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Everything posted by Grimace

  1. It is the other way around pikie the Cooper's is a bit bigger than the Sharpy. I cannot tell what that one is.
  2. I think Lunkerville is more about people and personalities. For that I really like it. He is a likable fellow and he gets a quick rapport with his partners. It is more of an Americana show about a great American pastime. He seems to be able to catch the spirit of the personalities that he has on. Remember folks it doesn't always have to be about the nuts and bolts of fishing. I think he has put together a smart show about people.
  3. If you zip off the highway at St Catharines you can stop quick at Pete's Tackle, they will have everything you need and some good advice as well. It is not far off of the highway, only takes a minute. Good Luck
  4. Ontario is a big province. I do not think all of Ontario fisherman should have to pay 50 more dollars a year so Southern Ontario steelheaders can have a field day every time out. I would pay more for my fishing license if it was evenly spread through the province.
  5. I saw a funny in the Sun last year that showed a Leaf fan handing a Senators fan his psychiatrist's business card. I thought it was pretty funny. Looks like he could be busy with all of East Central Canada's hockey fans with the odd flight to Edmonton. lol. I hope they turn it around. As a Leafs fan I am suppose to hate them but everytime I go to a habs Leafs game in Montreal I have a great time in a great building with great fans. Teasing back and forth and all in good fun. Every time I have left a Leafs-Habs game in Montreal I end up shaking the peoples hands in the seats around me and they always wish me a safe drive home. It is a great place to see a hockey game. They (like us) deserve a winner. Although it is genetically embedded in me to hate them. LOL. I can't believe I just said that. I am going to go wash my mouth out with soap. I am still craving for a Leafs-Habs play-off series. Would have been for the stanley cup if it wasn't for that lousy Kerry Fraser. We would of thumped them that year as well, could have been epic.
  6. Not sure what the wife does with em. B)
  7. I hope people aren't going to poach walleye in those extended seasons. I filled er out. Thought it was a good survey. Not sure how the underfunded MNR is going to enforce the closed walleye season while all this crappie fishing is going on. I hope the extended seasons provide more fishing opportunities without hurting the walleye.
  8. Just ordered tickets for the Fly Fishing Film Tour at the Bloor St Cinema Saturday night. Should be pretty wicked. Gonna head there with the old man after the sportsman show. www.flyfishingfilmtour.com I am not a spammer or anything I have no vested interest in it. Just think it should be neat and worth a look.
  9. Book Early. Provincial parks fill up fast. Most usually have a certain amount of available campsites for non reservations.
  10. Here is the Ontario Provincial Parks park locator. Pretty good tool. http://www.ontarioparks.com/english/locator.html
  11. Nice job man. Your on a roll now!!
  12. That boat is toast. Good luck man. Looks like you have your work cut out for you.
  13. Oh i see. It is the one that replaced Paignton House. Cleveland's is still there for now. If you are working there see if you can rent a yak or a canoe or something with an employee discount, or for free. Then you would be set.
  14. If you drive further dis used own peninsula road 7 there are a few places you could cast from shore without trespassing not very many though. Mostly the land beside the lake is owned by cottagers. There is a tiny causeway that was built to Royal Muskoka Island. you could stand there and cast. I am having trouble remembering how deep the water is there. Haven't been up there for about 5 years. Is that resort the one that is replacing Cleveland's House?
  15. Beauty Laker!!!!
  16. Cattle love it. http://www.dailykos.com/story/2006/7/19/0563/91277
  17. There is a pair of Costa Del Mars that come with all the lens colours and you can change them whenever you want.
  18. Costa Del Mar The cats meow http://www.costadelmar.com/
  19. Cast as far as you possibly can with it. Pull out 15 more feet. Use tape on the line on the spool. Tape will prevent the line underneath getting involved with the backlash. That way if you back lash you only have to get to that point to fix it. If you get a monster fish at the end of your cast and he pulls drag he will easily pull through the tape.
  20. The contaminated waste site in Toronto is right beside the Hearn on Unwin avenue. They just mix the contaminated soil dug up from old gas stations, paint thinner factories, Petroleum sites like the ones that used to be all over that area with truck loads of sand and send it out to construction companies to backfill around watermains, catch basins, storm drains, manholes. It is trucked out to all the new subdivisions in Markham, Brampton, Milton, Oakville, Burlington, and all over the GTA. So chances are.
  21. The greatest comeback to telemarketers of all time. Tom Mabe gives it back to em. Funny dude. This has been around for a few years and it is still funny to me. Enjoy http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J5z4Vs26-TI
  22. Law says they can no longer expire. It's the old scam sell a bunch of gift certificates at christmas time that expire in early January. I was very happy to see that the government put a stop to it.
  23. Looks like a good rig. Priced too high.
  24. I think for ripping through the weeds in rice lake is a pretty good application for braid. No bias here as I have a pile of different different types of lines for different things including P-line for trolling crankbaits for walleye, I also use some braids for that as well.
  25. Shoppers Drug Mart sell 99% Isopropyl Alcohol. Same stuff in that they put in fuel stabilizer. A touch in the tank. Doesn't burn as hot as ethanol or Methyl alcohol which you find in a lot of these stabilizers.
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