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Everything posted by young_one

  1. Beautiful colours, Thanks for sharing!
  2. Does that mean four years from now we'll receive an exceptional run? Consider the spawning run start from age 4-10.
  3. Excellent outing Aron, thanks for sharing! Would you care to elaborate your tackle setup, and what type of structures to look for?
  4. Participated in the Cobourg fish lift this year. Luckily to get some really cool underwater shots and the Steelheads were very cooperative with the filming! Best of all, brought my girlfriend with me and she really had a memorable experience! Thanks to Ron for informing the OFC(N) community with the details on the fish lift. I'm sure the Steelhead God appreciate all the good work done by the MNR staff, Ganaraska conservation staff and all the volunteers who came out to help. Cobourg Fish Lift 2012 Video (Good way to pass 5 mins at work, especially for the Thursday before Good Friday) Click : (choose 1080p for the best quality) Enjoy Photo Credit: MJL
  5. I only eat the stinging nettles when they are less than 2 inches. Always boil them in water first. "Stinging nettle has a flavour similar to spinach when cooked and is rich in vitamins A, C, iron, potassium, manganese, and calcium." wiki
  6. Lots of wild edibles starting this month up until May. Stinging Nettle, Fiddleheads, Black and Yellow Morel mushroom, wild leaks.
  7. Interesting topic! Don't mean to jump on the band wagon, but my Pfluger Patriarch's anti-reserves failed on me yesterday when I was fishing for crappies.
  8. I've had my GoPro for over half a year. Lots of great footage from my fishing excursions. My computer harddrive is quickly running out of room with all the high definition videos. I highly recommend the "chesty" (chest mount) and spare battery is a must. I have a 32G Class 10 SDHC on the device. I can record close to 6-7 hrs (720P quality) of non-stop videos with 2 batteries. The wide-angle lens will capture more objects within the frame, but closeup subjects will look slightly distorted. Here are some of my outings recorded with GoPro HD Hero: Taken with the head mount Taken with the chest mount Taken with the head mount
  9. Pass by this web special on St.Croix rod blanks, I was told it's one of the best blanks on the market. Need recommendation on the following models under the topic poll. I intend to use the rod for: - chucking spoon off the pier. J13 Firetiger, 3/4oz Cleos, and 1oz Moonshine - 15 Powerpro spooled on 3000 size reels - Fall river mouth Chinook Salmon http://www.mudhole.com/Specials/Overstock-Sale-St-Croix-SC5_3 St.Croix SCV Graphite Rod Blanks 25% Off I'll progressively ask more questions about rod building, hopefully I'll have this one ready by coming fall.
  10. Ever tried these fly clips made by Mustad? Easy on and off. On a side note, anyone knows how to make the orange rubber seal for stinger hooks?
  11. I second the idea of creating an account on Photobucket or similar sites. Advantages: 1. photos are backed-up in a relatively low compressed rate 2. the website has securities settings and password locks for your photo albums. (avoiding lurkers to examine every detail of all your photographs) 3. Easy links to share via forum, email, instant-chats. Quick and easy turtorial video on Posting photos using photobucket
  12. Due to limited access, it seems all the fisherman are stuck within Kempenfelt Bay. Fishing pressure is at all time high at the popular spots. The more active fish are away from the crowds and more willing to play during the weekdays. My limit of Badboy Whities in 70FOW Jigging Rap Lakers Whitefish doing the chase, 20 feet vertical takeoff to hijack my lure. Good luck out there, while ice is still here! Please stay away from my sonar, my Showdown is extremely sensitive to rivals.
  13. simply awesome! where is my invite.
  14. Every time I explain that hill access to my non-fishing friend, they think ice fishing is an extreme sport. Who ever brought in the rope is the smartest and most thoughtful person, I wish him/her catch all the fish s/he desires! Also that skinny tree that's holding the rope, no other tree in their life have helped so many people. Thanks for sharing, congrad on your first of many more to come!
  15. Nice catch! I'm dying for Lakers and Whities lady simcoe, please thicken up
  16. Beast of a perch! Congrads
  17. 2 of size 4 Owner's Mosqito hooks small beads and blades for drifting at < 1mph, use bigger blades and beads when trolling > 1mph one foot to 5 foot of 15LB Seaguar Flurocarbon use plastic quick changing clevis instead of metal clevis, when the blades are spinning, the metal edges will damage the line over time.
  18. Great news! Thanks for sharing!
  19. Great Laker!
  20. Deepest condolence, RIP Peanut.
  21. Thanks for updating us! Looking forward to your posts!
  22. Great ride buddy! People have posted about safety equipments on board, I like to remind you about engine care and trailer servicing. Make sure you always have engine oil in the reservoir, if you hear the warning beep due to insufficient engine oil, you need to pop the hood and loosen this plastic cap to allow the oil to fill to the top. As for trailers, make sure you grease the hubs every 2-3 yrs. Always check your lights, straps and locks!
  23. Green with envy! Keep the reports coming!
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