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Everything posted by Oktravis

  1. ill be out as soon as the ice is gone and there is an hour of light after 6:00 when i get off work.i cant wait.
  2. thanks for the heads up.I took them up on there offer. btw, on the first screen it says $1.00 then on the next screen it says $1.50 still better than cover price
  3. Those are some crazy pics. I would have never thought cormorants would eat fish that big Travis
  4. the question i have is when you put the truck in 4x4 is the front drive shaft spinning in to the front axle?this is a way to isolate if your problem is in the front axle or in your transfercase.if the drive shaft spins the fault is in the front axle.i have seen many of thoes 4x4 systems where the actuator will move but the fork inside the axle wont move.if that is the case some dissasemly of your axle is involved to free up the fork. hope this helps travis
  5. F.Y.I. a provincal e-test is good for a year from the date on the paper work but you must have the original paper.if you lose the paper you need another test. travis
  6. D would be your best bet. I never caught anything there my self, but have seen fish there through out the year. Dont over look the public boat lanch. My friend caught a 3 lbs bass there a few years ago Good luck Travis
  7. I bought one of these from ebay it is the best thing for charging glow lures.there is tons of them out there http://cgi.ebay.ca/AAA-21-LED-UV-VIOLET-FL...1QQcmdZViewItem Ill never go back to the flash Travis
  8. I don’t like the idea of unelected politicians running the province or in cabinet positions so I will be voting no. The way it is, is just fine for me Travis
  9. I have a 98 3.3 caravan and when the motor is at operating temp I get a light knocking noise mostly heard at idle. It sounds like lifter noise but it’s not loud enough. My noise is piston slap. Chrysler used short sleeve pistons and Teflon coated them. The coating wears a bit and causes the piston to slap. For me the only fix is to replace the pistons. I work with a guy that has a 96 caravan 3.3 and his has been making noise since 98 with no problems. . I have decided to live with it. There use to be a bullion but I cant find it now. i would be a good idea to check the oil pressure so you can rule that out Try listening to other 3.3 and 3.8 and see if they make the same noise to. Hope this helps Later Travis
  10. Thanks for sharing. The charts are excellent Travis
  11. Man that’s excellent. thanks for posting
  12. mississauga born and raised
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