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Everything posted by ch312

  1. pardon my ignorance, but the point of this is you're not suppose to get your boat trailer wet? what am i missing here?
  2. longer spikes are best if there is any snow on the ice. many of the cleats with smaller spikes are useless when there is a skiff of snow on the ice as the spikes simply can't reach the ice. this is the most dangerous time as the thin layer of snow between the ice and your boot makes it even more slippery than plain ice. i'm not sure which brand these are, but i've been using them for years without a hint of slippage on any surface. no worries of tripping up if you walk properly and don't drag your feet. they're very comfortable for long walks as the steel spreads the load over most of the sole of your boot rather than walking on "bumps" like those pictured. mine aren't even noticeable while other brands i've tried were horrible for walking. plus, you can literally run across downed logs with no worries of slipping
  3. spend 10 hours doing physically demanding work and you'll laugh at complaints from CAW assembly line workers too there's a reason why people "dream" of working in CAW plants and i can assure you it's not because people are looking for hard work. how are they doing with the life of hybrid batteries? cost to replace?
  4. i agree that it's pathetic how some people can get worked up enough about fishing to make thing's physical, but the big guy whacking big mouth a few times was 100% justified. bigmouth was very lucky he only got cracked 3 times, some of us wouldn't have been so nice
  5. thanks for the inspiration, rich. after plenty of driving i finally found a place to fish and i tied into my first ever pinks today on an erie trib. they sure are a different looking fish that's for sure. all 5 of mine swam off seemingly healthy, but i can't say the same for the fellow fishing upstream that sent 3 floaters my way i was pondering the idea of taking the dying ones home, but figured it wouldn't be worth the effort?
  6. shore fishermen probably kill more salmon (released fish dying, meat hunters, egg hunters) in the fall than boat anglers do all year. i'd support a ban on fishing for migratory salmon before a 2 fish limit.
  7. that video is awesome! this is the first time i've seen a figure eight done from shore. i guess it works
  8. no wonder there's so much arguing on here daily, some of us can't even agree with ourselves :
  9. well, at least they'll have some time to play... :P seriously though, i don't think anyone has really thought about the rest of the people involved with the game that will be effected by the strike. anyone have some numbers on how many people in the "other" category are going to be jobless due to the strike?
  10. that's awesome! i tried getting some action shots of the eagles fishing, but my camera skills are definitely lacking. maybe you're a bit better in that department? quite honestly, i had no clue that the immature eagle we saw was in fact an eagle until it landed right beside the adult bird near the nest. anyone know how many eggs are laid each year and the survival rate of young bald eagles?
  11. biased fans can't grasp the concept that if the players really "love the game and want to make the fans happy" they'd gladly accept cuts to keep on playing. but, they wouldn't accept it as they'd prefer to negotiate while continuing on with the season to get as much money as possible. like i said before, both sides are equally at fault. it's much easier to see this when your opinion is 100% unbiased
  12. jeez, some of you (biased hockey fans?) are looking into that picture WAAAAY too much. it's NOT the actual picture i wanted you guys to think about, it's the message behind it. clearly some of you lack the intellect to put two and two together, eh bill? i hope you guys put as much thought into issues that actually matter to society...
  13. i believe you're fully aware of what i'm saying, but you're avoiding the truth at all costs. hockey players are crying because they feel they're entitled to more money for playing a game while people that are serving our countries get paid peanuts to put their lives on the line and live in hell for months on end.
  14. fixed it for ya with today's labor regulations unions are totally unnecessary. it seems like every other day we're hearing about some union looking to go on strike, and it's only getting worse. times are changing from being grateful for having a job to people believing they're entitled to a job and paycheck.
  15. i don't have much faith in the MNR anymore. 2 years ago i found a fresh rifle killed deer and the poachers showed up within minutes. i had my camo on so i sat within 40 yards of the deer and watched the 3 clueless men as they smoked a joint before gutting the doe they just shot in an area where only bows (only archery was open at the time), shotguns, and muzzleloaders are permitted, NEVER rifles. after 15 minutes they smoked another joint before walking off with the two deer they poached. i called the OPP first as i figured they'd show up because of 3 guys walking around with rifles smoking joints. nope. then i called the MNR with exact descriptions of the guys and their rifles, vehicle description and plate #, GPS coordinates of where it happened. i called the CO a month later and a whole lot of nothing happened the moral of my story? i'm not even going to bother wasting my time reporting poachers next time
  16. seeing as the players knew exactly what would happen if they wouldn't come to an agreement, half the blame goes on them. this is the thing that biased hockey fans are missing as for your last comment, clearly you missed the point of the pic...
  17. the players should accept any cuts and be grateful they're still making way more than they deserve...
  18. thanks for the help guys. i've used it quite a bit on the ATV and boat and have always been impressed by the video, but i guess i chose the wrong time to use it as a still camera for the first time. i'll be looking into correcting this issue. i didn't have much time to screw around with the camera as i netted the fish, the lure fell out, and i got it back in the water asap. then, i took it out for a couple seconds to snap this one pic. ugly or not, this feesh wasn't dying on my watch i haven't caught many fish this size, but it had to be more than 12-13lbs? that boot (the rubber one ) is exactly 13.5" long and it only reaches from the end of the fish to just behind the gill plate. after looking at the pic, boot, and net, i'd guess it was 36-40" and at least 20 lbs. it dwarfed the 28", 10 lb walleye i got a couple weeks ago and the 10 lb brown i got in the spring. the fisheye view makes the beast look like a minnow
  19. it's awesome that they're making a comeback and sighting them is becoming more and more common every year. here in brantford there has been a nesting pair near wilkes dam the last couple years. we had the opportunity to see our first "baby" (immature, not colored like an adult yet) bald eagle this summer too. cambridge has a few flying around the river too...
  20. caught this one chuckin spoons off a pier on lake o. he put up one heck of a fight and was apparently back to normal as he took off after a couple minutes in the net. i haven't a clue how much he weighed, but that's a size 13 insulated rubber boot for scale. i'm hoping someone can fix the fish eye view and make the picture look normal so we can actually see it. this was my first time using the gopro as a still camera and i think it may be the last. my spoon got hung up on bottom and when it popped loose i got a double header!
  21. 1) just like every other business, that's how it's supposed to be??? 2) yes, this is why i said the NHL is nothing without money from fans. 3) who wouldn't? 4) he's the boss and it's his decision? as i've done before, i'd find a new job. really? you mean the employee's aren't supposed to tell the boss what to do? heh...i'm a "kid" that's mortgage free, i dislike unions, and i do have it figured out. you know what's more annoying than young people that think they have it figured out? old people that think younger people can't have it figured out before they did money is good for two thing's. buying new toys and causing arguments
  22. allowing the pellicle to form is important for both flavor and preventing fat/juice from oozing out of the fish while smoking. the fillet will look and taste better this way
  23. wah...wah...wah, we deserve more money because "we're entitled to it". no, actually they're not. they're hockey players that already make more than they deserve, not someone actually useful to society like doctors, nurses, firemen, cops, etc whom are underpaid. heaven forbid they take a 24% cut on a multi million dollar salary. you guys should be blaming the players just as much as the owners as GREED is very evident on BOTH sides. boycotting the NHL for a season after this Bull is done with is the only way to prevent it because in the end they're nothing without money from fans. but, just like the gas situation, people will bend over with smiles on their faces and take it. voila! nothing is fixed.
  24. cool! i had no clue quikrete sold a patching product. you did a good job for a first timer don't even get me started on some of the mickey mouse work i've seen. believe it or not, but i've knocked out too many soffit (balcony "ceiling") and wall patches weighing 25-50 lbs+ with only a few taps from a hammer and small chisel thanks to knobs that don't do thing's properly. when a 40lb patch is hanging 30 stories above the street, you'd think they'd do thing's the right way
  25. sika makes good stuff, but it's a pain to work with as the crap sticks to everything. it's because of this that we started harassing the engineers to switch over to gel patch (awesome stuff) as it's so much easier to work with and finishes great. plus, there's no jug of juice for each bag like sika. king FA was our go-to product when we needed to pour instead of patch. pins are not required when using patch materials and you're bonding to concrete that is sound and in good condition, that's what your slurry/scrub coat is for. even if you do decide you use pins, a scrub coat should still be used to prevent water infiltration like you mentioned. lew, quikcrete makes tons of different products. what did you use?
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