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Everything posted by Oktravis

  1. ok tire on shorncliffe in etobicoke 416 236 1277(just happens to be where i work) just call and ask any of the guys at the counter i cant guaranty they will be the cheapest but we have lots of stock price all depends on the car travis
  2. i have seen that on many many different models across all manufactures.those bushings fail all the tine. yours is not that bad and probably is not making any noise unless it is hitting the cross member at the bottom.the noise it makes would be a clunk over bumps.if you have a continuous noise i would be looking at the bearings or tires.those trucks also are bad for the front sway bar links but that would also make a clunk over bumps to replace that bushing ,you need to replace the hole control arm.they don't sell that bushing separately good luck travis
  3. done. that's a good pic good luck travis
  4. done
  5. done
  6. i hit chemong today for the first time. i trolled and trolled on both sides of the cosway and got nothing maybe next time i guess travis
  7. i have a 2 hp on a 16 ft sea nimph.when i troll in to the wind the 2 hp is not enough to keep me going straight..i would suggest getting something bigger.i'm going to look for something in the 6 hp or better. good luck travis
  8. that is crazy
  9. lets keep the heavy goin! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HY_B0fQ4DDg&feature=related and some not quite as heavy enjoy travis
  10. I'm right there with you man when i have produced enough sweat that there is a puddle on the floor around the car I'm working on .i don't need to hear how hot it is.especially from the service mangler that just came out of the a/ced office keep cool travis
  11. i use the citica e and i can cast just as far or farther than with a spinning setup. i'll never go back to a spinning reel. there is nothing to be scared of when it comes to a baitcaster it just takes some practice.like others have said put on 1/2 oz weight and start casting.you will be casting with the best of them in no time. if you have the extra money go with the curado but you cant go wrong with ether of those reels. happy casting travis
  12. I have the 201e and it is my go to reel.you cant go wrong with shimano.mine is loaded with 50# pp and is on a mh muskie compre . i love it.i'm considering buying another!!
  13. Aikman A Sporting Goods Novar Road Mississauga, ON L5B 1S4 (905) 277-3595 it is at dundas and confederation pkwy( 5 & 10 area) it is great ,you just drop it on the counter he gives you a new one and that's it travis
  14. thanks evrybody for the input.i'm going to try the humber.they are close to me .i'll let you know how it goes thanks travis
  15. i havent seen them anywhere but you should try calling jb's fishing depot.they might have something or point you in the right direction travis
  16. my mouth is really watering thinking of fishing the islands this fall.my understanding is you need the license to boat anywhere from ashbridges bay to the airport my Question is where is the best/easiest/fastest place to get it. i see that i can go tho the port authority .i also see that i can go to humber collage .at the collage it is more expensive .like 80$.but they have there own boats.is there anywhere else that is better?For the guys that have it what are your thoughts? thanks travis
  17. them some nice fish there boys. I have thought a lot about taking my boat around TO but i don't have a harbor license(or whatever they call it now)did you need the license to get on those fish? travis
  18. very nice collection of fish! i love that shirt,i want one travis
  19. did the battery only die once or does it go dead every night?what has happened in my shop before is when the car was in the shop.the battery went dead for some reason(usual the key was left on for a while)it was only boosted to get the car going but not charged properly .so when you drove the car home the battery was not charged enough .1/4 mile is not that far so the alt may not have time to charge the battery good enough for it to sit over night.you need to give the battery a good charge and see if it goes dead again. if it goes dead again you probably have a draw of some sort that will need to be diagnosed.I can say that i haven't seen many starters draw and not make a lot of noise(like the starter continuously running)testing the battery when it is fully charged is not a bad idea also hope this helps travis
  20. i owned one of those reals and loved it.was the first decent bait caster i owned.it is not the best quality shimano makes but i abused it for 3 years and it never let me down.i would still be using it if i didn't loose it in cooks bay last year.it has been discontinued and replaced with the citica that i have now.i still miss that real.for that price you cant go wrong travis
  21. my first thought would be the neutral safety switch,i think ford calls it the DTR sensor(Digital Transmission Range)or maybe the ignition switch.you would need to check and find out if you loosing power on 1 of the 3 positive wires at the back of the radio when its not working.i think there is 3 fuses if you don't want to take the radio out but you should also check the ground.if you are loosing a power you are going to need a wiring diagram and just trace the circuit back till you find where it went. if the radio was good you need to do the same thing on the factory amp if you have one. if all power and grounds are ok you could have a communication problem.i think that year is CAN communication .then you will need a scan tool and it could get a lot more complicated. good luck travis
  22. i haven't been there this season yet but jb's fishing depot sells it by the jar.you can try them J B's Fishing Depot (416) 614-7222 travis
  23. so I'm driving west on lakeshore just passed Dixie in Mississauga at 9 pm or so.all of a sudden i see a flash in the corner of my eye and BAM!!.a group of deer ran across the road and one of them clipped the back corner of my van.blew out the window and dented the rear quarter.i never saw the deer , it ran away.people saw it and stopped and told me what it was .they were crossing the road at the hydro fields where the 4 sisters use to be.a coworker goes by there on his way to work and the deer were running around the field the next morning.scared me half to death.i have lived there a long time and this is the first deer I've seen on lakeshore if you drive lakeshore watch out! Travis
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