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Everything posted by young_one

  1. I was 16 when I first joined OFC, now Im getting older, I still believe I'm young at heart and new to many different techniques of fishing. Forever I'll be a young one to the sport of fishing
  2. "I always thought that loons were black, but seeing this guy up so close I learned that they are a deep, dark green. " X2
  3. Great report! You missed out the proven fish catching pattern: 1. bright red worm with regular brown rubber band, wacky style 2. Kopper frog in 20 FOW!
  4. Excellent report! Thanks for sharing.
  5. There's a lot of hype with these shades. http://www.numaoptics.com/images/uploads/Numa_Optics_Review.pdf Review by Tackletour My linkhttp://www.tackletour.com/reviewnumaxframe.html
  6. I like to first cut right through all the side ribs off along the spine, second skin the fish, turn the fillet with rib sides down and cut a little slit line along the side ribs where it was cut off. With a sharp knife you should be able to glide your knife right on top of the ribs and catch every bit of meat. IMHO, the more expensive knifes aren't always better. They probably have better looking handles or doesnt require to sharpen as much. As long as you sharpen your knife and the blade has a good flex, it should perform flawlessly. Save the money and buy more fishing lures!
  7. Date: Tuesday, July 5, 2011 Location: Shallow weed bed close to reeds Productive baits: weightless senko (red, white, pink, green, orange, pretty much any colour!!!), white spinner bait, flipping beavers and berkley chigger craw. Team members: kevin & KelfuN, they easily outfished me! Enjoy the pics!
  8. Nice catch! Bonus point for shore fishing!
  9. wow, crazy story! I was reading faster and faster until "a lady and her son" part. I'm sure it'll be a story to remember for your kids.
  10. Awesome video, its one of the most informative video clips out there! Keep up the good work!!! A tutorial for deep water summer smallmouth in the future?
  11. Got this picture from another forum, someone else took it.
  12. Yeah, you are right Terry! I believe its 12/24V, 8 Amps, 2 Banks
  13. Quick question, forgot to take notes on how things were connected last fall... How should I connect these cables? Just want to make sure before I blow a fuse or something. I have 12/24V, 8 Amps, 2 Banks on-board charger. 2 batteries and one trolling motor. cables coming from charger (2 sets of positive and negative cables, and one bridge) These are the cables coming from the electric trolling motor
  14. Thanks for all the replies! What options do I have for changing tires? I just called CTC, they don't carry trailer tires. Thanks advance!
  15. Thanks for all the replies! What options do I have for changing tires? I just called CTC, they don't carry trailer tires. Thanks advance!
  16. Maybe I missed any changes to the ramp, but I know for sure they made the dock much nicer with new planks and heavy duty cleats.
  17. Mostly Grass Carp in the middle, a flat carp on the bottom, same specie as my first trip. The giant one on the right is another specie of carp.
  18. As many of you know I'm super jet lagged from my recent trip to China, I decided to take advantage of my 3AM wakeup schedule. Went fishing with fellow member Kevin, the forecast was calling for 25km winds and light shower. A bumpy ride to our spot and the bite was on fire starting 8-9ish, at the peak period I had missed multiple consecutive bites within seconds. My 30LB byers anchor really held nicely, but a pain in the @ss to pulled it backup for my anchor boy. Depth: 75~80 FOW Lure: William 1/2, Bad Boy, Jigging Raps Colour: Anything green! Weather: Overcast Surface Temperature: ~41F Notes: Saw quite a few dying smelt on the surface. To my surprise we didn't see anyone jig up a Laker, I had my trolling stuff ready but didn't want to give up the hot whitie bite. I've always had good luck with William W60 Silver Electric Blue, behind a dipsy diver. The live-forage Smelt looks real good to match the hatch. Anyone has recommendation for laker trolling lures? We had over a dozen fish landed and many lost!
  19. After finishing my exams and fishing the Trout Opener, I went for a 18 day trip with my parents, visiting relative and sightseeing. With only 18 days, our schedule was tight and packed with unique experiences! Throughout the whole trip: - 4 flights totaling almost 30 hrs - High speed bullet train (@400km/h) - 6 different cities - 1 massive wedding with over 200+ guests - Every meal was a feast! My belt actually popped loose on its own - 2 fishing occasions Enjoy the pictures! Leaving Pearson for the 12.5 hr flight. Toronto -> Beijing First meal of the trip, the beginning of many to come! The apartment we have in Beijing, we are the second floor with the AC radiator. As a result of the 2008 Summer Olympic, the city had many new 5-star plus hotels. Including this one that wrapped around our neighborhood! The ancient structures remain, while many residential areas were moved to the outskirt. Fancy dining atmosphere at a top-end restaurant First fishing trip in Shanghai with my father and my uncle. Driving range combine with fishing farm. Different mix of dough as bait Pole fishing Slightly more complex and advance pole fishing techniques 2 of many caught on this trip, the red spots are most likely some sort of infection due to high concentration of farmed fish. Probably not harmful. High speed (bullet) train, much better and more efficient than our GO Train! City @~200km/h. Countryside @<400km/h 2nd or 3rd generation of Tibetan Mastiff, the ultimate guard dog, they only go for the neck! My 2nd fishing trip in a different province, the temperature reached 38*C around noon! Typical fishing/countryside-experience resort The result/massacre! Surprisingly very tasty Halal BBQ, different items ranging from ¥1~¥6RMB. Approximately $0.15CAD Few of many I had THE Peking Duck, this restaurant started the dish! Fish fillet, sweet and sour fish to the next level! Chicken feet for the road, anyone? An assortment of alcohol at a highway service station If you ever get the chance to visit China, it will be the trip of a lifetime! Land of history, place of legend!
  20. Wish I was back in the country for this one, I've been going back to Mohawk Bay for many years, quick access to many fishing locations, the area is mostly know for good eater-sizes.
  21. Like many others, my life revolved around weathernetwork for the days preceding April 23. I have been seriously fishing for Steelheads over 3 or 4 years, but I continue to learn new lessons every time I fish, especially this past opener weekend. Fishing begun without any sleep on Friday, pumped and in a hurry I arrived my first location at 6AM. Having caught over 5+ fish from this one pool and close to double digit on this river last opener, my mind didn't hesitate to go back. I did everything I could for an hour without a single bite, and the river was gradually becoming unfishable. Frustrated, my mind was racing on what to do next. Lesson #1: Fish according to conditions, not past experience. As much as I didn't want to leave the 'promise hole' and not waste time on travel, I drove off in search of clearer water. I had a few popular/community river sections in mind, but shoulder to shoulder fishing was definitely not my cup of tea. I took out my iPhone and begin to trace rivers to their headwater. I soon found a few promising locations. Lesson #2: Maximize your electronics for scouting and data plan is a must. The first location was in prime fishing location, due to the geography and size of the river. This location yield 3 Steelheads and many fish were still spawning. I avoided the visible fish and fished the pools and tailwater sections. Noon came around and I decided to switch to a different river. With the help of my google map, I was able to find yet another great location with fishable condition. To my surprise there were less than 10 people fishing this 5KM stretch, where the Steelheads were nicely stacked. I fished every pool throughly and ended the day with a total of 11 fish caught. Lesson #3: It sounds like a cliché, but always drift pass an emerging boulder or structures that create a break. Lesson #4: When the river is in high water condition, the usual shallow areas will hold a few fish that are usually not there. With the help of my special mix (Cocacola + Redbull), I was able to drive home safe and sound. Jacked with caffeine, I survived a mini kegger in my basement with friends until 3AM. Starting from Friday morning 10AM, its been close to 40 hrs since I slept. Lesson #5: When you are young, sky is the limit for your energy level! Slept like a baby and woke up around noon on Sunday, met up with GBW and back to Saturday afternoon's honey hole. Another friend joined us on the river and the rest was just pure Steelhead adrenalin rush. The condition now was less preferred, the river quickly went back to its regular low-flow. Non the less, us three finished the day with approximately 10 fish caught and many more lost. Lesson #6: This one I knew long time ago, but just thought I should share. 'Don't reel in a Steelhead on centerpin, 6lb leader and size 12 hook like you are catch bass with 50lb braid!' -GBW GBW ready to samurai sword slash! Unfortunately, I didn't take too many pictures due to the weather. Enjoy the pictures and the 2 videos! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ulH2-usE-c8 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qwvk7Lzv3-E Leaving Wednesday for a month long trip in China, I'll miss much of the prime post-spawn Steelhead fishing. While in China, I might get the chance to fish a reservoir with stocked California Bass. Plan to bring a few senkos and mini jerkbaits, hopefully I can post an international bass report across from the Pacific. ps. Tested out the new Frabill FXE Storm Suit, awesome value and cool designs with specific features for fishing. The product review will be another report. All the best!
  22. GBW, the leaders I gave you were 6lb.
  23. http://www.ofncommunity.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=35260&st=0&p=374284&hl=bon%20echo&fromsearch=1entry374284 Check out my post back in 2009 I've only heard people catching Lake Trout downrigging from the Bon Echo main lake. Skootamata Lake was indeed a great lake to fish, lots of big and very dark smallies!
  24. "I know that last year on the opener of trout there were people fishing with minnows in the park. they were long gone by the time we realized what they were doing." jedimaster, what were they doing?
  25. Excuse me for not blurring the background, I know someone recognize that sand and waterline! Skeeter has the cardio of a 21 years old! Someone fish with him tomorrow, so he can ironman a 3 day fishing marathon!
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