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More attacks on Asian fishermen


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Just seems to me that not enough background checks are being done on immigrants. If there were, we wouldn't have so many criminal gangs here. How many gang shootings in Toronto are perpetrated by immigrants? Bottom line, there should be checks on those that want to come and live here. Make sure they weren't criminals in their home countries before letting them in. I'm not advocating the use of violence or anything like that, but we should be tougher on lawbreakers.


In order to immigrate here, the applicant does in fact have a criminal background check. My wife came from the US....she had to send fingerprints to the FBI for a background check (this was pre 9-11), as well as checks from local state police. Every applicant does have to supply information to this effect or their application will be rejected. I'd assume that since 9-11 this part of the application is under MUCH more scrutiny.


Once your visa arrives, they do warn you that if you break the law, your case will be brought in front of immigration officers, where deportation may occur.


You really think the gun toting gang members are in this country legally?

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I have called the MNR tips line many times for poaching and illegal fishing (one man of asian decent fishing by himself with 6 lines in the water at the lindsay locks), and had the MNR NOT show up a single time. The blame does not fall only on Asians though... I have seen Asians, Whites, Blacks every race has poachers but people feel its easier to place the blame on Asians. Do I agree? Not necessarily. Regardless of race, poachers need to be punished.

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Just thought i would comment on what jedimaster was saying about volunteer Co's, Port D has something called the port posse which are most dignified anglers ex presidents of st catharines game and fish conservation enthusiasts which when they think something is fishy they take it into their own hands get all the info necessary and make a brutal amount of calls to the tips line and the COS COME down when the port posse calls in, kinda like what jedimaster was saying they are kinda working with the Ministry but not directly, they cant get everyone but they do a damn good job of cleaning that slaughter fest they call salmon fishing.

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As with fatherof3, I too avoided this topic as it brings out the worst in some of us. But... Z71 plus caffeine this morning just made my blood boil. The issue is not immigration, nor the need to send people back to asia, nor lack of background check.


The issue is that if people are fishing in a sanctuary then they are poaching. It doesn't matter if they are asian, white, black or where they came from this decade or a century ago - they are poaching.


So lets be constructive and address the real issue of poaching in this case. Poaching here in this case is no different than what we see in Credit, Bronte, etc at this time of the year.


There was another thread yesterday where innocent people, all fishing legally were harassed, punched, etc. near Coboconk. As you can see generalization of a issue can lead one to say that's OK too.


In either case it is not OK to beat people up. That is assault and against the law. What Z71 is suggesting is that you can break the law by beating people up and possibly injuring them and is justified because they are asian and poaching. That is what riled me up.


I've had my say and it's time to go to BPS for some shopping. Please be constructive in your comments. Be part of the solution not the problem.

Edited by lazybum
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As the article says :


"But Asian-Canadian officials have fought back -- casting out an open forum urging better understanding"

lets just hope there community can educate them a little more about mnr regs.


I remember a while back there was a debate in regards to these kind of situations and there is no excuse when caught fishing in a sanctuary especially with a excuse of not being able to understand English " http://www.mnr.gov.on.ca/MNR/pubs/pubmenu.html#fish " the regs are also available in Asian language and they need to publish them in many other languages since the diversity is heavily mixed in Canada it should go for everyone, as for the situations in regards to certain people being pushed in waters and beat up nobody has the right to act upon another call a tip line or a police officer to investigate.

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In either case it is not OK to beat people up. That is assault and against the law. What Z71 is suggesting is that you can break the law by beating people up and possibly injuring them and is justified because they are asian and poaching. That is what riled me up.



but he didn't say because they were Asian

he just said they were Asian.........you are changing the meaning and it makes it sound worth then it is

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Guest gbfisher

Way to much talk about who or what they are.

Being oblivious to the Law is just plain "ignorant!.....I'm sure there are a few ignorant people around....just a few though.... :P

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Just a side gripe here about this whole "Asian" thing.

I think we all know that the problem is not with all of Asia. I know most white people can't see the difference between a Chinese, Japanese, Phillipeno, Vietnamese etc... but the problem here is Chinese people. Not Asian people. The regs are translated into Chinese, not into Asian. There is no language called Asian. I work with lots of Chinese people, and the general feeling from all of them is that they can't understand why Canada is so strict with laws about fish that we eat. I have been told by many that in china to fish all you need is a big treble hook and a rope, you throw it out and drag it in. That is what fishing is there.


The culture Chinese people come from is very different and poverished compared to what is in Canada. That is why they are comming here. To get away from that. That is what they are used to when they come here. This doesn't make poaching or breakng the laws right or justified


Does this mean I think only Chinese people poach fish? Certainly not.


Does it mean I think all chinese people poach? Nope.


...But I can't recall the last time I have heard of a Japanese person poaching like people complain about on here. The same goes for other Asian contries as well. I do know lots of Chinese people that fish legally and ethically, in fact many will never keep a fish.


These lawbreakers need to be caught and punished legally. not beaten up. All that will serve is get you a fine and further seperate them from Canada. It won't scare them away back to China.

Use your brain, try and talk with them. "Hey guys whats up... Gettin any bites?" Get into a friendly conversation and see what they are doing. If you can't do that or are scared to talk to a fishermen than just call the cops and walk away.


I saw a guy once that had a meat grinder attached to a bucket and he was catching the fish and throwing them into the meat grinder right at the dock.


I said to him, you know your not allowed to do that. I explained to him why and he put it away. Sure he may have pulled it back out after I left but it did get put away.


Use your Brain not your Balls.

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maybe I got off on the wrong foot this morning,altho I stand behind what I said,some of you people are concerned with the future of your children and society,Society needs to throw away this bleeding heart bullpoop attitude and take a stand for whats right ,the laws the justice system is a joke,its a slap on the wrist and a small fine and your on your way ,some of these people are abusing every oppertunity they have,immigration needs to lock down our borders and start sorting out what we have now

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this subject is not about race.. but about ethics and disrespect for the conservation laws.

and to think that offenders should be returned to their country is rediculous..infact a moronic suggestion.

Now I'm not gonna poke at the hornets nest this time ...


This thread is probably gonna be deleted to.... just like the netting one.


breaking the law to enforce the law c'mon !


:thumbsup_anim: I think fatherof3 said it best.

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maybe I got off on the wrong foot this morning,altho I stand behind what I said,some of you people are concerned with the future of your children and society,Society needs to throw away this bleeding heart bullpoop attitude and take a stand for whats right ,the laws the justice system is a joke,its a slap on the wrist and a small fine and your on your way ,some of these people are abusing every oppertunity they have,immigration needs to lock down our borders and start sorting out what we have now



I really can't believe some of the comments shown here... no wonder thread got deleted & incidents like this keep happening.


I like how ppl claim they aren't racists and it has nothing to do with race and yet every comments is about putting blames on certain group of people. Yes, let's blame our whole society's problems and the legal system inefficiency on the immigrants, blame everything on them, so easy... coz there'r never any criminals that aren't immigrants, right?





People thinking they can take matter in their own hands with violence is just as ignorant as the people they try to stop. That's a reason why we have law enforcements from the government. For one, assault on people causing harms is a much more serious crime than catching some fish off limit. What's next... let's gang up and go beat up the 90%+ of people driving above speed limit on 401... beat up those who don't use their turn signal ... beat up those who drive too slow (yes, driving excessively slow for no reason IS an offense)... beat up those who turn right without coming to a complete stop be4 a red light... beat up those who throw cigarette butts or garbage on the street too.... beat up those who has expired or no parking tickets... oh let's not forget to beat up those ppl who beat up other ppl too.

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i know if you got nothing positive to say, then don't say anything at all but this sh## is getting very stupid, well actually this whole entire issue is stupid.

i like the point of you charles pointed out, if you're speeding and i run you into a ditch, that makes it perfectly fine?

uh, no!



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^This is a volatile issue that gets many people upset. I get very mad when I see a 4 pound Smallie go into the bucket or collapsable mesh thingy. I see it all the time and have gone so far as to call the MNR to report it :dunno: There is no denying the fact that there definetly is a problem with some people that exploit and rape the resource. Some people have decided that calling the MNR does nothing and have chosen vigilante justice instead. I've had on more than one occasion been asked for a nice fish that I have caught and of course I say No. One time I was with a buddy and same question was asked and my friend decided to ask the person if he had a license, he actually said NO! I think this is the tip of the iceberg and don't see it stopping anytime soon....People are getting fed up. What about anytime somebody purchases tackle etc they must produce a license....That may be a start.


I may post a pic of what I see on a daily basis just to show what goes on sometimes

Edited by Mattitude
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This is a hard topic. My parents and grandparents are immigrants to Canada. I know the way they think, the food is there

go and get it, were they came from it was hard to get.


I have heard many family and family friends be ignorant when it comes to this Topic and I always let them have it. Fishing out

of season, poaching things along these lines are wrong. I also have heard hunting stories that would blow your mind. You can not use the fact your english is broken as an excuse. You can't use the fact you didn't know, we are all responsible as outdoorsmen and woman to know the rules. Ignorance is not an excuse.


The problem is that the $$$'s aren't their to protect what we have. Although catching a ton of perch, crappie and other pan fish is legal, I truthfully do not believe that proper, accurate and yearly studies have been carried out. I believe that the population of all game fish is on a rapid decline and in serious danger. The MNR just doesn't have the staff or funding to

carry out protection, studies and replenishment of the fisheries.


It hurts me to take any fish from any lake. I am not saying you shouldn't, I personally just don't feel right doing it with

what I have seen, heard and know of the current situation.


I am fearful that when my kids get to the age to enjoy fishing, this fantastic past time will no longer exist to the extent it is

worth pursuing.


All races including Canadians need to understand poaching and over fishing is effecting our fisheries. Should people take the law into their hands no. Should people speak out without physical abuse yes. These latest articles have really brought this issue to the forefront. Are people now more aware of what is going on yes. Should we be narrowing it down to Asian's, Chinese and so on....no. I know a lot of other races that do the same. All we can do is keep informing them of how wrong it is and hope that people become more aware. By confronting people when they are doing something wrong, you are making them aware of it and we can hope they will think a little more about what they are doing. Physically abusing them is just wrong.


Change doesn't happen over night, It takes time. With Patience and persistance it will happen.


I would hate for somebody to wack me on the side of the head with a 2x4 every time I do something wrong.

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Just seems to me that not enough background checks are being done on immigrants. If there were, we wouldn't have so many criminal gangs here. How many gang shootings in Toronto are perpetrated by immigrants?


wow...are you for real??

some people will never change...

what do you know of gang members in the GTA??

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Guest Johnny Bass

This is not a racist thing although it seems that Asians are being targetted most because they stand out the most.....


Other races are low key about poaching.


I think what people are saying is true. I have heard time and time again about the MNR being called and not showing up. Thats the problem!


I dont think it is right to attack people but Law enforcement has to step up! Enforcement is to blame. If they crack down people will hear about it and think twice about poaching.


But if an individual repeatedly breaks the law? I think it is better off they are deported back to their country. It would be better than spending years in jail here and we wouldn't have to pay for it.

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