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BFSC Kevin

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Everything posted by BFSC Kevin

  1. oh wow.. boy, CC you sure do get out alot... and not only that.. you sure do catch alot too..! very nice.
  2. damn... i don't feel so young anymore! welcome aboard. have fun, you'll learn lots here.
  3. Also.. anyone tried or seen the stren sinking braid?? comments on that?
  4. looks like the top three are superbraid, pp and fireline.. how about we just make a poll for it then..?
  5. really? the superbraid was $15 for 300? i know it was that for 2006 but i didn't know they had it for 2007! dammit.. or else i would've picked up another spool.. oh well...
  6. i dont know.. i had 12lb ironsilk.. and after using braid.. i dont think i will go back.. i love how much thinner the braids are... superbraid has been good to me so far, more bent hooks then broken lines.. maybe only 1 break off..
  7. im really curious to try out some PP on my some of my reels then..
  8. Well i've used only spider wire and stren super braid. I found the super braid really good, very little memory and smooth casts.. The spirder wire i thoght was a bit sticky so it didn't cast too well.. never used power pro before, hows that?
  9. so while i was walking and i noticed that there was a little stream. so i headed down to take a closer look. and to my surprise, there were some fish! i believe it is the creek that runs into bluffs park in scarborough. but i was not 100% on what kind of fish it was, if it was a sucker or a trout. would i be allowed to fish for it next week when i pass by again? and bring my rod along with me...? normally i dont target those speicies.. so can anyone help me out?
  10. sounds like you two had a pretty good time, i'll be sure to hook up with you guys this may!
  11. atleast you got some follows.. went three times last week, not even a follow. although i did see a goby and a carp.
  12. great job.. wish i got something.!
  13. and fyi menagerie pet shop at parliment has them.. i emailed them and they gave me this price list... Mealworms (large) superworms 1 - 99 =15 cents ea 100 - 249 = 10 cents ea 250+ = 8 cents ea Mealworms (small) 1 - 999 = 3 cents ea 1000+ = 2 cents ea Waxworms 1 - 99 = 15 cents ea 100 - 249 = 12.5 cents ea 250+ = 10 cents ea Butterworms 1 - 9 = 60 cents ea 10+ = 50 cents ea Silkworms (medium size) 1 - 9 = 80 cents ea 10+ = 70 cents ea Earthworms (dew worms) Dozen container = $2.99 Red Worms 1 - 49 = 30 cents ea 50+ = 25 cents ea
  14. legs? legs on the mealworms..? why do you need those off? or are you talking about the adult beatles?
  15. you should try to breed the mealworms.. real easy.. i used to do it.. search it on google
  16. i just went ahead and booked six mile .... the boat is a small 12 footer, but i will be bringing the trailer along with it. for me, i'd rather have it more like a bush thing, but for my friends' sake, we're going with the shower and electrical.
  17. or any place with good fishing at that time too.. please..? probably looking at max 3.5 hr drive from toronto.
  18. alright.. looks like i will be camping with my friends in may.. so pike should be open by then.. probably looking at something in the algonquin area or muskoka? anyone know of any good camping places with some pike i can go for around there? will try to bring my boat as well. thanks!
  19. hey frozen fire.. if i were you, i'd look around your local ponds, some of those hold some nice fish..
  20. i went to the spits three days in a row.. but today, must be because of the warm temps, i bumped into 6 other fisherman. but all the same story.. nothing.. cheers kevin
  21. my guess is tiger musky.. i wonder if anyone ever had their camera get bitten by a fish? haha
  22. same here, i see tons on my lawn.. go out and get them!! i would grab some but i don't think i need them yet anyway... spare them for another time..
  23. some of those don't look too right.. a 1985 for only $65...
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