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Everything posted by fishingwithbob

  1. You make some good points TJ, but then again you are the guy who walked through the bush in his socks (on purpose) and posted it to YouTube My point of view was that I don’t think we have heard the last from Highland on this yet.
  2. yup, that would suck. Maybe next year they should work a couple of extra months to be able to afford to get off the boat and onto land
  3. Yup, right around 45.4 million killograms? We all know how you love google Roy. http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/story/2011/10/10/melancthon-quarry.html
  4. Using the existing farms they purchased to be turned into the quarry. Lets see how long they want to keep their money tied up with a green thumb.
  5. Nothing stopping them from re-applying for a smaller quarry to get their foot in the area without as much hassle (i.e. environmental assessments, etc.). Wait to see if they put the land back up for sale or not. That will be a key indicator of future plans, as I doubt they plan on getting into “potato farming“ like they said when they were purchasing the parcels.
  6. Anyone calculate how big of a hole he is going to make?
  7. My name is Lew and I like to catch Muskie and smile in pictures.
  8. If you only made it 15-20 feet there is probably a good chance the truck was already in the process of switching into a lane(the one you turned into) that was previously clear. Think you do take some of the blame. Now had you travelled say 50-100 (or more) feet I would have different thoughts. #justsayin
  9. Jeez, I miss read that as “extremely hot excrement”
  10. Weapons grade hot pepper, been looking for them in our local greenhouses but never find them. Not sure you will be able to taste the vodka, but that could be a good thing. Try the Scorpion next. Over 1.5 mill on the scale
  11. Think I'm missing something? Where is the roadrunner? beep beep Acme at it's best.
  12. Hopefully Bill 16 will pass third reading and the amendments put in place to repeal the BSL law.
  13. http://www.northbaynipissing.com/2012/07/police-shoot-cougar-south-of-huntsville/
  14. Geez Ron, you really are a pain in the ass Keep up the good work
  15. watch out for that....... shoal.... Nevermind.....
  16. The St. Jacobs Farmers’ Market is open: • Thursday and Saturday 7 am - 3:30 pm all year • Tuesdays 8 am - 3 pm in the summer From: http://www.stjacobs.com/farmers-market
  17. Might want to go a day ahead or day later, then you won't be disappointed.
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