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Life Time Fishing License.


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Our options are one year or three year renewal for Ontario Fishing License.


Why not a life time option?

Of course it would cost more , but then you are done.

No inflation,


I met a friend while traveling in Texas.

When we started talking about huntin and fishin , he pulled out his Texas life time fishing license.

Said he had it since he was 18. He dad had purchased for him.


Pretty cool,

Ontario should offer the same.


They would make great gifts.



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The problem isn't in the amount of money going in, it lies with the problems in ministry and Gov't... Many states have lifetime licences and you can purchase them for less if you are buying it for your 2 year old or 16 year old, than if you wait till your 18... I think it is a much better way to get young people to fish...it truly makes a gift that would last a lifetime and would never wear out in use and on top of that it still gives the ministry some money in lump sums. If you look at the states they have less resources and WAY more management and to be honest in many areas they do a great job of it... In several states they have HUGE stocking programs where they stock rivers with trout for angling opportunities... Too bad there isn't enough intrest at the top for some of the most important resources we have. Just goes to prove that politicians, just like S*** float to the top ;)

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Money for the MNR should not be a problem for the MNR if Life time Fishing license were avalable.

They would make more.

Let's throw a price at it of $499 for a life time fishing license.

If they invest a a good interest rate. 10 % . And we apply the rule of 72 , it should double every 7 years.





1000 7yr

2000 14 yr

4000 21 yr.

8000 28 yr



$ 27.58 * 28yr = $ 772




They make more , if they are smart...

And manage it properly of cource...

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The big problem is that if everyone did it, the government of the day would fritter away the money leaving nothing for the future. I don't care who is in power, they will do it.


... and to get around that problem they would come up with additional licences. :(


Your life time license would allow you to go fishing; but you would need a separate license to keep fish, another license to fish lakes that are stocked; I'd better stop before they get any ideas.


I wouldn't want to trust them on a life license either.

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Money for the MNR should not be a problem for the MNR if Life time Fishing license were avalable.

They would make more.

Let's throw a price at it of $499 for a life time fishing license.

If they invest a a good interest rate. 10 % . And we apply the rule of 72 , it should double every 7 years.


1000 7yr

2000 14 yr

4000 21 yr.

8000 28 yr

$ 27.58 * 28yr = $ 772

They make more , if they are smart...

And manage it properly of cource...



If you know where you can get a stable 10% return on investment, please, please, do tell. I think 5% would be more realistic.


Also, if they use the interest to fund the MNR the principle will never increase. If they invested $500 now. They will get $25 in the fist year; and in year 28 they will still only get $25. If we assume 3% inflation, then in year 28 an annual license will cost over $60 a year; if they increase them by 5% a year it would be over $100 in year 28.


Plus, I am sure they would find some way to make us more more in the future even if we did all have life time licenses.

Edited by JohnBacon
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I think if they were going to put out a life time license only dedicated anglers would buy it. You have to think of the folks that only go once or twice every year if that. They wouldn't feel the need to spend tonnes of money on something they might not use for a couple years. Although it would be a good gift to get the young ones into the sport you must think about the people that would be giving it to them, again dedicated anglers. Sure your kid may be into fishing while they are young but what happens when they don't like it anymore? So there will be a decrease but not as much as you would think from first glance. This is just a thought anyways.

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Here in Alabama or annual freshwater fishing license is $12

Annual saltwater is $21


Lifetime freshwater is $250

Lifetime saltwater is $350


I bought my Lifetime freshwater license back in 1989 for $100 because they were going up to $150 the next year. Alabama didn't require a saltwater license until April of 93. When they passed the law requiring saltwater fishing licenses, everybody that had bought lifetime freshwater licenses before April of 93 were "Grandfathered" in to the Lifetime Saltwater licenses too.


So that $100 investment I made back in '89 is worth $600... editied to say $400 because I'm over 50 and each license is $100 cheaper,still a dang good deal!... now and I've been fishing for free for the past 10 or more years!



Edited by Greencoachdog
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I think if Ontario went with a lifetime fishing permit it would be great. The plus side to me is that if you bought one, you might be a lot more interested in the resourse. I love fishing and conservation but I have to admit I don't take the time to get involved as I could. Maybe if I had just spent 500 bucks for a lifetime licence instead of 77 for a 3yr it might get me more motivated to complain to the polictians who are screwing things up so badly. Also if they could fund fixing the drainage of water from Lake Huron into Lake St.Clair by selling a few hundred thousand licences that would a great accomplishment that would pay back the cost of the licences hundreds of times over.


As for the value of licences over the years and inflation and all those calculations on here they are meaningless. I look at this way if you the angler save a few dollars by having a lifetime licence so what? We all know we are just going to spend that money and probably a lot more inflation adjusted dollars on tackle, trips, fuel and other fishing related expenses and that the government at both levels gets their sales taxes on every one of those dollars so it would more than balance out in the long run.

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The thing with licensing the income goes to general revenue and the expenses go to MNR. Do away with the license and you do away with the expenses, fund the MNR out of general revenue and raise taxes a couple dollars, by doing away with the cost of administering and policing licenses we save some $ .


The MNR makes millions for the province they should be properly funded and not have to do the equivalent of a bake sale for funding.

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the thing that bothers me is that you actually need a licence to go fishing...see i think licences should be meant for operating something as in a car or a firearm rather than a fishing pole.....its the governments way to get money out of us thats all it is and if we started paying for a lifetime well damnit what are they gonna do in three years? i really dont think fishing licences are neccessary its just a government rip off.




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