!?

  Rick OBanion said:



Dave: So Ozzy, how was your day on the water?

Ozzy: Well sul brgah <beep> and then cuzzlemuf da <beep> and <beep>...ha ha ha.

Dave: There ya go..right from the horses mouth...he had a great time...I think ?!?

LOL Rick! Good one :thumbsup_anim:


the show could just be a guy standing there lighting farts on fire and it would be better then the last cull or FNC fishing canada stuff.....

but I wasn't making any statement about Dave..

I was just using the thread to poke fun at FNC one more time...just can't let it die



I look forward to dave hosting it

  Terry said:

the show could just be a guy standing there lighting farts on fire and it would be better then the last cull or FNC fishing canada stuff.....




I think they probably have a game show like that in Japan.




P.S. Totally agree with ya though!

  Whopper said:

Rick do ya think old Ozzy would even know which end on the pole to hang on to :dunno:

Sharon pobably knows better :lol:




LOL, Good one whopper! I wonder if he would even know what to put on his hook let alone which end of the rod to hold on to.LOL :lol:


Thanks Everyone!

All your support and encouragment means a lot to me. I will keep you posted this should be awesome! I still can't believe I'm going to Hollywood because of little green fish. What a great world we live in.


Dave Mercer


Great stuff Dave! I'm sure you'll have a blast! I look forward to watching it....don't forget to mention OFC when you're with them ;)



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