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Everything posted by Nanook

  1. Not too sure on this, but try Lazy Acres trailer park. I think they MAY have some cabins. Like I say, not too sure.........
  2. And the same to you and yours Lew,and may there be many of them! But whats with the Red X sig.?
  3. Just wanted to wish everyone a Healthy, Hearty and HAPPY NEW YEAR!
  4. One might say I'm in my 'twilight years' for fishing , and I wish this 'Board had come on the scene many years ago. They are ALL a great bunch of guy's/gals , and I'd fish with any one of them if I had the chance. It would be VERY difficult to single out anyone for preference
  5. Amazing piece of technology Rick Only problem is, I sent it on to some friends, and one to myself. No-one recieved them. WOT WENT WONG !!!!!!!
  6. Just read in the Nov. National Geographic,an article 'bout anual Beer consumption throughout the World. Checkoslavakia[?] is tops with 197 liters per person, UK is about 5th with 87 liters USA is 12th Canada......................................................NOT LISTED!!!! And you think you can drink C'mon Guy's and Gals get the numbers up!!!
  7. My thanks to your Bro-in-law and all his comrades for their work over there. a friends son has just been posted,so I know how you must feel. I bet you could'nt have organized your Christmas any better. Hope you and yours have good one!!!!
  8. Good to hear 'bout your Dad Glen, ya cant keep those fiesty old Guy's down for long. Once he's healed up,he'll be in better shape than you
  9. Lew !! You got Pickeral rods???
  10. Way to go Peter; my wife worked in a Bankruptcy office and came home with many stories of people being knocked down by non-payers.Not too many made the fight back. You did[with the help of your family]and my hat's off to you This will surely be a VERY Happy Christmas for you all, all the best from Nanook and family.
  11. Done !! but can politicians see beyond their own noses
  12. Did the delete thingy Kerry.Switched back to Driftwood skin Rick. Working fine once again. Thanks a lot guy's,appreciated. Corey.........???????
  13. Atta girl Joey ! go get 'em. Hide Tybo in the cooler if he dont go to work
  14. Rick; she is very resistant to change,and as the saying goes; I'd sooner argue with you, than her. LOL!!!
  15. Did'nt know you were of that "persuasion" Beans!!
  16. Every time there is an 'update"on the 'Board,the pages get slower and slower,to the point that I cant be bothered waiting. I'm forcibly on Dialup,with I.E. I've tried Opera, but it screwed up my wife so much,had to delete it.If it gets any slower I may as well call it quits.
  17. I have the same problem here.But Ive found if I hold ctrl down while clicling on the link,it SOMETIMES works! Believe me when I say, I'm the King Klutz where 'Puters are concerned.
  18. Joey; you'll be able to carry 2 of your woman sized coolers in that LOL
  19. Only ever broke two;A Shimano when hauling a Bass from the weeds,replaced immediately by Shimano. Second one, in the store while testing the 'flex'. the tip snapped off when it hit the counter top.The guy did'nt bat an eyelid,just handed me another one. Still have that rod!!!!!
  20. Born in England,was there 33yrs, came to Canada in '68 Lived and worked in Toronto and Missisauga for 28yrs Summered in a trailer and Snowbirded for 5yrs, Bought this house near Buckhorn in 2001 Could'nt posssibly live in a big city again.
  21. Ever thought of taking up painting as a hobby Pam Super work as per usual!
  22. Looks just GREAT!!!! Really a piece of Heaven,away from home. When's the House Warming party??
  23. Got there a bit late.........aint you lucky?
  24. Are you still around Jim? I lost your e-mail addy.Can you get in touch with me?
  25. . Gee Rick,ya getting deviouser and deviouser[?] Good on ya Cobber!
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