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Everything posted by icedude
Crossing from the States into Canada Question
icedude replied to moparhawk's topic in General Discussion
not trying to muddy the waters here..but can share with you from personal experience your chances are probably less than 50-50 given that aircraft stunt -Detroit- at Christmas appears post 911 Home Land Security is alive and well crossing our borders we travel under NEXUS to Buffalo on a routine basis--had a client in my car fairly recently--did not know he had a minor criminal offence here in Canada obviously he did not have a NEXUS Priviledges-get traked to a different line up-long entry denied! l---got my wheels turned around and ended up having lunch with the guy in Niagara-On-The Lake--and drove him home to Toronto--wasted day the no ask no tell thing seldom works in my experience we all did dumb stuff in our teens--hope your boy-gets a pardon..and enjoys a seamless travel life going forward Good Luck -
sorry Skud...for the lack of my internet etiquette earlier--clearly not my intention to high jack your thread or to steal your Thunder in any way nice WF..thank you for sharing ID1 www.lake-simcoe.ca
thanks for the report Skud--nice WF--just a reminder for those new to hardwater on Lake Simcoe--Closed Season on Herring
Probably the Best Choice All will bring the Wilcraft by the looks of things--we can do some shuttle service perhaps Cheers ID1
Appreciated MisFish! you have carriage of the file as it should be good stuff--10 bucks a pop parking--NW--count on us--5-2 vehicles kindly advise via PM prize table KIDZ Zone Stuff Thanks again file closed: ID1
Really--Curious minds need to know i guess DUDE: Love them Both-soft water/hard water--fresh or salt-saw Mercer doin the Bone Fish Thang on TV briefly today--got to go when the budget can afford it-on my Bucket List Married a Girl 23 years ago who knew my passion going in-so whatever the Season--welcome home--warm arms-Smile and please clean that in your shop-- make my own lunch TMI OK--Softwater is my vote--but not to fish locally for a few months--is pain--gots to embrace the ICE if you live on Lake Simcoe Stay Safe Good Fishin
seems to me you are both reel Classy Guys!
HAHAHA-good tunes--Pussy Cat Dolls you say--lol the non invite for NYS Dinner from Doug G sounded like a go-to-spot Roy that's just me we get fed what ever David Rotundo orders this evening- thanks for the MUZAK All Be Kind ID1
Too True LeXX--will check out SPPP-Sibbalds Point Provincial Park as a potential venue and advi$e Happy New Year All here's to new friendships--laughs--learning and of course FISH ON! Cheers ID1 www.lake-simcoe.ca
mind your manners going forward WSB just kiddin buck field work but- it is what it is--what the heck did yah do to your self? do not need to know--REALLY have a Doctor look at it maybe--soon Girls dig Scars--only the ones--- we talk about Trust you will be fully functional in 6 months Heal Fast Happy New Year ALL
what piece of the water? lol Feb 20th--voted- like Lake Air-- the Ice Edition suppose for some of us lol do the PM thing if you want to talk logistics Thanks looks like a Blast Paul
Vin--you mean The Gazette? we work with a dude from SFC PDF format for sure--if you want a paper-based copy you will have to call the library--705-878-9319 Jan 4th Cheers!
Innisfil venue makes sense for a bunch of reasons--we just have to land on a suitable date --end of Feb Terry (r with a circle after your name)-knew you were famous--didn't know you Trade Marked your name--lol Thanks
First Kawartha Ice Fishing hole is going...?
icedude replied to Michael_Brown's topic in General Discussion
Welcome the Brite Side Doc !lots of lads and lassies have a Seasonal Static Stick--- Ice Fishing-GIZMO--that works like a Charm--to break the boredom--and perhaps invest in some Caloric Healthnot technical---- but i fabricated one--that WORKEDgood nuff for me--lolam not that good actually in reel life---spend an inordinate time on the ICE however in many capacities learned from local masters like Klatt-Wegman-Madsen-Joyce Clan-- Shane and Mc Caw--attentive student-lolTrust it is OK with you that i saved your design?it wont go anywhwere off this work stationHave all the FUN you are legally allowed and then someIce is Here YES--Cheers! -
First Kawartha Ice Fishing hole is going...?
icedude replied to Michael_Brown's topic in General Discussion
Large Coffee-TWO MILK! Don't miss a beat do yah? bet you have been waiting to pop that Ice Auger for how many years? sure Michael! Congrats BTW! you have my contact info: feel free tight for time--but The ELVIS OF ICE ANGLING? Dang--sounds tempting Dude maybe the PM thing? have the day noted! Merry Christmas--TJ must have got ripped off as a child--Christmas and the Birthday Boy all in the same month just kiddin flames should be in your fire pits Thanks for the invite www.lake-simcoe.ca -
like was there any doubt? never been a moderation Kiss Ass TJ and Community--you should be firecely Proud--the whole Dang lot of yah Classy Bassy Mercer Over and OUT Sea you all Gawd Willing the the New Year Amazing now bugger off boss and start your Family Christmas Thunder
Mornin Lew O'Clock and Group to be sure---similar incidents---different outcomes pretty contentious issue--Booze On the Water--and for good reason right? the Coppers have discretionary powers---the way it should go is--you treat me square--i treat you square to fine a guest guy with an unopened beer to have with his lunch is abuse of that Cops power trip--Rookie maybe? they hassle me from time-to-time---we run a Tight Ship--give em enough time--they will find something it appears Water on the Water---Canadian Beer on the PIER TJ got a total? Merry Christmas
hahahhah you're bad---sure --Knock Yourself Out--Take 2 for all i care--lol oh yah Ontario--the Nanny Province Have a good Christmas man Paul www.lake-simcoe.ca
good thread--was canoeing the Grand River Kitchener area with some buddies from Wilfrid Laurier a few years back same deal--the local Coppers checked EVERYONES coolers at the bridge--poured the booze into the drink and off they went...... one young fella with little respect back talked the Cop---don't have a clue what happened to him--but pretty sure he was read the riot act--lol
hahaha--sorry BRN- was a trifle cryptic---lol----you're as safe as mothers milk on 4-6 inches of ice--at 225 pounds --walking one assumes --let us know how you make out! dress safely--Have FUN Merry Christmas
would agree--TMI-weigh in at a not so Kewl 200 lbs--the sled is -500 pounds do the math if you like that puddle jumping stufF --Ravine Rat--where are you when i need you--would recommend you put the boots to it--NEVER S-L-O-W down Merry Christmas PHOTOZ Trust the mail this Christmas did not do you in Paul
Greeting ML-S you landed in a terrific zone am a newbie myself OH--they forgot to tell you one minor detail Dude--They LOVE pictures Have Fun--Play Safe Out There!
no-- know where good maybe let it rest for now? fire up that OFC Anthem! Cheers ID Luck is the residue of Design
thought this day would never end--lol would be remiss not to compliment you on your lastest achievement here it is easy to get caught up in all the 'nasty incidents' of late and miss a fresh and creative seasonal message-dug the hat with the tree background YES-caught the TSO (not to be confused with the Toronto Symphony Orchestra) at ACC last month quite a treat for the eyes and ears Have a good one bud! you have a nice natural talent going there ID
Sorry to hear Maureen know all the heart -blood-sweat and tears you put into that labour of love if any of your people wish to join us, the MNR-Aurora District,O.F.A.H. and York Environmental Stewardship will be holding our Take a Kid Ice Fishing event Feb 13 at the Peninsula Resort in Pefferlaw 10-1pm Have a great Christmas ID1