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Everything posted by Spiel

  1. Rumour has it everything you do is premature.
  2. This sort of thing always floors me. Do the naysayers think thier homes, jobs, cars and lifestyles came without any affect on this planet? Truth is the outdoorsmen (women) are more in tune with what effects their natural suroundings than those who live in glass houses! Christ I loathe these uninformed stone throwers!
  3. You know it's warm when you go outside for a smoke (yes I smoke outside) and you set your beer down on the BBQ and you have to swat away one hornet (yellow jacket) and two houseflies! It's still March right? Sure wish I was sitting on Simcoe targeting whities with Fish Farmer.
  4. Indeed well done, in fact it's spectacular! Great job on that one as well Dave. Man I'd love to hit a river that big some day! Wait till it's all mush Mike, your gonna wonder if it was ever any better, I think.....
  5. I've had a number of tanks in the past, nothing over 35 gallons. Had the usual guests, piranha, oscars and assorted tropicals. I currently have a 175 gal. bow front awaiting setup in my unfinished rec room and will likely put in largemouth and assorted panfish or maybe brookies. I'd like a few brookies but I'll need to investigate a water cooling system.
  6. LOL....That's funny, cause it sounds a lot like me....
  7. Your a smart one Mike, pull cast and or modified Wallis cast is how I learned and all I do. In fact as I learned them so many years back I had know idea that there was a name for it. As for only a 100 meters of line, never even been close to getting spooled.
  8. Everyone has a preference and so do I. For me 6lb Maxima Ultra Green, 100 meter spool and no backing.
  9. Well then an 8' to 9' moderate action should suit you fine.
  10. Nice! Congrats my friend, you've earned it. See how it pays off to be in the right company....
  11. All these Simcoe posts are killing me. Good job on washing away the "skunk" Joey, that'll make for some fine eating.
  12. What type of bait fishing, still fishing or drifting?. And the target species, bass, walleye, cats?
  13. I'll add acouple more things here. First those blades definitely look to be in need of sharpening, if you do it yourself be sure to only sharpen from the top side off the blade, never the bottom. Shims need to be placed between the auger head and the blade on the cutting edge side of the bolts to steepen the angle of attack. Also note that the offset handle auger requires rotation with both arms as seen in this video. Hope this helps.
  14. I have the same auger and I can assure you they were not upside down in the first picture, they are however upside down now.
  15. I've no doubt it's a wonderful feeling Lew. I'm happy for you and Diane.
  16. That may be so but they'll always be trout in my mind. I'm stubborn. All white mouths and repeat spawning, both things true Pacific salmon lack. Damn taxonomists....
  17. I won't hold my breath waiting to see it. My condolences to his family, a terrible loss.
  18. Considering many of the posts you've made here the only thing that comes to mind, childish as it may seem is, "takes one to know one."
  19. I agree with those who said take her down to the studs. Then replace with cement board as Irishfield mentioned. If this tub is on an outside wall it's also a good opportunity to check the insulation and vapour barrier as well, assuming there is a vapour barrier.
  20. I posted this last year, might help.....? http://www.ofncommunity.com/forums/index.p...&hl=dremmel Once you're sure the blades are sharp try shimming them, you may need to play with shim thickness till you find just the right one.
  21. Well GLS, I guess over the 35 years I've been building rods there isn't much I haven't built. Prices will generally run from a few hundred dollars to over a thousand. Depends entirely on what the customer wants. Here's a shot of the butt wraps on 2 of my float rods. This one belongs to Gerritt, the butt wrap is pre finish.
  22. You have much to learn Grasshopper.
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