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BFSC Kevin

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Everything posted by BFSC Kevin

  1. Typo, it better be heads....
  2. Thanks roger.
  3. saw a late 70s johnson rebuilt 9.9 for 500. it being a rebuilt = good thing? anything in particular i should check for? Actually, I assume that it is going to be pretty decent, since it's supposed to be fix now right...? well thanks for any replies!
  4. thanks to everyone and esp to bpsbassman. I was there last year but wasn't looking for a new reel, maybe this year? we'll see... can't wait to check out the flyer.. Thanks
  5. if you check out the flyer here, http://www.basspro.com/servlet/catalog.CFP...emplate=tor.cfm it says right beside the "Sales Date, March 10-18" part, in smaller print, it also says, "Price available in store only" So i assumed that they won't be posting it online, although they did last year. In addition to what Lumberjacl said, it be nice if I knew the exact price and which products, as I did compare between the spring classics from store to store. There were many same products but as well different/additional products. Thanks for all the help so far.
  6. I don't recieve it in the mail and they don't seem to be posting it on the site. So anyone please scan it for me and others? Thanks.. EDIT: WOOT! my gf got it in the mail...
  7. i never got the flyer!! anyone care to scan a copy to me? please....
  8. a peice flew off of a skyscraper and shattered a taxi's rear window..
  9. how is the condition out there on simcoe? is it some slush with snow and a layer of frozen rain? i'm thinking of heading out of keswick in the morning..
  10. hey boss, think it is possible that you scan the flyer? i can't seem to find it. I have a curado.. don't seem to know how to use it right.. every 5 or so casts there's a big birdnest..
  11. sounds great, i love you tin banger!!
  12. aw man, i was hoping of heading out for tomorrow morning. from the looks and sounds of it, doesn't seem like a bright idea.. shucks!
  13. hm.. everything points to the direction of yes 55 maxxum.. lol.. because i will be using it on my 12 ft tinny, probably on the smaller lakes or slow streams, hoping a calm not so windy day.. as long my 12volt wont drain out before the end of the day, then i'm fine. I doubt i will be having the motor go at 100%, i'm assuming most likely at 25%. BUt a question to you maxxum users out there... The level increases on the tiller is 25,50,75, and100%, can i go slower then 25? like say 15% roughly if i make it between the 0 and the 25?
  14. so looks like i will be getting the 55lb maxxum, i was debating b/w the 33 and the 55 maxxum. now i guess more power = better. and sorry fishnfiend, just sold it already.
  15. hmm.. another thing.. i dont think i will be taking my 12tinny on really windy days.. is the 30lb to a 55lb thrust a HUGE jump?on the minmum speed on the maxxum 55, i think it's 25%? would that be equivalent to speed level 5 on the endura 30?
  16. very nice report.. lucky kids.. that never happened to me before..
  17. maybe he was a bit scared in his compact car? being rather small and fragile compared to others...
  18. since i missed the fishing show, i'll be heading out
  19. well i'm impressed. around how many hours did it take you to make that?
  20. anyone have any interesting or crazy stories that you saw otherw were doing while driving? for me, when I just picked up my boat and was driving down don mills, We looked over and the guy beside us was crazy enough to be reading the newspaper over his steering while driving. I thought that was nuts, ,really worth catching up on the news while driving and risking lives? yeesh. and yes we all know about cell phone talkers..
  21. hey mike, 259? i saw them for $275... and when were the 50lbs discountinued anyone knows? opps. made an error, 275 not 175.
  22. just a tip about those, they are refurbished. but if you don't mind, not a bad deal. and the spring classic is happening soon at bass pro, im waiting to see what is there first. i doubt they'll sell out of those minn kotas in these two weeks.
  23. even so, you must turn the boat/trailer around so you can get to the tow bar, which is wehre the motor is, unless you plan on backing in at the ramp, and in that case, you will need to pull the motor out of the water and then there must be a dock so you can get out and pull it backwards manually to the truck..
  24. not bad! but the design has some faults. like when you need to tow the boat out of the water, but the bar is on the motor side, which is the deeper side and you will need to flip the boat around in order to tow it out.
  25. very nice. welcome!
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