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Everything posted by Spiel

  1. Spring water, uh definitely NO! Go to any pharmacy and you should be able to get a gallon (ok 4 liter?) jug for a couple of bucks. But to be honest if it was me I'd go to any outlet that sells batteries (automotive centers, garages) and ask them to fill it up with battery acid, most should have it, as batteries to the best of my knowledge are shipped dry.
  2. I haven't heard from Solo so I'm guessing there's been no new additions as to who's going.
  3. Bronte Creek will get 'CPR' to help breathe new life into it Aug 18, 2010 / http://www.thespec.com/ A Bronte Creek restoration project in north Burlington is expected to be a model of how to rehabilitate precious waterways damaged by urban development. "Presently, Bronte Creek is running a fever," said Trout Unlimited biologist Jack Imhof by way of explaining how development has warmed and polluted municipal creeks and streams. "We need to bring that fever down." Calling Bronte Creek a jewel of the Niagara Escarpment, Imhof said like many jewels, it has become tarnished, physically ill and in need of help. The Restoration of Bronte Creek in Lowville Park project will see more trees planted along the creek in the park and narrowing the waterway to encourage habitat for fish and other wildlife, said fellow biologist Mary Finch. It means the creek won't be as shallow as it is now in some areas of the park, but brook trout and Atlantic salmon, two species once natural to the area, can be re-introduced, she said. The project is "CPR for the creek," and a model for restoration in areas of urban development, said Trout Unlimited executive director Len Yust. "When the fish come back as is hoped, it's a sign it's working ... If trout is present, there's clean water," he said. "A lot of people feel overwhelmed with global warming, but if we can get people engaged in this, there's hope." Conservation Halton chairperson Brian Penman said the project is a smaller model of what landowners along the entire Bronte Creek watershed can do and is important to the region's drinking water as well as wildlife since the creek empties into Lake Ontario, the water source for 90 per cent of the people in the conservation authority's watershed. The $300,000 project was highlighted by officials at Lowville Park during a federal government funding contribution announcement yesterday of $90,000. Other funding includes $100,000 from the city of Burlington and $20,000 from Trout Unlimited, the project proponent. This restoration is part of the larger five-year, $500,000 Bronte Creek Watershed Renewal Program started last year.
  4. My condolences as well Ron, to you, his family and all his friends, I'm sure there are many.
  5. If Gary's not over seeing the production than it's a Shimano product, no?
  6. To be clear I'm not saying the NRX's are not good rods (blanks), I've never used one. The best rods I own are Loomis (pre Shimano days), but I'll be honest there are other blanks out there for less money that are perhaps easier on the wallet and I do have some. And lets face it, most any rod out there today built today by a reputable known company is definitely better than anything your father used, hell likely better than anything you used a few decades ago. What often separates factory rods from custom is the quality of assembly and attention to detail. I have had many, very many well known rod manufacturers rods come through my door for repairs that would have been unnecessary if they had been built properly from the get go. Another problem with many well known high end rods is that to shave costs while maximizing profits they're frequently under guided. As I said in another thread on NRX a while back, if Shimano isn't going to offer the custom/home rod builder any blanks it's likely I'll never own one. And I got be honest here, the colour of the guide wraps on the one's I've seen were just brutal. What the hell were they thinking.
  7. Whether they are the best or not is yet to be determined. IMHO At any rate these are a Shimano product with the Loomis name slapped on them. I would also suspect the mark up on these over production cost to be considerable.
  8. That ole trick is in know way a means by which to test the sensitivity of a fishing rod as it'll work with just about any solid object. That's all I was trying to convey.
  9. That'll also work with a steel bar or a piece of hardwood dowel.
  10. I'm certain that that is the case Rick, I've watched it closely and I've know doubt that a few of the contestants are. One in particular goes up 4 votes a minute, every minute for hours on end. I will keep voting and I'm grateful to all of you here who are helping. Thank you.
  11. Awesome Dan, kids and camping go hand in hand, I feel for the young ones who have never experienced it. My kids have missed it over the last couple of years and they're 15, 16 and 18.
  12. I guarantee you that if I left my cover with open access (in my driveway) I'd being facing expensive repair costs after evicting the racoons.
  13. Yep, like others have said great shots. Seems like you're getting the hang of that new camera. I'm gonna agree with what some of the others have said in regards to it being a Cowbird, why else would the Cardinal feed it.
  14. Would it have been okay if he was using Rapalas while wearing a Rapala shirt, just curious. The way it's been going for me these days Diggyj, I'd be happy catching anyone of those fish.
  15. It's not likely I'll ever get there but with a post like this I feel like I've enjoyed the experience right here from my own home. Very interesting and entertaining, like Ryan said, "thanks for taking the time."
  16. I think a 12v continuity tester should do it. One end to the red wire feeding the instrument panel and the other to the ground (black) wire leaving the panel. Make sure the panel power supply switch is on.
  17. My pleasure Jack. It's easy to see that your an accomplished carver when I see work such as this. That's also some good advice for anyone looking to get started in carving. Thanks for taking the time to reply.
  18. Indeed a great pic TJ. Looks like an expensive Summer for you though.
  19. Sending Nanook a PM would be a good start, I believe he is are resident expert on wood carving. Or perhaps wait for him to see this post.
  20. Indispensable.... http://www.idealindu...tage_tester.jsp I have an older home that for the most part is and has been a wiring nightmare. Without something like the above tester, for determining what is hot and what is not I never would have been able to replace any fixtures, switches or outlets. I know that's of no help now but if you liking doing your own renos and such it's something you should aquire.
  21. You da man Dad, a great outing for the three of yous! But where's the shots of you hitting the water....
  22. Now you've gone and done it, I'm beyond verklempt.
  23. Indeed, though I suspect Mackenzie is fighting a losing battle. Roy and I have watched closely for a few days now and we suspect that voting fraud is rampant in this contest. Sad when others, many who have written very worthy essays are left falling further and further behind. In the end though honesty and integrity will win the day for those who play by the rules.
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