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Everything posted by Grimace

  1. So why do you think that shooting cormorants would have any significant effect on the population if it doesn't work for geese? If you just want to hunt them for the fun of hunting them, come out and say it but don't pretend that you are shoot them to save the fish or make the world a better place. If you admit that it wouldn't do much to diminish the cormorant population then what is the point. At least you eat the geese. I just do not understand why you would want to run around the country just to shoot a bunch of ugly birds and no food to show for it, just carcasses. I am not what you would call a 'tree hugger'. I am not an enemy of hunting by any stretch of the imagination. But you seem to be talking out of both sides of your mouth. A - We have to do something before it is too late!!! and B - We won't effect them anyway so what's the harm in letting us have fun doing it? The point you are making with example B makes example A moot. Example A is what all the fuss is about.
  2. Wow!! Great fish. Congrats, you don't see tanks like that very often.
  3. Interesting. That would explain why I get the odd one foul hooked and I don't reef up on the bait. I do see lots of guys trying to (successfully I might add) snag them. That could be a reason why they are so successful.
  4. I have witnessed it on Simcoe many times. The schools get pretty thick. They open those hooks up on the side of the Williams and just reef on them. Lots of them come up on the side of the face or like Bill says by the tail or back.
  5. Don't get me wrong. I hate the bloody things. All I am trying to say is before anyone orders or agrees to the systematic destruction of a species of animal in any region, the science has to be correct.
  6. I don't mean in any way to be disrespectful but I must ask. You think that the scientists are mistaken and there are more than 20 000 mating pairs in Michigan, correct? What data are you basing your position on? What do you feel are the flaws in their data collection techniques that are leading them to this false conclusion? What way do you claim your data collection to be more accurate than theirs?
  7. Humble. http://www.internetslang.com/IMHO-meaning-definition.asp
  8. Scientific evidence should be making these decisions. Science doesn't have an opinion. All it has is evidence and truth. The only concern that science has is that it is producing factual knowledge and reasonable solutions. These decisions should not be made by arrogant and ignorant individuals with no evidence or education to decipher evidence in the particular field of discussion. There should not be an armed uprising of the unqualified running around the countryside shooting everything they deem to be overpopulated or generally a detriment to their view of society. Edit: Typo
  9. West of New Liskeard I put a hurting on the Lakers in 7-15 feet of water through the ice a few years ago. As long as you are on the right spot. You won't see as many lakers but when they show up they are there to feed, so you get bit.
  10. I always chuckle a bit when I see people post IMHO when they clearly mean IMO.
  11. Pitchforks, torches, blind ignorance. So what do we have here? People running around shooting birds that are protected because it is perceived by many to be a population explosion based on nothing more than casual observation? If the pesticides from OUR population explosion killed a great many of these birds before any of our lifetimes and they are now making a comeback because of a positive change in OUR policies then we should probably not make judgements in their numbers based on a sample of 10-30 year fishing experience. There sure does seem to be alot more of them now than 15 years ago but then again I was not around in the year 1900 to see how many there use to be. Is the complaint here that they eat too much fish mass? If the fish weren't there to eat they couldn't eat them. Is the complaint that they crap on trees? Yes, it is pretty unsightly. I guess my point is that unless you have scientific evidence you should put your gun down and stick to whatever you do for a living.
  12. Awesome report!! Great bonus Laker. Well done lads.
  13. Cool. I am at 2 years on Febuary 6th. I don't even think about it anymore.
  14. Congrats on the new ride! Now you can get at some new water.
  15. Now THAT is a good days work!
  16. Love the group hug!! Way to go.
  17. Ignorant, ill informed, cruel commentary followed by playing the victim and pleaing for civility. The statements you made were admittedly made in ignorance and gathered from hearsay. Maybe you should take a look at those statements instead of damning everybody who has a problem with them.
  18. From what you are told by who? I mean, they must be a really good source if you are taking their word as truth and trust what they have told you to the point that you would take that argument to an open discussion.
  19. Michigan is a mess. With all the job loss and foreclosures the count of homeless students attending school has jumped 40 percent to 31000 students. It is exploding. "About 100,000 Michigan residents -- roughly the population of Livonia -- were homeless at some point in 2010. The notion that they are mostly addicted single males is a destructive myth. In actuality, 53% are children and families. The average age of a homeless child is 7." Sally Harrison - Director of rental assistance and homeless solutions Michigan State Housing Development Authority http://www.freep.com/article/20111218/NEWS06/112180464
  20. Super cool. I liked the wheel barrel full of air.
  21. I must have missed that as I was in a rush. It would have not even been an issue if my printer was functioning. I was a little dissapointed that I was not emailed a bill with an attachment to print my license like most online businesses. Air Canada and WestJet will send you confirmation with a ticket to print and the same goes with ticketmaster and the like. Thems the brakes. No ice near me anyways. I think the system is severely flawed. I get my non resident NYS decal almost immediately every year. But again, had my printer been working I would have been fine.
  22. That is odd. I renewed mine online in the middle of November. I still have not received anything from them.
  23. I paid 92.97 for the 3 year and card. That was 6 weeks ago and so far no card has arrived. My printer took a crap so I didn't get the chance to print off a temporary. They did not send me an email confirmation like a normal purchase would go, so now I do not believe I have anything to print. Looks like I am stuck waiting for the card.
  24. Some stunning pictures in there. I really like the Specky in the water and net. What a great looking fish.
  25. Great video. Those were absolute tanks.
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