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Everything posted by Nanook

  1. " DAD" could have destroyed the pellet gun and maybe curbed anymore situations
  2. Some very nice lures there Roy! Any fish they take would prolly pull me into lake. I'll be sharpening my carving knives and think of something to carve to keep me busy for a while.
  3. A bad day's fishing sure beats a good day at work. Nice 'Rye for this lake. Judging by the 'Pic,you could have crossed over to the main shoreline, climed up the rocks and hd a nice hot toddy at our place
  4. Sorry for your loss, been there done that a few times over the yrs. It never does get easier. We lasted 18mths after our Springer Spaniel had to be put down, we got a Bijhon? Different breed, different mannerisms, and he changed our around almost immediately!
  5. Iv'e been carving 8yrs now and because of limited space, I have had my blanks cut by Club members. They are very experienced and know how to make the easiest cuts. Mind you !! you will get more pleasure from carving, if you can start from scratch What have you startted carving?
  6. You've prolly hsd this snswer befor.but 6 yrs ago we decided to change Doc's as the 'old' one stsrted charging.for anything he could think of. The new doc requested a transfer of files,and at $75;00 each we told him we just could not afford it . Havent heard anything about it since. Over the last 6 yrs Ive built a new file thick enough to ckoke a horse
  7. Please accept my deepest condolencies on the loss of your friend.
  8. That sounds like the same one to me Jonny
  9. I find that the price of Membership to the club with the link pretty exhorbitant for a beginner, there has to be a cheaper one in Kitchener. The two stores Chippingaway and Nutmeg Carving Supplies have mail order facilities,but a hands on visit to either one would be better, you can talk to the people that use the tools. As you can see, you have not picked a 'cheap' hobby. Look around for used tools,where people have passed on, or quit carving for whatever reason. Your first decision will be" do I want to carve or whittle?"
  10. Thanks for the vote of confidence Spiel. I whittled for a while with a penknife, then found a local Carving Club{ there should be one in Kitchener ] Found the Members only too willing too impart their knowledge and skills to a beginner. They will have carving books to borrow and carving plans.Basswood is the best wood to start with.Tight grain and easy to carve, but does'nt sand too well. If you find a club, take a look at the knives they use. I recommend you dont buy a 'set' of knives as you prolly wont use some of them. Start with one or two straight blades, make sure you learn how to sharpen them, then build up a kit as you need them. I can go on forever, but a carving book from a club or Library will get you going. Hope this helps, e-mail me by all means if you need any more help. P.s. A club will have someone to cut out the blocks to a pattern for you. Try a small animal first, birds can be frustrating.
  11. Had a friend who lived on Sandy Lake who claimed fishing is 'good' up in the deep end weedbeds. I dont know, never fished there. There are two launches on Lakehurst Rd at the South end
  12. My votes in too, makes for good reading.Good head on her shoulders
  13. Nanook

    uh oh

    Lew, People of that ilk, can soon brush it of as if nothing had happened. Just hope his Peers remember and treat him accordingly.
  14. Yeah ! I made the trip Ok, but no-body home!! Wont be making a date with you two Guy's anytime soon I should have known I guess, the Locks at Buckhorn were jam packed. Was'nt wasted trip, went on to see a sick friend. There'll be another time Buddies
  15. 25 yrs Instructor on the T.T.C. Now 1n my 15th yr as Govt employee RETIRED !!! .
  16. When you see 3 women having a chat........ heaven help the first one to leave
  17. Belated Birthday Greetings Dwarfie. Hope it was a good one. Heres wishing you many more !!!
  18. Well folks, that just about confirms my thoughts on'Onstar. After the 12mth trial the cost for Basic is $26 per mth + $50 for 'hands free' [100 mins]per mth=$76 And thats todays prices, so in 12mths who knows???? Probably I'll pay the $20 for 100 extra mins during the 'trial period, then dump it. We are trying to cut cost down. Thank you all for your input, makes ME feel good I made the right decision. P.s, The car comes with 5yrs Roadside assistance
  19. Just got my wife HER first new car, and it comes with 12mths of ON Star.The demo with the Dealer was very impressive, ie Hands free phone, vehicle diagnostics Anyone have this and are using the system? What is your experience or opinion??
  20. You can relax Cliff,........... Ya made it
  21. I dont know much about it,but, I see a new Eco-tax has been slipped in under cover of the HST ! Apparently manufactures that make Non-recyclable items now have to pay this new TAX. Which of course WILL be passed on to us. Anyone else see this in the newspaper ???
  22. Would 3 columns of smoke have helped [if he thought he was lost ]
  23. You could try Buckeye Marina in B'caygeon
  24. Sorry for your loss Jer. Always a hard decision.I've had to do it 3 times. Never easy.
  25. Yeah ! 2 hrs goes by fast dont it.You Guy's made it very interesting explaining Carp tackle and setup. Even got to see CPH land 3 for 3. Beans got 1 befor I got there Thanks Guy's
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