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Everything posted by Spiel

  1. No issues with mine on Mobile. But given the recent posts it would seem we have a "ghost in the machine." Affects some, not others. Stay tuned.
  2. Everything here just makes me hungry so I got up and put this on for dinner. A 13lb smoked pork picnic shoulder in the slow cooker with some apple cider vinegar and onion, bay leaf and fresh cracked black pepper. Around noon I'll add cabbage, red potatoes and carrots with a splash of honey. You can be sure a split pea soup will follow before the week's over.
  3. That sounds awesome Doug. Been a while since I had rabbit. Tonight's dinner (and future dinners) was thrown together from some freezer items and cupboard items that needed to be used up. Took out some frozen turkey stock I made a few months back. Added a bunch of frozen turkey meat I had put aside for the soup. Added a few veggies, diced carrots, celery, onion and some frozen blanched green beans and snow peas from the fall. The bulk of the soup is mushrooms and green lentils. It'll be served shortly with some fresh sliced buttered bread.
  4. Exactly. But as I noted, great shot.
  5. My hydro has almost doubled in the last few years from and average of $80.00 a month to an average of $150.00 month. Yes, smart meter and I do all laundry and such in the non peak hours. Gas for my annual budget billing (Aug to July) in the same time frame has gone from $76.00 a month to a $119.00 a month and I'm currently sitting with an $85.00 credit. Water averages about $35.00 a month, it's up but I'm not sure by what %. For perspective that's for 1500 square feet with another 1500 for the basement.
  6. Venison Steak Dinner After marinating in olive oil and apple cider vinegar for 48 hours they're ready for the BBQ. Medium rare. Into the frying pan (covered) with the onions to rest for 10 minutes, no heat! Onions were sauteed in Hoisin sauce and butter and fresh minced garlic. Then plated with Basmati rice, and corn, yum!
  7. Thanks right back to you. I do know they'll be good. Marinating now for tomorrow or the day after.
  8. This thread continually makes me hungry.....BACON! Here you go Doug.
  9. I don't listen to those either so is my opinion of "C"rap not valid?
  10. Knowing the area well for 4 decades and having fished it in both open and frozen water I'd say he's nuts! Or I'm a coward. Kudos to him for doing it, but certainly not something I recommend anyone to try.
  11. Never heard of him and now that you've mentioned it, I wish you hadn't.
  12. I don't shoot 'em Doug nor butcher them but my friend tells me there 3/4" slabs from the hip loin. 1 part apple cider vinegar to 3 parts olive oil, fresh cracked black pepper and fresh pressed garlic cloves, marinate for a few days the medium rare on the BBQ. The crowd from "Weekend at Bernie's" will attest to there deliciousness.
  13. I love this thread, saving much of what I see. I have this thawing in the fridge now (venison hip steaks), marinate it for a day or two in apple cider vinegar then on the BBQ to medium rare.
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