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Gerrit wow looks like bashing to me. I believe that both sides need to be heard so here is my take on it. Our website states this:


Our Prices

Our prices are competitive and our selection unbeatable. If you need it, we have it. Fishing World is truly your one-stop fishing experience without the hassle of driving out of the area.



Your first comment in your first post

"Why is it companies say they have the lowest price, or in Fishing Worlds case the most competitive? When is means absolutely NOTHING


From Fishing Worlds website...



"Our Prices

Our prices are competitive and our selection unbeatable. If you need it, we have it. Fishing World is truly your one-stop fishing experience without the hassle of driving out of the area. "


I have personally read this many times and where does it say MOST COMPETITIVE??? We are competitive on most items without a doubt or the owners of Fishing World would not have been on business for the last 18years!!!


Your other comment

Between Fishing World and Bills Bait and Tackle I spend 90% of my fishing budget..

"was kinda worried about complaining about a paying advertiser, but the truth is they need to live up to their word... Be competitive! Fishing world in my opinion is no where near this..."


So obviously we must be really competitive on most items as price is so important to you and you readily admit spending most of you money there!!!! Your comments conflict more than once!!!!


Your next comments

"PS.... Blake, Now you know why I did not purchase those reels from you.. as you were more $$ then too."

"Small outfits like these should be screaming for our business... I literally work 4 minutes from BPS, Jane and Hwy 7 area.... but I like to support the small local business man... but I DONT want to be raped in the process"...


You called me at the store and I matched the lowest price you needed and you did not want to shop at BPS so I also offered you to line them for free and these were line counters which would have taken 600 yards for both reels. You were happy and told me that you always had great service at Fishing World and that you would drop by and pick them up. I put them away for you on your word and as shown you still did not pick them up going back on your word without even letting me know. FISHING WORLD HAD THE BEST PRICE YOU STILL did not buy or bother calling me to cancel your order. What does this say about your person or opinions????


Our pricing from lowrance is lower than last year but as we have just recieved the new pricing for 2008 some of the units price tags have not been changed. Wayne the person you talked to probably just looked on the box instead of looking it up in the CPU so that is why there was a change in price. To even suggest that this was anything but a mistake made by a new employee is wrong and you should not throw out the comments you did. I am sure that you have made atleast one mistake. This is why that the pricing was given the way it was and nothing more. The store tries to match prices or even best them but as stated that some of the units were purchased at last years price and we paid more for the units. It seems you expect all stores to match prices or even lose money for what you want or you will have a huge rant to deal with.


Asking the mods to let your post stay shows to me that you were worried this was a bash and not so much a normal rant. IMHO your post should have been more like I got a great quote on a fish finder unit from Radio World and so far no retailers can beat this price does anyone have any other suggestions for the unit. If you wanted to post other reatilers pricing than be fair and post all others aswell. It is also amazing that this board can bash sponsors as without the sponsors of this board we lose it. Yes we lose the community!!!! I am truly sorry that we could not match the price of one unit. We did not deserve all this bad publicity from you. I am glad that some members have had good service and pricing from Fishing World and I look forward to serving all the members the best I can as do the owners and the other sales staff. I also hope the owners continue to sponsor this board in the future as it does have some great members.


For a bit of contrast, check out this thread: http://www.ofncommunity.com/forums/index.p...388&hl=clam. Fishing World praised for having something "fully stocked and a lot cheaper than most".


Again you state


" just wanted to inform other fishermen of my experience with the competitive pricing guarantee. "

How about all the other times that you have shopped there as stated in your earlier posts?? How many times didyou go on the forum and let all know about your purchases or your satisfaction????


Fishing World also does alot for charities and people in the community with donations and sponsorships.Fishing World strive for great service and pricing. I am sure all companies have some issues and with the dealings with you personally in the past Gerrit I truly am shocked the lengths you have gone to try and hurt there business. I hope others have seen some of the other side of this issue and also some of the issues and comments that Gerrit has made which just are not true or very conflicting. It is too bad that you have done this instead of trying to get a hold of me orthe owners to help you out with your situation as we have been away for the last few days.



I will end with full agreement of this comment


I prefer to see our board continue on a positive note and not be involved in the personal destruction of a person or business, based on one experience.


Moderators, I understand your position and can only hope you receive voluntary cooperation from members to maintain an acceptable level of discussion by showing respect for the other guy.


I hope this clears some of the air and I will not post anything else and the only reason I posted this was for the members to see both sides of the issues and past experiences with the person who started this post. A response was asked for and this is my response and my opinion only on this post!!!!!!!!!!

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Two sides to every story, and I applaud Blake for making his say. :clapping:


Starting to wonder if this wasn't more of a vendetta on your part against Fishing World, Gerritt. Blake's recollection of the "reel issue" certainly makes me question your reasoning for starting all of this... :huh:


Well, if we've learnt one thing, it's that you can't please everyone in the world..


Good Fishing,



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Gerrit wow looks like bashing to me. I believe that both sides need to be heard so here is my take on it. Our website states this:


Our Prices

Our prices are competitive and our selection unbeatable. If you need it, we have it. Fishing World is truly your one-stop fishing experience without the hassle of driving out of the area.



Your first comment in your first post

"Why is it companies say they have the lowest price, or in Fishing Worlds case the most competitive? When is means absolutely NOTHING


From Fishing Worlds website...

"Our Prices

Our prices are competitive and our selection unbeatable. If you need it, we have it. Fishing World is truly your one-stop fishing experience without the hassle of driving out of the area. "


I have personally read this many times and where does it say MOST COMPETITIVE??? We are competitive on most items without a doubt or the owners of Fishing World would not have been on business for the last 18years!!!


Your other comment

Between Fishing World and Bills Bait and Tackle I spend 90% of my fishing budget..

"was kinda worried about complaining about a paying advertiser, but the truth is they need to live up to their word... Be competitive! Fishing world in my opinion is no where near this..."


So obviously we must be really competitive on most items as price is so important to you and you readily admit spending most of you money there!!!! Your comments conflict more than once!!!!


Your next comments

"PS.... Blake, Now you know why I did not purchase those reels from you.. as you were more $$ then too."

"Small outfits like these should be screaming for our business... I literally work 4 minutes from BPS, Jane and Hwy 7 area.... but I like to support the small local business man... but I DONT want to be raped in the process"...


You called me at the store and I matched the lowest price you needed and you did not want to shop at BPS so I also offered you to line them for free and these were line counters which would have taken 600 yards for both reels. You were happy and told me that you always had great service at Fishing World and that you would drop by and pick them up. I put them away for you on your word and as shown you still did not pick them up going back on your word without even letting me know. FISHING WORLD HAD THE BEST PRICE YOU STILL did not buy or bother calling me to cancel your order. What does this say about your person or opinions????


Our pricing from lowrance is lower than last year but as we have just recieved the new pricing for 2008 some of the units price tags have not been changed. Wayne the person you talked to probably just looked on the box instead of looking it up in the CPU so that is why there was a change in price. To even suggest that this was anything but a mistake made by a new employee is wrong and you should not throw out the comments you did. I am sure that you have made atleast one mistake. This is why that the pricing was given the way it was and nothing more. The store tries to match prices or even best them but as stated that some of the units were purchased at last years price and we paid more for the units. It seems you expect all stores to match prices or even lose money for what you want or you will have a huge rant to deal with.


Asking the mods to let your post stay shows to me that you were worried this was a bash and not so much a normal rant. IMHO your post should have been more like I got a great quote on a fish finder unit from Radio World and so far no retailers can beat this price does anyone have any other suggestions for the unit. If you wanted to post other reatilers pricing than be fair and post all others aswell. It is also amazing that this board can bash sponsors as without the sponsors of this board we lose it. Yes we lose the community!!!! I am truly sorry that we could not match the price of one unit. We did not deserve all this bad publicity from you. I am glad that some members have had good service and pricing from Fishing World and I look forward to serving all the members the best I can as do the owners and the other sales staff. I also hope the owners continue to sponsor this board in the future as it does have some great members.


For a bit of contrast, check out this thread: http://www.ofncommunity.com/forums/index.p...388&hl=clam. Fishing World praised for having something "fully stocked and a lot cheaper than most".


Again you state


" just wanted to inform other fishermen of my experience with the competitive pricing guarantee. "

How about all the other times that you have shopped there as stated in your earlier posts?? How many times didyou go on the forum and let all know about your purchases or your satisfaction????


Fishing World also does alot for charities and people in the community with donations and sponsorships.Fishing World strive for great service and pricing. I am sure all companies have some issues and with the dealings with you personally in the past Gerrit I truly am shocked the lengths you have gone to try and hurt there business. I hope others have seen some of the other side of this issue and also some of the issues and comments that Gerrit has made which just are not true or very conflicting. It is too bad that you have done this instead of trying to get a hold of me orthe owners to help you out with your situation as we have been away for the last few days.

I will end with full agreement of this comment


I prefer to see our board continue on a positive note and not be involved in the personal destruction of a person or business, based on one experience.


Moderators, I understand your position and can only hope you receive voluntary cooperation from members to maintain an acceptable level of discussion by showing respect for the other guy.


I hope this clears some of the air and I will not post anything else and the only reason I posted this was for the members to see both sides of the issues and past experiences with the person who started this post. A response was asked for and this is my response and my opinion only on this post!!!!!!!!!!



Blake, Thank you for the response I appreciate the time you spent making it. In no way was my original post meant to bash the business.... Your website says one thing.. your employee says another. Sorry just the way it was and you were not involved in the conversation.. As for the reels.. I asked you for your price, I asked another local dealer for their price.. they were ALOT less on a better reel! You offered the accudepths I picked up the LC47's for close to 40 bux cheaper each .. and that included them being lined up. I am a pretty simple person Blake and I say things as they are some people like my frankness some dont.. it is just who I am.. But I kept quiet about the reels... this was the icing on the cake...


You can being 130.00 over the rest of the market, @ the second price I was given or the first price quoted @ 849.00... how in all honesty can you call that competitive? I am sorry if you dont understand the nature of my post Blake.. I want to ensure fellow anglers understood to shop around.


I do appreciate that FW does charity work... but so do alot of other companies.. mine included... it does not mean I charge a 25% premium for doing what is right...


The reason I asked the mods to let this stay is Simple... I had an issue with the way I was treated... and you may advertise here... we are both welcome to our opinions me as a customer, and you as the merchant..



I let your employee know there had to be something wrong Blake.. he dropped 100.00 in 5 seconds.. I let him know that something still was not right as other companies were still ALOT less and invited him to please look at their prices... After him talking to someone in the background.. I assume it was Mike, it was a no. after that I was quickly let off the line... I gave every opportunity to FW to earn my $$ Yes I have spent considerable money in your store.. But that should not mean I have to go there in person (as one member suggested) to get the best price.. The pricing should be fair and straight forward across the board, it was not and to be so quickly dismissed when I question the pricing was insulting.. Alot of people here know me, they also know the type of person I am.. I am VERY passionate about alot of things... But I am also fair.



Blake I have no personal issue with you... just in how your employee handled the situation... I was pretty much hung up on when I questioned as to why the price was so out of whack..



I decided to spend my $$ elsewhere Blake... and trust me their spot is nowhere near your size... nor is their name mentioned as often... Why is it they are the #1 dealer for Lowrance/Eagle in Canada then? it come down to one thing... Service and Price. they are the best because they know if you give one guy great service he will bring 3 friends... and that person 3 friends.. He might not have your profit margins per unit... but he certainly makes up for it in volume.


Perhaps if a customer asks you in the future why your price is so high compared to the rest of the market you will actually give them the time of day... your new employee perhaps need to know what to do in such circumstances... Maybe looking at the company in question would be a great first start... and go from there...


Blake, I know your just the messenger.. but would you personally pay 130.00 more for a fishfinder?



I thank you for your view on the subject.



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<_<Ah h h h h . . . . . there WAS another side to this. Even though it's an hour's drive from here to Fishing World, I've made the drive quite a bit, and occasionally paid a few dollars more for what I bought! I also have saved BIG BUCKS many times too! WHY would I knowingly pay a little more . . . . sometimes? Because of the service & information I get the majority of the time. Not ALL the time . . . . they don't claim to be perfect . . . . . but Mike Jackson (co-owner) has personally bent over backwards to try to appease me, if I feel a mistake has been made. I just wish they had a store in Toronto . . . . . as it would be my ONLY stop for fishing gear! I like to be able to pick up the phone, call about a specific piece of gear, and ask for it to be put aside for me, just on my word, it is. Once I have given my word, I BUY IT, I don't hang anybody up with 'buyers remorse!' May you guys be in business as long as I continue to fish!
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Two sides to every story, and I applaud Blake for making his say. :clapping:


Starting to wonder if this wasn't more of a vendetta on your part against Fishing World, Gerritt. Blake's recollection of the "reel issue" certainly makes me question your reasoning for starting all of this... :huh:


Well, if we've learnt one thing, it's that you can't please everyone in the world..


Good Fishing,






Seems to me as of late Justin all you do is reply to threads that have a complaint in them... I have seen little from you otherwise... Perhaps you were the one that PM'd Blake that I had an issue with his employer?


Either way no matter to me..


Anyways congrats to you....


it had nothing to do with a vendetta... as I NEVER mentioned the reels... this just topped it off..


But whatever Justin do what you do.. and that is be fuel to fire.


Have a great week!



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"Seems to me as of late Justin all you do is reply to threads that have a complaint in them... I have seen little from you otherwise... Perhaps you were the one that PM'd Blake that I had an issue with his employer?"


You're right, Gerritt. I replied to your rant thread, and just 10 minutes ago replied to another in regards to BPS. That's two in total. The BPS one I just replied to was to simply state how it is mentioned on the BPS site that funds are quoted in U.S. funds.

Please feel free to enlighten me to all of the other "complaint" threads I have responded to.


Seems to me it may of bothered you that someone from Fishing World responded to your rant. With Blake being a member of this board, and FW a supporter, I'm sure it wasn't too hard for them to come across your thread.


"it had nothing to do with a vendetta... as I NEVER mentioned the reels... this just topped it off.."


You might want to check back to your original post on this thread. Your P.S. to Blake in regards to the reels seems like mentioning to me. Maybe I'm just reading it wrong.


"But whatever Justin do what you do.. and that is be fuel to fire."


You might want to re-read through this thread again. Many posters did not take your side, and felt you were unnescessarily bashing a retailer. I still stand by my feelings that you felt it necessary to make a very public complaint all on the pretense that a store would not match a price. Sorry - I still feel that was wrong of you.

Being a member of a public message board, I am entitled to respond to threads I choose. I felt strongly about this one, and that's why I did. Call it adding fuel to the fire, but I'd say you lit the match in the first place.


Blake had a right to stand up for the store he works for, and I found his comments insightful. Other posters that chimed in here also have that right.


"I have seen little from you otherwise..."


I am a member of many boards. I do threads when I can, as well as post reports. Since my work is in the fishing field, I am extremely busy right now. Since I have only been on the ice once this season, the opportunity to post a fishing report hasn't come up. When it does, you'll see a report.


By the way, Gerritt. Feel free to pick up on my comments, but many of the other posters are saying the exact same thing. Feel free to call me out on it and not the others....perhaps you just don't want to ruffle any feathers with those that "post all the time.."


Good week to you also..



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