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BFSC Kevin

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Everything posted by BFSC Kevin

  1. OH MY GOD>..... OH MY GOD>.. MY EYES!!!.. or should i say.. HIS EYES!!! CRAP.. I should get some glasses asap..>!!
  2. i saw this on the real fishing show http://www.silverspringsretreat.com/corporate.htm maybe you can look into a bit of that.. saw them do some bass fishing there... but i wouldn't know if its open or?? check it out. cheers
  3. awesome! thanks for the report..
  4. oh.. never mind.. a skid..
  5. sorry, but whats a pallet?
  6. congrats gerrit!~
  7. krawler, where abouts are you? there are some deals to be had in canada as well. just gotta wait and see!
  8. WOOT.. another soldier to team 3!
  9. i should add, some are refurbs and some are new..
  10. i just picked up a maxxum 55lb thrust for $320 including tax.. pretty good deal considering they are normally $420 plus tax there..... i think they will have them at the show and they got some enduras at cheap prices too.. like the 30 was going for $85 i think.. just a reminder for you all that are looking for one! cheers
  11. the flyer says 500 and 20 but the site you post says 50 and 1??? i dont know...
  12. good report! just wondering, if you had squeezed her in the stomach, wouldn't the eggs had shot out as well?
  13. well.. everything is bad for you.. coal.. nuclear... even the sun because of the solar radiation, possibly giving you skin cancer. there are so many contaminants out there, the human body was strong, but because of their evolution in trying to make everything sterile and clean, they have protected them so much that even the smallest amount of poison will hurt them.
  14. hm.. its working for me.. but you can goto www.basspro.com and select the toronto store and you will the flyer there.
  15. well.. finally out for everyone to see.. thanks roger for the info. http://www.basspro.com/webapp/wcs/stores/s...UGHAN_CIRCULAR1
  16. sounds very nice of them! i'm actually not too personal with my local shops.. just go in and out.. only know one person.. aren't you glad there are these kinds of shops that are just so helpful and friendly...
  17. honda are great.. i had a 93 accord, 92 accord, 97 oddessey. great cars. great engine. also driven the civics. my brother & uncle(used to be the head mechanic at oakville honda i believe) specializes on fixing hondas. hey lew, ever considering the honda civic hybrid?
  18. yup. thanks lew.. we have something like 5 in our house. can't stess enough how important they are!!
  19. wow.. thats a heck of a deal.. never saw anything close to that.. want to sell it to me? =)
  20. ah.. i see.. well yup.. i know what the impeller is. have a manual and all but never changed it myself. the book is somewhat confusing. im guessing a 70s 6hp would be roughly same as 70s 9.9 in terms of where to get to the impeller. or just buy another manual =p
  21. changing oil i always do but new impeller eh? why do you think so? not to offend you, just to learn.
  22. i got some answers from the seller: "Stored in our shed at the cottage but it does go below freezing. Have stored it there for the past 15 years no problem. The motor was rebuilt as it was not starting well. I think most of the work was on the fuel and ignition systems. This has CDI electronic ignition by the way. The whole motor was checked. Don't think the impeller was replaced. Lost the receipt. I'm not sure exactly what they did but around $200-300 worth of work. Of course we can show it running. We used it for several years since the work was done, just bought the new motor in 06. Feel free to do a compression test." I'm just waiting for the seller to pick it up from his cottage so i can take a look.
  23. Hello, For me, I would check out- the reason for the sale last time it ran see if it was stored properly last serviced see it running before handing over the cash bill of sale pictures pictures pictures! if not in person first.
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