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Rice Lake Weekend Report


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Day 1

Arrive around 12. Rent my 14 foot 9.9HP tin Can, Rig up the rods and start studying the maps to find some places for Bass hunting in the evening.

We headed out around 6:30 hitting up weedbeds, dropoffs, points, sunken logs basically trying to hit any structure but not even a bite anywhere. The water was really murky and I think the Algae bloom was in full effect so this might have affected the fishing.

After about 2 hours not having any luck we headed back to dock for dinner. I set my fiancee up with a worm and small hook and we fished for panfish off the dock for the rest of the evening.


Day 2

Woke up around 7 and made coffee, let the lady sleep and headed out to a calm lake hoping the tide would turn. Hit some other weedbeds and caught a couple decent perch but nothing worth writing home about. Hit another point and was getting some serious bites but the winds started picking up and my tinny was having no part of the swells, so I packed up and slowly headed back to shore.

Reached shore and kissed the ground thanking god that I didn't tip! Memo to self, next time don't be cheap and rent the bass boat!

The winds were whipping all afternoon and I wasn't about to take the deathtrap (boat) out in it so I walked up and down the docks looking for some good spots. Found a decent spot near the waterplanes and had a big bass on but he taunted me and spit out my spinner bait in mid air where I could have sworn he was laughing at me :) Skunked again.

Since I couldn't go out on the boat I decided to bait the area around the dock with some canned corn that we brought with the hopes of carp fishing later that night (lady wasn't happy about losing her sidedish for dinner.

After a long while convincing my fiancee that I wasn't crazy trying to catch fish at night with corn I was able to convince her to sit on the dock with me while I fished. Keep in mind that I have never fished for carp and assumed my 7foot spinning rod with 12pound test would be enough. I assumed they were docile fished and wouldn't put up too much of a fight. HA that was wrong!

20 minutes after I put my rod in the water my drag started screaming as a carp took the bait and ran. What an awesome fight it gave! I had it by the dock but as soon as I tried netting it....SNAP! goes the line as it took another surprise run. I was shocked! I've never felt anything fight like this and I'm hooked on carping! After 2 more great fights but 2 more line snaps I called it a night. I was a little disappointed I didn't land any but I had an awesome time fighting them. Next time I need stronger line.


So that was my weekend. Rice didn't have much in the way of active fish but I had fun with my lady and good times were had all around.





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Ha ha another one comes over to the carp side!! :clapping::clapping::clapping: "WELCOME!!"


Oh did your fiancee get to see the carp take your corn? So that she doesn't think you just wasted it? :lol:




Edited by dsn
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This is a picture of last year's Rice Lake Algae bloom :)


As you can see, the lake surface was like cream of broccoli or cream of asparagus.

Algae bloom is sure coming in Rice soon tho.

This long weekend fishing was kind of tough, actually it's been like that for the past few weeks.

Secret is to fish slow. I've tried all the fast presentation (spinner, jerk, crankbaits), nothing worked. Try senko, jig/grub with slow presentation.

Sunday I went to Rice Lake as well. Sure the wave were kind of crazy. We did managed to catch some bass, but all were caught between noon and 12:30pm (30minutes) then everything stopped.

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