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BFSC Kevin

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Everything posted by BFSC Kevin

  1. lol....you stole the majority of the time.. haha.. but best story! good job..
  2. http://cgi.ebay.ca/PowerPro-Spectra-Fishin...1QQcmdZViewItem right now going for $45 + 25shipping USD.. if sold for say $55 .. that would be roughly in the end$91.. but for 1500yards of line.. thats like 6 cents a yard.. compared to reg price for 300 yards for 13 cents.. half price! for hell lotta line!
  3. mtp.. lol.. i had a scotts 12 ft flat back before..model was Feather.. was stable enough for me to stand on.. 39 inch beam. even if you dont go with a flat back canoe you can always buy or build a bracket for a motor. i see them on ebay and here is a pic.. http://www.bournemouthcanoes.co.uk/product...motor-mount.jpg i dont think it would be too hard to build one either.
  4. my concern would be that kayaks are less stable and not as much room to carry things. although i do see some around $200 mark only and they are lighter in general i believe
  5. because it is on the line, i don't know if it is 8 or 3. i assume it is 3 since it is between lake ontario and erie.
  6. is niagara falls area division 3 or same division as lake ontario? because i see pike is opened all year and i may that area at the end of the month, with trouts opening too if division 3!.. woot! thanks!
  7. that is true... 500 of the same stuff.. however the 100 lot is mixed. me thinks ebay is getting alot of attn on this board... going to start having bidding wars against our own members and jacking up the prices..lol ahh shoot
  8. i don't know anything about the birds but you love your new camera don't you~!
  9. Saw this on ebay.. not too bad of a deal.. after shipping and converting and maybe customs.. will be under $2 a peice... so saving more then half price... because buying at store you will have to add the taxes too right i asked about the shipping on it, they said additional $50 to the already s/h.. so $150USD just for S/H and this is to CANADA from the states... http://cgi.ebay.ca/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewIt...p;rd=1&rd=1 however, they do have a smaller lot of 100, i'm kind of interested in it, but I don't think i'll need 100 lures so might as well post it up for you guys to check out.. fyi additoinal $25 on top of the $30 for shipping, so $55usd in total for s/h http://cgi.ebay.ca/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewIt...p;rd=1&rd=1 again, just under $2 each good luck if you're bidding
  10. a bump before i sleep.
  11. tried calling a few times, no one picked up. give me a ring when you can/see this.
  12. you've caught more pike in one outing then i have in my life... ahh.. o well.. time for me to catch up!! great stuff!! very impressive
  13. damn.. nice stuff once again cc.. can i come with you one day??!
  14. ditto. so far so good. got some good products from there at good prices.
  15. also, relatively light? or so -so? sorry for the questions, just in the market for picking up a couple of rods. aswell looking at the compre. however i saw a used one but it has the foam handle, why's that? or is it because it is a older model?
  16. How are they? I actually never heard of them. any good? cheers
  17. hahaha.. .. thanks for the heads up gerrit..
  18. hm? mine is now working fine
  19. WHAT! i was using it before i posted here and now after posting.. it's not working.. DOH!
  20. mine didn't work last night as well... when i was using IE.. then i used my firefox.. works np.
  21. LOL>. sorry hookset.. thats a funny story.. ahhaha :clapping: note to self.. never bring dog on canoe.. second note to self.. don't get a dog..
  22. very nice.. great job again cc
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