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Everything posted by Spiel

  1. LOL, yep just a quick tip guide replacement for I'mHooked. Nice to have met you to Craig and thanks for the baits, I hope to put them to good use soon.
  2. A gracious and generous host, new friends and old, outstanding cuisine mixed with a few drinks, awesome scenery mixed with a little fishing and stellar weather equals one great Canadian weekend. The down side, my neck is killing me but it was great to get out of the house and the city for a few days.
  3. Dang, you beat me to it Dave.
  4. There are pike, mostly small and in 2 weeks from now bass will still be closed.
  5. Spiel

    Dock shots

    You have the gift my friend. But honestly I thought this thread was going to be about drinking on the dock.
  6. Cool, I'm happy for you and your family Mike and you'll be 5 minutes closer to me now, no excuse not to come out and see you once in a while.
  7. Stellar report Simon. Honestly this picture put a big smile on my face.
  8. Dang! A Kodak moment for sure!
  9. I used to be quite rabid for fly fishing but as of late I've been less than active. I hope to get back into it in a big way someday, soon. You might want to have a look around here, I used to participate some years ago. http://flyfishingforums.hipwader.com/
  10. Flying I could likely handle, back packing in, not a chance. Are we hiring Irishfield.
  11. An incredible opportunity, I wish I was able to take advantage of it.
  12. If'n I didn't like you Mike it'd be easy to hate you.
  13. I can not tell you for certain what it is but I can tell you what it is not, and it's not deer scat.
  14. You could try PM'ing a Mod. To answer your question there is a minimum post requirement before members can use the classifieds, you're almost there. Helps cut down on the frequent abuse and spamming of the classifieds.
  15. Hmmmmm, not! Deer scat..... http://www.google.ca/images?hl=en&source=imghp&q=deer+scat&btnG=Search+Images&gbv=2&aq=f&aqi=&aql=&oq=&gs_rfai=
  16. It might be a real plus for those who want or have to do any dock repairs.
  17. Spiel

    Oh JOEY!

    Happy B'day Miss Joey. Did you take the day off work to go hit some whitefish?
  18. Geeeez, I'm glad it's your B'day and not mine. I'd hate to spend my B'day in the basement building a new lathe for turning the cork handles on your new rods. I hope you're having a great day my friend.
  19. Shimano took over the Loomis line of rods, Frontier is a different animal and won't be covered by Shimano warranty to the best of my knowledge. Unfortunately I think you'll find that you're stuck with a broken rod.
  20. Asian carp threat to our Great Lakes May 10, 2010 JON WELLS / www.thespec.com Hamilton's most recent aquatic visitor who didn't belong -- a gator spotted in a Confederation Park pond - was a lively conversation piece last week. But the very real threat posed by aquatic invasive species -- most notably the hated Asian carp -- pose an immediate environmental danger to the Great Lakes, greater than global warming. That was one message at a workshop hosted by the Bay Area Restoration Council Saturday at Royal Hamilton Yacht Club. "We are on the cusp of a new invasion, we ignore the problem at our peril," said Lindsay Chadderton, a biology professor from Notre Dame University, one of those who spoke to a group of about 40. Speaker Hugh MacIsaac, director of the Canadian Aquatic Invasive Species Network in Windsor. "Climate change may become the issue of our time, but biological invasion is a far more important issue right now," said MacIsaac. Foreign aquatic species reproducing in the Great Lakes have always been an issue, but never more so now than with Asian carp, which have voracious appetites, can weigh 40 kilograms and will upset the ecological balance of the lakes if they make a home there. The entry point for the carp is Lake Michigan. What it could mean for Hamilton is Lake Ontario's sensitive fish eco-system is thrown for another loop, one it may not be able to recover from, and in turn will damage the campaign to rehabilitate Hamilton Harbour and Cootes Paradise. The Asian carp invasion problem has roots in human behaviour. According to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, two species of Asian carp -- the bighead and silver -- were imported by U.S. catfish farmers in the 1970s to remove algae from their ponds. Flooding in the early 1990s allowed the carp to make their way to waterways in the Mississippi River basin. That basin connects to Lake Michigan, primarily through a canal lock system near Chicago. Illinois authorities have been slaughtering Asian carp by dumping poison in key points in the canal to stop them from entering the big lake. There is also an electric fence barrier to deter them as well. But Asian carp DNA has been found at points beyond that fence. Michigan's Attorney General has called for closing off five river entrances to the lake altogether, including locks that would have an impact on shipping. That measure has not yet found political traction. U.S. President Barack Obama, whose home state is Illinois, has in the past pledged a zero tolerance policy toward foreign species invasions in the Great Lakes. The political drive to attack the issue likely comes to a head in the coming months, as a new Great Lakes Water Quality agreement is negotiated between Canada and the U.S. Public input will be received this month and next. For more information, go to the Great Lakes United website at glu.org.
  21. Welcome to OFC Kyle, you live in a beautiful corner of the province.
  22. I leave my 3 at home.
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