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Everything posted by ecxstriper

  1. The spines on blue gills aren't any better than the barbs on a catfish or bullhead
  2. It is just like fishing Roy. You have to go where the fish are!!!!!
  3. 7' spinning rod that can handle 2 + oz of weight for flounder fluke hooks and flounder rigs ( which are more less large crappie/ perch rigs ). Flounder is fished for with minnows or squid strips . http://shop.oysterbaytackle.com/images/fw_2ps.jpg
  4. I'm just wondering if the 911 operator knew the answer !!!!
  5. where the paint has peeled away from the wall I would prime the area with a stain kill primer.
  6. getting made means something completely different here in New Jersey, Congarts
  7. Having lived in Delaware and having attended several punkin chunken World Championships . Don't knock till You try it . http://www.punkinchunkin.com/images/galler...lomew/index.htm
  8. I don't like the look of an open metal valley but do install all valleys with metal under a single cut valley with ice and snow shield on top of the metal as well have never had a call back with this set up
  9. Good to see that you have returned safe and caught some fish
  10. Neil and Nickleback
  11. Looks like Home to Me !!! Just head to south for some stripers!!!
  12. I’ll set you up with the Deluxe package, Includes 20 lbs snappers and the super secret snapper boilies recipe and a trip to Time Square.
  13. this is the 25 1/2 pounder. He was a bit upset at being interupeted during dinner !!!
  14. Yep pb on the snapper thinking about starting a snapper guiding service
  15. the one pictured is only 24" I sent in the 27" to gerrit Going striper fishing Saturday!!!
  16. I been trying to comb tribute to Team 3 and as I fish most salt water I decided to do some carping my first results where very mixed caught 6 snappers and 2 20” carp on boilies I made ( work well for large snappers 1 @26 lbs and 1 @ 25 1/2 lbs) and hair curlers for a method feeder . Next outing was much better with no turtles and 4 fish and a bit larger same set up as before. Finally made well the next time out with more fish going 4 for 7 and a bit larger fish
  17. working hard there CCMT or are you home ?
  18. here is some sweet shots of a Sturgeon leaping http://www.glooskapandthefrog.org/Leaping%...%20Sturgeon.htm
  19. Here we go CCmt and bly will be posting browns now
  20. But there is a flash flood warning in my area so I'm tying new rigs up and making new bollies .
  21. I didn't have much luck either Xrap going out all weekend my self
  22. welcome back family great to see your report . Congrats on the the ski and smallie . Wolfville will be able to sleep tonight unless you and Bly are going out carping tonight ??
  23. I know about some of it Bly gave me phone update on Saturday. LOL She was worried ppl would hang Him
  24. Have to love those smallies
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