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Everything posted by Spiel

  1. I'm all for using a portion or all of my monthly hydro consumption to electrocute this disaster of a Premier. The sooner the better!
  2. Mmmmmm, venison loin pieces. Marinated all afternoon in olive oil and cider vinegar with a dash garlic. Tossed onto a very hot BBQ'd for 90 seconds a side and served with some left over oven roasted veggies.
  3. Phyllo pastry sheets Doug. Never ever having used or cooked with any sort of pastry I erred by not applying an egg wash between each layer. The bottom and sides did okay as there was moisture to be had from the gravy but the top layers were a little dry and badly separated.
  4. I made my first pot pie the other day as well. Pretty basic ingredients but in the future I'll be learning how to make my own pastry. Built 3"s thick in a 4 liter corning wear casserole dish. Very tasty......
  5. Well I spent the afternoon in the kitchen yesterday, made the Dill Pickle Soup and a Chicken Pot pie. Seemed like the best way to spend a grey rainy afternoon. For now here's a look at the Soup. It started with turning Sundays Capon in to stock on Monday. After it was strained and meat set aside for the pot pie I had 13 cups of stock. More than enough to double the soup recipe with 2 cups set aside also for the pot pie. Though as luck would have it I was a tad short on a few ingredients to double everything so I went with what I had. Turned out far tastier than I had expected, definitely a must make again soup. I'm even betting it would be a good summer soup serve chilled. The original recipe here.... http://noblepig.com/2013/03/dill-pickle-soup/ My doubled version with a few changes.... Dill Pickle Soup Ingredients 11 cups chicken broth 3 pounds russet or red potatoes, peeled and quartered (I used red, was a good choice) 4 cups chopped carrots (smaller dice) 2 cup chopped dill pickles (smaller dice ~ about 6 large whole dills) 1/2 cup unsalted butter (I used salted and did not double the amount) 1-1/2 cup all-purpose flour (a little less than the double amount) 1 cup sour cream (1 cup was all I had, it was plenty) 2 cups dill pickle juice* 1/2 teaspoon table salt 1/2 teaspoon coarsely ground pepper 1/4 teaspoon cayenne pepper Garnish (optional) Directions In a large pot, combine broth, potatoes, carrots and butter. Bring to a boil and cook until the potatoes are tender. Add pickles and continue to boil. In a medium bowl, stir together flour, sour cream and pickle juice, making a paste. Vigorously whisk sour cream mixture (2 Tablespoons at a time) into soup. (This will also break up some of your potatoes which is okay. You might see some initial little balls of flour form, but between the whisking and boiling all will disappear. Don't panic.) Add salt (*see below), pepper and cayenne. Cook 5 more minutes and remove from heat. Serve immediately. *All pickle juice is not created equal. Some is saltier than others. Taste your soup after adding the pickle juice and final seasonings. It's possible you will not need any salt or would prefer more or less.
  6. So, it was delish. Leftovers galore of course. There'll be a few plates of repeat, some hot chicken sandwiches with gravy to follow mid week. Some of the meat will become chicken pot pies. The stock I'll be making and freezing will hopefully become this.... http://noblepig.com/2013/03/dill-pickle-soup/ Sounds to good not to try at least once. Bon appetite all.
  7. Boy I love reading what you all are cooking as much as I like cooking. Trust me, I may not comment on it all but nothing is lost on me, I've been inspired but much here and I've book marked the thread due to short term memory issues.
  8. Well it's Easter and Happy Easter to all. It's just Brook and I here today but we both have to eat so I'm busy in the kitchen. Dinner is an 11lb local farm free range Capon. Rubbed down with the appropriate spices both under and on the skin and is now cooking using the "high heat" method. Always perfect! Complimenting that is a mix of red taters, carrots, onions and green peppers tossed (and currently marinating) in an olive oil/garlic/apple cider vinegar dressing that will go in the oven to roast at the appropriate time. Also decided to use a recipe my daughter shared with me since I had all the ingredients on hand and the half cabbage needed to be used (also to be roasted). http://www.bloglovin.com/blogs/paleo-diet-lifestyle-paleo-diet-tips-recipes-3003066?blog=3003066&post=1695384977&viewer=true Brook will be getting all the giblets as I will have more than I need for the week.
  9. The answers are there for you, you only need to read them. And here's the link to the general rules as well.... http://ontariofishingcommunity.com/forums/index.php?app=forums&module=extras&section=boardrules
  10. Thanks Lew. Burial at sea is appropriate for the ole girl me thinks.
  11. Just home from seeing this years tour of Brit Floyd. Second time seeing them in 12 months and I'd go again in a heart beat. Here's a clip from a few years back.
  12. Well it'll soon be time for a bowl of home made split pea soup. Made the stock yesterday, finished the soup today. Ingredients all in the pot with the bone. Boil gently for a few hours. Strained and all the good smoked pork stripped from the bone and set aside. Over night in the fridge, skimmed excess fat off this morning, added the yellow split peas and a few other goodies and voila! Dinner for me.
  13. Terribly sad news. Thanks for keeping us all up to speed Lew.
  14. I've read a wee bit about "stinging nettle" over the years. It's certainly plentiful, can you tell me more about harvest times and uses?
  15. I'm very familiar with Starsky's as it's near by, great shop. I am however unfamiliar with the Punjabi Market but I know where it is. Must check it out. Thanks JD.
  16. Looks like I'll be eating this smoked pork shoulder for a while. Next on the agenda is to pickle a big brisket slab for corned beef. I near died when I saw the price recently, that's how I ended up with the pork and cabbage dinner. I'm also thinking I should get the smoker out after seeing Cliff's slab of bacon, yum!
  17. Tip guides have 2 measurements, ring size in mm and tube size in 64ths of an inch. If you can figure out what the sizes are Rick I'll check my supply for you.
  18. That "invisible button" only showed up on my mobile mid way through last evening. I have no answer as to why yet.
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