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Everything posted by ecxstriper

  1. I really need to stop reading your reports , they don't help me feel any better. Way to go CC(Canada's Captain steel)
  2. I don't know if you should trust them I'm still getting the cold weather here in New Jersey.
  3. snog I need your latest cooler lady catalog . I'm in the market for one but am torn between cooler lady and a box lady !!
  4. OK I"ll spring for a manicure but not a whole day as this was a team injury. Wow how is your ego holding up under the onslaught if anybody can take such abuse it is you .
  5. Hey cliff I only pay for fishing equiment and not for spa days unless it is for an injury incured while fishing .
  6. there are several tables out there with that information . You also need to include girth of the fish to get an accurate estimation of weight. Each species puts weigh t on differently depending on basic body shape as the two you mentioned.
  7. what are you talking about I saw the last report from you and tybo. LOL
  8. wow and wow again sis. Stop the madness ,get help you too
  9. I t use to be easy to catch ells waited for my local tribs to muddy up and they were every where. They are very good for catching striper,often referred to as striper candy. Now you can't get them and a lot of people are using soft baits, slug o's. As for the Bowfin I use to catch a lot of those growing up in Michigan . Fished for them with minnies and small suckers and my what a fight.
  10. waiting with baited breath!!
  11. well after I listen to that song I couldn't sit still!!
  12. you could call it market research
  13. anyone or Bly
  14. wow nice steelies . you guys are killen me .
  15. Thank you Pete I need that. I find most music a little to clam for me . All I 'm going to say is "Crank it up "! Now I can do some head banging while I'm fishing. What a combination. I'm still waiting for a fishing song from Gridlock (hint,hint)
  16. welcome aboard. Man gotta love those smallies!!!
  17. Wow ccmt there weather here is fine high was 51*f (10*C) had to wear shorts, but the fishing isn't .Just think how nice the tribs will be after all that snow,.Darken up a bit and rasie the water levels again. Got to look on the bright side .
  18. Lets give it up for "TEAM STEELEYES". woho :
  19. Congrats Bly and Ccmt , Glad to see you have broken in your new rod wait until the reel gets there. Please save some fish for me. I think I 'm going to have to come back sooner than I planed. Take care guys.
  20. Welcome ken from another newbie. Hey broad party at Ken this summer!!!
  21. The 609 area code is in south New Jersey I live in the 973 area code (north Jersey),and we know there is at least 4 phone #s in : Canada Canadian Tire , Timmy's, the Beer store and CCMt's . Well thanks now I know there 5 #s. When did they get cell phones up there.? What do you want from us Americans, Canada doesn't even show up on our weather maps.
  22. Nipissing , where did you get a picture of my X wife?
  23. Amen slowpoke I hate the overtime points and the shoot out ! what ever happen to let the players deciding the games outcome . I see more contact in a NBA game these days.
  24. Are you two going out today ??
  25. thanks that is really cool TJ
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