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Heya everyone,


I don't know how to say this politely but...I won the WFN contest! It came as a big surprise to me on Friday morning when I received the phone call at around 9 a.m. Someone called my house and said, "Hi, can I speak to Mark?". My sister thought it was my work calling and hesitated to give me the phone. The woman on the other end said, "Hi, is this Mark?". And I responded, "Yes, yes it is. May I ask who's calling?". "It's WFN calling to congratulate you on winning the Grand prize". I couldn't believe it. I was speechless and I thought it was a joke. It was such great news. I thought that one of my friends was playing some cruel joke on me, but it turned out to be the truth. I was sooooooooooo excited. And I still am, very much so. Winning the prize means alot to me. I've never owned a boat, I've always loved fishing (although ALL of my fishing has taken place from shore), and I've always loved to produce videos. For one of my videos to be considered good enough to win such a prize fills me with pride and happiness. I want to be an editor/producer later on in life and I'm heading to Ryerson this fall for Radio and Television to pursue that dream.


I'm excited for this week since they're going to give me a call and tell me how / when I will be awarded the prize. Apparently I will be going to Bass Pro Shops at Vaughn Mills to get the boat. There will also be a production crew waiting to tape the event. As well, they are considering bringing in the fishing pro to come with me on my shopping spree and they also want to tape me on the boat, getting fishing lessons from the pro. I have no idea who the pro is, but some good fishing advice is always appreciated especially when you have a decent amount of money to spend. =)


Thank you to anyone who supported my video. And thanks for reading my story. This event is truly surreal to me. It is single handely the most proudest moment of my life. I still can't believe I won the prize...and I can't wait to use it =)


- Mark


Congrats to you Mark! I'm not at all surprised by your win, and in fact another member here predicted it. I didn't get to see all of you video, Dang Dial Up, but what I did see was very funny.


Well done and I'll look forward to your fishing reports :D



  Angler Mark said:
Heya everyone,


I don't know how to say this politely but...I won the WFN contest! It came as a big surprise to me on Friday morning when I received the phone call at around 9 a.m. Someone called my house and said, "Hi, can I speak to Mark?". My sister thought it was my work calling and hesitated to give me the phone. The woman on the other end said, "Hi, is this Mark?". And I responded, "Yes, yes it is. May I ask who's calling?". "It's WFN calling to congratulate you on winning the Grand prize". I couldn't believe it. I was speechless and I thought it was a joke. It was such great news. I thought that one of my friends was playing some cruel joke on me, but it turned out to be the truth. I was sooooooooooo excited. And I still am, very much so. Winning the prize means alot to me. I've never owned a boat, I've always loved fishing (although ALL of my fishing has taken place from shore), and I've always loved to produce videos. For one of my videos to be considered good enough to win such a prize fills me with pride and happiness. I want to be an editor/producer later on in life and I'm heading to Ryerson this fall for Radio and Television to pursue that dream.


I'm excited for this week since they're going to give me a call and tell me how / when I will be awarded the prize. Apparently I will be going to Bass Pro Shops at Vaughn Mills to get the boat. There will also be a production crew waiting to tape the event. As well, they are considering bringing in the fishing pro to come with me on my shopping spree and they also want to tape me on the boat, getting fishing lessons from the pro. I have no idea who the pro is, but some good fishing advice is always appreciated especially when you have a decent amount of money to spend. =)


Thank you to anyone who supported my video. And thanks for reading my story. This event is truly surreal to me. It is single handely the most proudest moment of my life. I still can't believe I won the prize...and I can't wait to use it =)


- Mark


Congrats on winning the boat Mark!! :thumbsup_anim: I made a post a week or so ago, predicting you would win this contest.


I'm glad it was a member of this community. Now when are you going to take me :Gonefishing: in your new boat? ;)






  canadianguy33 said:
Congratulations! :clapping: I can just imagine how pumped you are considering you've never owned a boat.


I'd love to check out your video, do you have a link?


Marks video can be found at the link below.









I just talked to a WFN representative and they told me I'll most likely be able to pick up the boat this Saturday or Sunday. As for the fishing pro, it'll probably end up being Dave Mercer since I requested that lol. I'm veeeeeeeeeeeeeery excited for this and I'm going to get my brother to come and take pictures of the event. Make sure to check out the video if you haven't already.




I'm on the front page =)


Yup it was pretty clear to see who the winner was going to be.. seeing as how it was blatantly obvious there was little to no security measures taken to ensure fairness of votes...just turn off cookies and hit vote 3000000000000000 times from one computer in one day, for months on end...



Congrats on the win though. Nice to see an OFC'r get-r-done.



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