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Everything posted by Kinger

  1. Nice, great to see stuff like this. Now, lets see some pics man, gear pr0n!!!
  2. ahhh yes, I remember the big change.
  3. hahah Mason! nice ones man, I need to go up with you one day this week.
  4. They are in the river, lots in the 4-7 lbs range.
  5. I have sucessfully targetted them in the river. Smelt on or near bottom.
  6. http://www.doctorsteve.com/
  7. I completely agree, river mouth nets are ridiculous.
  8. Makes me happy the Mary's rapids never freeze. Steel right through to spring.
  9. problem is, you can't ban EVERYONE from netting no matter what. some people are allowed to net even if the government says otherwise.
  10. I'm buying a Kingpin Royalty 478 in March. I can't wait. With a last name "King", how could I NOT get a Kingpin?
  11. I couldn't agree more. Testify!!
  12. I hooked and lost my first big steelhead today. My 2/5 lil' cleo got snagged on bottom and i managed to get it out so i was pulling up and reeling hard to get it up off the bottom of the river, 10 feet out or so and WHAM! Very much like an atlantic salmon strike, i saw a huge silver and pink flash and my heart jsut starting pouding. The first 10 seconds was just incredibly savage head thrashing and running into the back current. The fish shook its head more than any fish i've ever hooked, then it ran out into the main current nd this is where my 7 ft walleye gear let me down, the fish started fighting hard and i couldnt keep the tension on the line and it spit it! So close, but so far away....I'm spending a lot of money next month on gear, I'm so hooked.
  13. SLAB!!
  14. ....take me fishing please.
  15. I think I will get a wading staff. I'm all of 140 lbs and 6 feet tall, doesnt take much before i'm swimming lol.
  16. I feel kinda strange after reading that LOL. I tuck it into my waders, I swear.
  17. Haha, a little.
  18. I could have snapped one if I hadn't wandered off or if I was brave enough to cross where you did, you're a certified insane man!
  19. I'm hitting the rapids tomorrow afternoon!! Nice fish man!
  20. Sweeping generalizations for the loss...
  21. Hahah!
  22. That makes my aggregate limit hurt.
  23. If I get my Float rod and centerpin before tomorrow, I'm heading north. If not, hitting a little shallow bay for some pike and bass.
  24. I have a sweet tshirt that has a Salmon on it with the words "Meat Without Feet"
  25. I really like that book. Even better was that Hemingway loved to fish the St. Mary's Rapids!! How cool is that
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